On Friday 24th October - United Nations day - we held a coffee morning for our EAL parents. Hampshire EMTAS (Ethnic Minority and Traveller Achievement Service) supported us with a presentation of the expectations of schools in England. There were several bilingual assistants present to meet and chat with our parents and all felt it was an excellent morning.
We plan to have another coffee morning next half term, to look at the teaching of phonics, so watch out for the date.
Young Interpreter's Conference 2014
We had a fabulous day, with lots of different workshops that we all enjoyed. The children were a credit to the school both in behaviour and in the amount of medals and cups we won for each workshop!
I am very proud of all my Young Interpreters this year and look forward to working with a new group of children next year. Good luck to the Y2 children moving to the juniors - your task is to take the Y. I. message and good practice with you and help form a junior school Y. I. group.
Mrs King
Our Young Interpreters are looking forward to attending the "Y.I. Conference" at the end of June, and meeting children from other schools who hold the same role as them. There are lots of different activities on offer and plenty of fun ways to learn about different cultures and customs.
We will take photos so we can share our experiences with you.
This term in Young Interpreter's Club we have been working on a project to create a booklet to show new parents what school uniform we have, and other things that we need to bring with us to school.
When it is finished we are going to have it translated into Polish and hopefully other languages too.