

Infant School

Aiming High, Achieving Together

Young Interpreters

The Young Interpreter scheme offers training for children aged 5 and above to develop the skills needed to help children new to our school with English as an Additional Language.


They help children to feel welcome and settled in their new school environment. The scheme also develops the confidence, communication and leadership skills of the Young Interpreters.


For our school it is a way of valuing multilingualism whilst acknowledging and celebrating the skills of our children.


Young Interpreters can be speakers of English only or speakers of other languages. Together they use a range of strategies to support children new to the school both in the classroom and at playtimes. 


Each year, teachers nominate Year 1 and Year 2 children who they feel have the skills and potential to become a Young Interpreter. This year we are opening up this opportunity and will be nominating children from Year R too. 

The children have the opportunity to say if they would like to take on the role and if they would like to undertake a training programme provided by the Ethnic Minority and Traveller Achievement Service (EMTAS) and delivered by Mrs Relf, EAL Co-ordinator.


Here are our Young Interpreters:

Here are some examples of the wonderful work Young Interpreters do to help others
