

Infant School

Aiming High, Achieving Together

School Uniform

Logo sweatshirt/cardigans - compulsory (this can be purchased from Skoolkit).


Logo Polo shirt - 1 logo polo shirt should be purchased for school trip and events.  It is optional whether this is worn on a daily basis. (Polo shirt can be purchased from Skoolkit).


Summer dress/grey summer shorts are mainly worn in the Summer term.  However, they can be worn outside of this term if the weather indicates cooler clothing.  These can be purchased from most larger supermarkets or Skoolkit.


Dark grey trousers/skirts/pinafore dress - compulsory.  These can be purchased from most larger supermarkets or Skoolkit,


Grey or white socks/tights preferred.


School logo book bag - compulsory.  This can be purchased from Skoolkit.  


PE Kit: Children will wear their PE kits to school on the days they have PE.  They will need black shorts and black tracksuit bottoms (for the winter) together with their coloured 'House Colour' t-shirt and worn with their school logo sweatshirt/cardigan.


IMPORTANT: All items of school uniform (including book bag, lunch bag and water bottles) should be clearly labelled with your child's name.


The school also holds a number of second hand/pre-loved logo sweatshirts, logo cardigans, boys grey trousers, grey pinafore dresses and summer dresses.  Stock is limited and not every size is available.  Items normally priced at £1.00 per item.  Please see the school office for any enquiries.


