

Infant School

Aiming High, Achieving Together


Intent, Implementation and Impact - PE - January 2023


 Intent - What are we trying to achieve?


  • For children to achieve good physical and emotional development and health
  • To deliver high-quality teaching and learning opportunities that inspire all children to succeed in physical education
  • For children to develop their cooperative and collaborative skills as part of a team
  • To develop an understanding of fairness
  • To demonstrate our Merton Values through sport and physical activity
  • To improve the wellbeing and fitness of all children
  • For the children to make informed decisions that lead to a healthy and active life



Implementation - How is our vision translated into practice?


  • We have developed our own PE scheme of work incorporating objectives from the Real PE scheme. It is sequential and has clearly defined pre-skills/knowledge and end-points ensuring that knowledge and skills are embedded in children’s long-term memory. Repetition and modelling are key elements of learning
  • The children participate in two high quality PE lessons each week and a daily Merton Mile
  • The long term and medium term plans set out the PE units to be taught and ensure that the requirements of the EYFS and National Curriculum are fully met
  • Physical activity is embedded throughout the school day through the daily Wiggle times and Trailblazers in all year groups
  • The children have active play times where they can access a variety of equipment to use such as a football pitch, trim trail, climbing frame and an outdoor gym area
  • A specialist PE teacher from STOW sports works with children on Thursdays to further develop their multi-skills
  • The children learn about famous sportspeople and a broad range of sports and are encouraged to aspire to be athletes
  • Year 2 children have the opportunity to learn to swim in the Summer term
  • We target children who need to improve their core strength with daily Solent Therapy exercises


 Impact - What is the impact of our curriculum?


  • The children develop fundamental skills and apply them to a variety of sports and activities
  • Children understand how to lead a healthy lifestyle and can talk about the importance of regular exercise
  • The children enjoy PE and develop a love of sport and being active
  • Children aspire to be athletes
  • The children demonstrate the Merton Values through their lessons and active play
  • The children are more confident swimmers when they leave Year 2
  • Targeted interventions show progress in developing core strength and key skills


The children explore ways of moving and balancing, through floor work. They then apply these movements and balances to small and large apparatus. The children work individually, in pairs and small groups to devise and perform sequences of movements. They perform these sequences to the rest of their class. Children are encouraged to evaluate their own and other children’s work.



Children explore pathways, levels and shapes independently, paired or in small groups while applying their movements to music. Dance sessions are mainly linked to the topics which are taught in each year group.



The children begin to develop skills, through paired and individual activities. They then apply these skills to games such as, hockey, tennis, football and cricket.


