Merton Infant School Newsletter 24th January 2025
Dates for your Diary
Please ensure you put the following dates on your calendar or sync them with the calendar on your phone
29th January - Simon Murray, Author, Visit
3rd February - Governor Monitoring Visit/ BINGO fundraiser (more details to follow)
4th February - LA EYFS Visit
7th February - NSPCC Number Day
12th February - Y1 Trip to Brooklands Motoring and Aviation Museum
14th February - Break Up / Non-uniform for £1
24th February - INSET Day
25th February - School starts
Headteacher Highlight
Staffing update:
Following a robust recruitment process with the Local Authority support, the Governors have appointed Mrs Laura Relf as Deputy Headteacher with immediate effect. A HUGE CONGRATULATIONS to Mrs Relf who was certainly put through the paces! Mrs Relf started at Merton Infant School in 2012 and has conscientiously worked her way up to this leadership level. She knows and understands our school improvement journey and will continue working with the Governors and me in driving through this year's development areas.
Mrs Bird, our ELSA/SENCO Assistant, has been absent recently due to a knee and foot injury. Unfortunately, she has been advised to continue recuperating this week. Therefore, there will be no ELSA, Thrive, TALA or Nurture provision. However, the class teacher and LSA will continue to support your child's social and emotional needs in class. We wish Mrs Bird a speedy recovery.
Merton Infant School Newsletter 10th January 2025
Dates for your Diary
Please ensure you put the following dates on your calendar or sync them with the calendar on your phone
13th January - All clubs to start except French Club which will start on Monday 20th January
15th January - School Nurse in at 2.00pm (please contact the school office if you wish to make an appointment)
15th January - deadline for YR and Y3 applications for September 2025
29th January - Simon Murray, Author, Visit
3rd February - Governor Monitoring Visit/ BINGO fundraiser (more details to follow)
4th February - LA EYFS Visit
7th February - NSPCC Number Day
12th February - Y1 Trip to Brooklands Motoring and Aviation Museum
14th February - Break Up / Non-uniform for £1
24th February - INSET Day
25th February - School starts
Headteacher Highlight
Happy New Year! We hope that you all had a wonderful holiday. It has been lovely hearing all the children's news this week. Thank you for your kind gifts and cards.
The children have settled well and not forgotten their routines. They are very excited to learn their new topics.
Mrs Dalton will be on Jury Service next week (commencing 13th January) so I will be covering Snowy Owls class.
YR Topic - Paddington Bear
Our new topic this term will be Paddington Bear. We will be finding out about Paddington Bear and how he was named after Paddington Railway Station in London, where he was found. We will be looking at lots of London landmarks and constructing them ourselves using our bricks, blocks, and Lego. We will learn about old and new teddy bears and how they have changed over time. We will also learn about real bears and we will listen to lots of stories with a bear theme.
Y1 Topic - We're the move!
This term the children will be learning all about Transport and Amelia Earhart while we take a dive into the past to research the beginnings of transport and how it has grown over the years. We will go as far back as the use of the sedan chair which was used in China 4000 years ago!
Our key text of the term is "The Naughty Bus" and the children will be learning all about nouns, verbs and adjectives and how they can be used in a text, whereas, in maths we will be using our number bonds knowledge when solving one step problems and we will also take our first look into time so be prepared for a lot of time related questions at home.
We also have a fantastic trip to the Brooklands Museum of Transport on the 12th February 2025!
Y2 Topic - Florence Nightingale
Year 2 have settled fantastically into the routines of learning and are continuing to build on their prior learning and grow in independence.
This half term we're moving on from being Geographers and are now becoming historians by looking at Florence Nightingale and her role in making hospitals the way they are now. We'll be looking at how what food we eat affects our bodies and how we need to stay clean to be healthy. In Maths we're continuing to look at adding and subtracting using our known facts and remembering Maths is everywhere!
We are so pleased to see the children's progress in their new spelling scheme. We love to hear the different way's they are practising their spellings. We will begin the next term's spellings on Monday 13th and these can be accessed in the following ways.
Please speak to your child's class teacher or Mrs Jones in Year 2 if you have any issues. Year R will be starting their spellings in the summer term.
School Nurse Clinic
Our next health advice clinic with the Community Nursery Nurses, is on 15th January at 2.00pm.
Parents are welcome to contact the school to make an appointment with them to discuss any concerns they may have about their child's sleeping, toileting, healthy lifestyles, fussy eating, behaviour or emotional health.
We look forward to continuing to work with all parents and carers to support the children.
School Drop Off and Collection
Please can we ask that parents are respectful of local residents in Romsey Close, Buckfast Close and Glastonbury Close if parking in these areas when dropping off at or collecting children from school. Please use designated car parking spaces and avoid kerb drop down areas as these may be required for wheelchair users.
Abbey Road shops have a large car park and is only a short walk along the path to school.
Y3 Applications for September 2025
We would like to remind those Y2 parents who have not already done so to apply for their child's Y3 junior school place for next September. Parents need to apply online at:
The closing date for applications is 15th January 2025. If you miss this deadline there is no guarantee that you will get a place at your preferred school and your child could be offered a place at an alternative school which might be some distance away.
If you are having difficulty applying online paper forms are available from the school office.
Language of the half term - Polish
This half term we will be learning to speak in Polish and embracing their culture traditions.
Why not practise these words before our launch assembly next Thursday.
Hello – cześć (che-sh-t)
Good morning – dzień dobry (jen dobry)
Goodbye – do widzenia (do wid-zenya)
Please – proszę
Thank you – dziękuję ci
We hope you enjoy singing this song too - can you guess what it is?
Musician of the half term - Stevie Wonder
Stevie Wonder was born in Detroit. He is blind, but his awareness of sound and his bright imagination have helped him create joyful, colourful music that is full of positivity.
He sang in his dad’s church choir and by the age of 9 had learned to play the piano, drums and harmonica. By the age of 11 he signed his first music contract with Motown. Today he is one of the most successful musicians in history selling over 100 million records around the world.
Mental Health and Well-being
We have a dedicated section on our website with details of how we support children's mental health and well-being at school.
Please follow this link for more information ->
There are many ideas and strategies that you can do at home. One of our successful examples is Mindfulness colouring with relaxing music playing in the background.
Merton Pre-School News
Happy New Year!
What a wonderful first week back sharing all that we have been up to over the holidays and welcoming lots of new faces.
Next week we shall be celebrating Pongal. We would welcome any of our families to come in and share with the children how they celebrate at home. Please talk to Charmaine to arrange this.
If your child is 4 or turning 4 before the 31st August this year, next Wednesday 15th January is the last day to submit an application for a Year R place for September 2025.
Below is the link you will need.
Dates for the diary
Tuesday 14th January - Pre-School celebrates Pongal
Thursday 23rd January - Care home Visit
Monday 27th January - Stay and Play - Baking week!
Library News
We started a new year by making THANK YOU hearts in the library. There are so many people to say thank you to and there are so many things to be thankful for. The children love the story 'Thank you for the Little Things' by Caryl Hart.
The Y2 children enjoy researching interesting facts about inspirational people. During Celebration Assembly, Ella and Arabella presented facts about the popular TV broadcaster David Attenborough and Nufais and Aiben presented facts about the famous footballer Pele.
Merton Infant School Newsletter 10th December 2024
Dates for your Diary
Please ensure you put the following dates on your calendar or sync them with the calendar on your phone
16th December - 5.00pm Christmas Play - adults only (18+). Please return your child to school at 4.30pm and collect at 6.15pm via their classroom doors
17th December - 2.00pm Christmas Play - adults only (18+)
17th December - 3.30pm - 4.00pm Christmas carol concert with the choir in the hall. All welcome to attend.
18th December - 9.30am Christmas Play - young siblings welcome
19th December - 1.45pm Panto visiting school
20th December - Break Up / Visit from someone special!
6th January - School re opens at 8.45am
15th January - School Nurse Drop-in at 2.00pm.
Headteacher Highlight
It's beginning to feel a lot like Christmas....rehearsals are truly underway and everyone is in fine voice! We cannot wait for the live performances this week.
Our Breakfast with Santa went very well last week. This is the first time that we have done this event. It was lovely to see the children's faces light up when they arrived at the grotto and saw Father Christmas . A HUGE WELL DONE to our staff Fundraising Team who have worked so hard decorating the room and organising this event.
The children have made great progress this term. The children's books are commended by external visitors ensuring that staff plan according to the needs of the children accurately.
Similar to our 'Reading is the most important skill' chant, Mrs Relf has introduced a new chant for Maths...Look around, Maths is everywhere. During the holidays, see how many links to Maths you can see wherever you visit.
In the New Year, Mrs Bird and myself will continue to host weekly 'appointment only' meetings for parents on Tuesdays from 9.00 - 12.00. This will be an opportunity for you to discuss any concerns that you have about your child including making any referrals to external agency support.
On behalf of the children, staff and Governors, we wish you all a peaceful Happy Christmas and Best Wishes for 2025.
YR Topic - Everyday Heroes
Year R have loved meeting a range of 'Everyday Heroes.' We have met a lorry driver and explored his lorry. The horn was very loud! A train signaller and a train driver told us lots about the railways and how to keep safe when catching a train. We found out about being a soldier and we met a referee who told us about how he was chosen by his school to train and learn about the rules on the football pitch. We practised asking questions to find out about the different jobs and we discovered that all of the 'Everyday Heroes' had to work hard, listen and learn lots to do their jobs.
What Went Well - seeing first-hand the clothes and equipment that people need to do their jobs and getting to ask questions.
Even Better If - we could have more parents / carers coming in to talk about their jobs as the children love to see their grown-ups in school.
Y1 Topic - Once Upon a Time
Year one have loved exploring traditional tales such as Little Red Riding Hood, The Three Little Pigs and Goldilocks and the Three Bears. Our chosen story for literature this term was Jack and the Beanstalk and the children enjoyed discovering the many different versions of the story. We have had fun working on our D&T this term creating their story box settings, which we will be finishing off during this week.
What went well - The children loved working with an Artist who visited to work with the whole school, Holly Parkhouse, who helped the children to create their own patterns of snowmen.
Even Better if - We could have more parents/carers joining us for Book and Biscuit on Fridays at 3.00pm and practise the children's reading.
Y2 Topic - Let's Explore - Antarctica
Year two have loved learning about the coldest and windiest place on Earth this half term and said that these parts they enjoyed the most.
Our even better if is ….. To visit Antarctica and see the penguins in real life!
School Nurse Drop-In
Our next health advice drop-in clinic with the Community Nursery Nurses, is on 15th January at 2.00pm.
Parents are welcome to drop in to discuss any concerns they may have about their child's sleeping, toileting, healthy lifestyles, fussy eating, behaviour or emotional health.
There is no need to book, just come on the day to talk with them about any concerns you have.
We look forward to continuing to work with all parents and carers to support the children.
Y3 Applications for September 2025
We would like to remind those Y2 parents who have not already done so to apply for their child's Y3 junior school place for next September. Parents need to apply online at:
The closing date for applications is 15 January 2025. If you miss this deadline there is no guarantee that you will get a place at your preferred school and your child could be offered a place at an alternative school which might be some distance away.
If you are having difficulty applying online paper forms are available from the school office.
We are pleased to report that attendance for this term is 95.4%, which is just slightly above Government expectations. We would like to thank parents for ensuring their children's attendance at school. Regular attendance will help your child towards achieving their best possible outcomes. We hope that this trend will continue for next term.
Last half term there were 82/180 children who achieved outstanding attendance (98% to 100%). A party was held for them with SAM (School Attendance Matters) Bear in the hall on 18th November to celebrate this great achievement. Well done to them! We will be holding another SAM Bear party next term for all the children who have achieved 98% to 100% attendance this half term.
Please note that there are two attendance sessions per day. If your child is feeling under the weather in the morning or they have had a restless night, please consider sending them into school for the afternoon if they are well enough, so that they will at least have their attendance mark for the afternoon session (afternoon registration takes place at 1.00pm).
We would like to remind parents that unless your child is absent due to illness or a medical appointment, you must complete a leave of absence request form prior to any absences being taken. In line with new Government guidelines, schools are not permitted to authorise any absence for holidays during term time. Parents may be issued with a fine of £80 per parent per child if they take their child out of school for 5 days or more within a 10 week period and the absence is unauthorised. The days do not need to be consecutive.
After School Activity Clubs
All after school activity clubs have now finished for this term. A link has been sent out for parents to sign their children up for new clubs next term (Yrs 1 and 2 only). Please complete the form by Wednesday 18th December at 3.00pm.
We are hoping to start clubs again on Monday 13th January. Parents will be informed at the start of next term if their child has been successful in joining a club.
Musician of the half term
We have been building our repertoire of songs written and composed by John Lennon. Most children are able to give key facts about this famous musician.
Advent Travelling Crib - St Bedes
As part of our Merton Values the children got the opportunity to visit the Advent Travelling Crib at St Bedes to kick start our Christmas celebrations and remember the true meaning of Christmas. The children represented our school extremely well showing the value of respect when walking in the local environment and listening attentively to the special characters on their journey to Bethlehem. As part of the experience, the children all received a pilgrim bag with 5 different objects to represent each part of the Christmas story and characters.
No Pen Day.
The children thoroughly enjoyed No Pen day and bringing in their special item for their class show and tell. The language and conversations around the school was wonderful to hear. Thank you to everyone who kindly donated £1 to the charity 'Speech and Language UK.'
Heritage Honours Award
Congratulations to Yashigan in Wise Owls who achieved a Heritage Honours award for the excellent work he has been doing in his native language Tamil. We are very proud of you.
Mental Health and Well-being
We have a dedicated section on our website with details of how we support children's mental health and well-being at school.
Please follow this link for more information ->
There are many ideas and strategies that you can do at home. One of our successful examples is Mindfulness colouring with relaxing music playing in the background.
Merton Pre-School News
With the end of term near, we still have a busy last week ahead.
On Thursday 19th December, we have our Pre-School Christmas Dinner and Party, and Friday 20th we have our Christmas Singalong.
The children's handmade Christmas Craft Bags have started to go home.
As always thank you for your continuing support.
We wish you all a happy, healthy Christmas.
We look forward to welcoming everyone back on Monday 6th January 2025.
Merton Pre-School Team
1 - The children have enjoyed discovering what mischief the Pre-School elves Mr Tumble and Tinsel Dolly have gotten up to.
2 - Each day the children have enjoyed taking turns opening our story advent calendar kindly donated to us by one of the parents.
Library News
Christmas Trees, Snowflakes and Winter games library.
It's that time of year again! Our Merton pupils have been captivated by the magic of the season through our beautiful Christmas stories. They have been feeling the festive cheer by creating the most bright and beautiful Christmas trees and lots of snowflakes for our library gallery. Each day the children are very excited to open our story book advent calendar! A new story every day to discover and enjoy. We all love playing a game 'What Am I?' and much more.
We visited our local community centre Melrose hall. Poppy and Elliott both shared a Christmas story with the little ones and their parents/carers. They both made us extremely proud reading to an unfamiliar audience. Bravo Poppy and Elliott !
Christmas Events Newsletter
18th November 2024
With Christmas just around the corner we wanted to share details of all the dates and exciting activities we have planned for the children. Please make a note of these dates to ensure that you don't miss anything.
Christmas Performances
This year's whole school Christmas performance of 'Grandma's Christmas' will take place on the following dates.
For each performance you will be required to purchase tickets at a cost of £3 per ticket. These are sold on a first come first served basis and are initially limited to two tickets per child. Additional tickets may become available closer to the date of the performance and there is space on the letter to indicate that you would like to be considered for more. A letter giving further details and the ticket request form will go home on Monday 25th November.
It is important that when the form is returned that is it placed in the grey box in reception and not handed to the class teacher as requests for tickets are dealt with on the day that they are received in the box.
Breakfast with Santa
The letter regarding 'Breakfast with Santa' has already been sent out and we have had an excellent take up so far! If you have yet to book your child's place please do this as soon as possible to avoid disappointment. The deadline for accepting reply slips is the 29th November.
This is the first time we have held this event and we hope that the children have a magical time. The cost of the ticket is £8 and this includes:
This event takes place over 5 mornings, starting on Monday 9th December through to Friday 13th December from 8.00am - 8.45am. On the letter you are able to indicate your preferred morning and we will endeavour to fulfil this.
When you receive your date confirmation we will also attach a letter template so that your child can write their letter to Santa and post it in the letterbox during breakfast. These will then be sent away and your child will receive their personal reply from Santa soon after!
Christmas Lunch and Jumper Day
This year's Christmas Lunch is taking place on Friday 13th December and children are also encouraged to wear their Christmas jumpers on that day. The menu option flyer has already been sent home so please return these to the class teacher by Friday 6th December indicating which option your child would like. We would encourage the children to try a dinner on that day, however they are also able to bring in their own packed lunch if they prefer.
The menu choices are:
Both options will be served with roast potatoes, carrots, peas, Yorkshire pudding and gravy (if wanted).
Tomato pasta and jacket potatoes will NOT be available on this day.
Christmas Panto
Every year the school pays £475 to invite Treehouse Theatre into school to perform a pantomime to the children. This year they are coming on Thursday 19th December in the afternoon to perform 'Treasure Island', we hope the children enjoy it as much as previous years.
Christmas Raffle
This year's Christmas raffle items are being donated by staff as a thank you for all your support with our fundraising activities. The tickets will go on sale from Monday 2nd December at a cost of £1 per strip. A letter will come home shortly with a reply slip to purchase tickets. These will be available to buy via the office either with cash or you can purchase online through your child's SCO pay account. The draw will take place on Thursday 19th December during Celebration Assembly and the winners will be notified that day.
Christmas Art Packs
Thank you to all the parents that have returned the money and slip to order this year's art packs. The deadline for this has now gone so we are unable to take any further orders. These art packs will be sent home the week beginning the 2nd December.
Christmas Songs by the School Choir
On Tuesday 17th December the School Choir will be performing Christmas Songs at 3.30pm in the school hall. Come along and get into the Christmas Spirit with some festive tunes.
Shhhhh.. Santa
We are expecting a very special visitor on Friday 20th December with gifts for the children, so please make sure you child is in school so they don't miss out!
If you have any questions about these events please do not hesitate to ask us. We hope that this term is full of fun for the children and staff!
Merton Infant School Newsletter 8th November 2024
Dates for your Diary
Please ensure you put the following dates on your calendar or sync them with the calendar on your phone
13th November - Anti-Bullying Day - wear odd socks
13th November - School Nurse Drop-in
15th November - Children in Need - wear spotty clothes for £1
20th November - Y2 Road Safety Workshop
22nd November - Whole School visit to St Bede's School for Advent Travelling Crib
27th November - Speech and Language UK, No Pen Day for £1 (details to follow)
2nd December - INSET - School Closed
5th December - YR Dress up as an everyday hero e.g. nurse, vet, carer, shopkeeper, builder (not a superhero)
9-13th December - Breakfast with Santa
13th December - Christmas Lunch & Christmas jumper day
16th December - 5.00pm Christmas Play - adults only (18+)
17th December - 2.00pm Christmas Play - adults only (18+)
18th December - 9.30am Christmas Play - young siblings welcome
19th December - 1.45pm Panto
20th December - Break Up / Visit from someone special!
6th January - School re opens at 8.45am
Headteacher Highlight
Welcome back to another half which is considered as the busiest especially with preparations for Christmas!
The children have settled back into school very well, following routines and doing their best. They have had so much fun. We had an advisor from the Local Authority on Wednesday who visited each class and described the school as 'an electric buzz of learning'. She confirmed our provision for all children was accessible, inspiring and related to children's individual needs.
A couple of reminders:
Please remember that all children must come into school in their PE kits on their PE days. They will need their school jumper/cardigan, colour team t-shirt, black shorts / tracksuit bottoms including black plimsolls / trainers. They will remain in their PE kits all day. PE days are Year R: Owlets - Tuesday, Snowy Owls - Wednesday, Year 1: Tuesday and Friday, Year 2: Monday and Thursday.
We host weekly 'appointment only' meetings for parents on Tuesdays from 9.00 - 12.00. This will be an opportunity for you to discuss any concerns that you have about your child including making any referrals to external agency support.
YR Topic - Everyday Heroes
Our new topic is Everyday Heroes. We have lots of exciting visitors coming in to help us learn about what they do. We have already been visited by our very own Headteacher. We plan to meet a librarian, a train driver, a referee and a lorry driver. If you would like to come and talk about your job, and how you are an everyday hero, please speak to the class teacher. All jobs are important and we are all heroes! We will be landing our topic with an everyday hero dress up day on Thursday 5th December. See calendar dates above.
Y1 Topic - Once Upon a Time
This half term we will be exploring traditional tales such as Little Red Riding Hood, The Three Little Pigs and Goldilocks and the Three Bears. Our chosen story for literature this term is Jack and the Beanstalk. For the launch of our topic the children will be watching the Disney classic Shrek which introduces many fairy tale characters. We have plenty of D&T this half term as children will be creating their story box settings, if you have any spare shoeboxes we would appreciate them here in school. Our Artist of the term is the queen of patterns, Orla Kiely, before we begin our countdown to Christmas!
Y2 Topic - Let's Explore - Antarctica
After exploring the Amazon Rainforest and learning about the humid climate, the children put on a great protest to stop deforestation and to spread the message of saving our planet. In another bid to save our planet, they will be travelling to a colder part of our planet exploring Antarctica and the Arctic circle. Through the subjects of Geography and Science we will be looking at how animals survive in these climates and what they eat by understanding different food chains.
School Nurse Drop-In
Our next health advice drop-in clinic with the Community Nursery Nurses, is on 13th November at 2.00pm.
Parents are welcome to drop-in to discuss any concerns they may have about healthy lifestyles, fussy eating, behaviour, low level emotional health and advice including sign posting for toileting and sleep issues.
There is no need to book, just come on the day to talk with them about any concerns you have.
We look forward to continuing to work with all parents and carers to support the children.
Musician of the half term
John Lennon (9.10.1940 - 8.12.1980)
John was born in Liverpool and grew up with his aunt Mimi. His mum visited him often and taught him to play the banjo and piano. She also bought him his first guitar.
John became friends with Paul McCartney and they formed a band together called The Beatles. John picked up lots of ideas when he was touring the world with The Beatles. Respect and understanding between different cultures was one of his strongest beliefs. After making 12 albums together John left The Beatles.
He went on to write beautiful songs with his wife Yoko Ono to promote peace and tolerance around the world.
Language of the half term - Urdu
Language spoken: Urdu
Hello – ہیلو (hello)
السلام علیکم (‘Assalam-o-alaikum’)
This phrase is a common way to say hello in Urdu, and literally means “Peace be upon you.”
Good morning –صبح بخیر (subha bakhair)
Goodbye – خدا حافظ (khuda hafiz)
Please –براہ مہربانی barah maharbani
Can you sing this song in Urdu? Click on the link to hear and watch the video.
Mental Health and Well-being
We have a dedicated section on our website with details of how we support children's mental health and well-being at school.
Please follow this link for more information ->
There are many ideas and strategies that you can do at home. One of our successful examples is Mindfulness colouring with relaxing music playing in the background.
Merton Pre-School News
Pre-School upcoming events/dates
Dates still to be confirmed for Christmas performance, dinner and party.
We are very excited this half term to begin a wonderful partnership with St Thomas' Care Home. Our first visit is next week! Children will meet the residents, play games, craft and sing our World Nursery Rhymes.
You may also be wondering about our 'Horrid Hands' session at the end of November. Run by the NHS this session will consist of songs, a story and an activity to promote good hand washing.
Can we please remind all parents to dress their children appropriately for the weather winter coats, hats, gloves scarves etc.
It is getting very cold out there now and as you know the Pre-School is a free flow setting, therefore, the door to the garden is open for the majority of the day. Although there is heating in the Pre-School the children like to play on the floor which can sometimes feel a little cold. We suggest long sleeved t-shirts and jackets/jumpers for inside play.
If your child is in need or your child has outgrown their old winter coat why not swap, donate or simply take what you need from our Pre-School coat rack. This is located throughout the day at the Pre-School entrance.
Library News
Merton Remembers
This week in the library we had an exciting and important project to complete. All the children had been given a Poppy to decorate. This Poppy was added to our remembrance day poster and Immy from Tawny Owls and Aarush from Barn Owls presented it during our celebration assembly.
Special Relative Day in the Library
The children were very excited to welcome their special relatives into our school and show them around our school library. The library was buzzing with the children and their relatives completing challenges such as finding books by a certain author, reading stories, exploring the foreign flags and learning to say Hello in different languages.
Recycling week
We talk a lot to the children about recycling. They like learning and talking about how to help save our planet Earth by separating the litter into recycling bins. We looked at information books about recycling and we shared a story 'Hodge Podge Lodge' by Priscilla LaMont and 'Christopher's Bicycle' by Charlotte Middleton. The children loved it.
Pupil Librarians
I am privileged to introduce Elsie and Addison as new additions to the Merton Pupil Librarian team. Both children have already started their new library duties and they make the most of this amazing opportunity!
Merton Infant School Newsletter 3rd October 2024
Dates for your Diary
Please ensure you put the following dates on your calendar or sync them with the calendar on your phone
4th October - INSET: School closed for Staff training
9th October - School Nurse Drop-in at 2.00pm
11th October - Special Relative Visit at 2.45pm (there will be no Book & Biscuit on this day)
14th October - Flu Vaccine
15th October - Parent Consultations at 3.30 - 6.00pm
17th October - Parent Consultations at 1.30 - 3.00pm
18th October - Parent Consultation at 9.00 - 11.00am
23rd October - Halloween Disco at 3.30 - 4.15pm (YR) and 4.15 - 5.00pm (Y1 & Y2). Depending on numbers we may be able to accommodate the whole school in one event. We will notify parents nearer the time.
25th October - Break Up for half term at 3.15pm
4th November - School starts at 8.45am
Headteacher Highlight
The term is going well so far. The children are enjoying their new topics and have settled well into routines.
Please can we remind you that children MUST wear their school cardigan / jumper on your child's PE days and not their own hoodie/sweatshirt. The school website has been updated to reflect this information.
We always welcome Parent Volunteers to offer any help especially if you have any hobbies e.g. gardening, cooking or to hear readers. Please speak to your class teacher if you are interested.
We are always in need of spare uniform and underwear. Pleas donate any items you may have at home.
It was lovely to see so many parents of children with English as an Additional Language (EAL) at our first EAL Coffee afternoon with Mrs Relf and Astrid Dineen, Specialist Teacher Advisor for EMTAS (Ethnic Minority Traveller Advisory Service). There is a lot of advice on the school's website under 'Key Information - Curriculum' which can be translated in a wide variety of languages.
We will be practising our Fire Drill and Lockdown procedures over the next couple of weeks. For Lockdown, all children are placed in corridors away from doors and windows. Staff will talk to the children about keeping safe.
Parent Consultations
Parents/Carers will have the opportunity to meet their child's class teacher to review their progress and agree ways you can support them at home on the following dates:
Tuesday 15th October:3.30 - 6.00pm (working parents)
Thursday 17th October: 1.30 - 3.00pm
Friday 18th October: 9.00-11.00am
Please use the on-line booking form to select a suitable time and date. A text containing a link for the booking was sent out on Monday, 30 September.
On-line Safeguarding
We have a wealth of information on our school website about how to support your child's understanding of on-line safety. Please refer to the Safeguarding page.
There is also useful information on the following websites: for our parents of children with English as an Additional Language (EAL)
Please ensure that you have the correct parent controls on any digital device at home and that the games your child is playing are age appropriate.
Black History Month
This month, we will be exploring the life of extraordinary people from a variety of black cultures who have shaped history and made improvements to our world.
There is a wealth of information, stories and activities on CBeebies or YouTube Kids. Please share with your child.
Our school library is supporting Black History Month with a display of very interesting books located in the corridor.
ECO Team
Miss Pardy has introduced our new ECO team in school. She sent applications to Y1 and Y2 children. They completed an application and the children who were shortlisted gave a presentations to the rest of the school, who then elected the team.
The successful candidates selected are:
Year 1
Eva, Harper, Zac and Oliver
Year 2
Benjamyn, Arabella, Scarlett, Harriet
They will receive their ECO Team badges in Celebration Assembly on Friday 11th October. We look forward to watching their first project in school.
In August 2024 the Department for Education (DfE) published new compulsory guidance in a drive to improve school Attendance. Education law states that parents do not have a right to take their children out of school for holidays during term time. Headteachers may only grant leave of absence in exceptional circumstances. The DFE does not consider a need or desire for a holiday or other absence for the purpose of leisure or recreation to be an exceptional circumstance. Birthdays and parent work patterns are not considered as exceptional circumstances, nor are holidays which have been gifted, whether or not there was a choice of dates when the holiday could be taken.
The DFE has stated that 'persistent failure to send children to school is a clear sign of neglect'. Under the new national guidelines, schools are required to consider issuing a penalty notice to parents when a child has missed 10 or more sessions (5 days) of school within a rolling 10 school week period and the absence has been unauthorised. This may include unauthorised absences being recorded on a child's record as a result of arriving late after the register closes.
Since 19 August 2024 the following rules apply:-
Please view the link to summary guidance below (which can also be found on our website):
School Nurse Drop-In
Our next health advice drop-in clinic, with the Community Nursery Nurses, is on 9th October at 2.00pm.
Parents are welcome to drop-in to discuss any concerns they may have about healthy lifestyles, fussy eating, behaviour, low level emotional health and advice including sign posting for toileting and sleep issues.
There is no need to book, just come on the day to talk with them about any concerns you have.
We look forward to continuing to work with all parents and carers to support the children.
There is a wealth of information on the following website about toilet training:
Harvest Assembly
We celebrated our Harvest Assembly on Thursday 3rd October.
Mrs Knight's husband kindly made three Harvest loaves, which the children all got to taste. We have also collected tins and packets of food, which the school council will take to the food bank at St Gabriel's Church next week.
We are still able to receive further, in date, donations during next week.
Governor Corner
Autumn Term 2024
A warm welcome back to all the parents and children attending Merton Infant School and to all those who have just joined the Merton Family. It has been lovely to see the enthusiasm the children bring to their learning and how quickly they have grown in confidence.
Year 1 and Year 2 have already taken part in the democratic process by electing the representatives on the Eco and School Councils. We look forward to seeing how they will use their roles to support the school community.
Unfortunately, the weather has been less than kind at the start of this term which has meant the children have not always been able to make maximum use of all the excellent outdoor space. Hopefully a period of dry weather will enable them to explore and further develop imaginative play.
The governing body is always looking for new members to join the team. It is a very rewarding role and really helps to support school. If anyone is interested in finding out more about what we do, then please contact the school office for more information.
Gaye Dove, Chair of Governors
Musician of the Half Term
We will be exploring the life and music of the classical composer, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (27th January 1756 - 5th December 1791). Mozart was born in Salzburg, Austria, he composed over 800 pieces of work in his short lifetime.
Language of the Half Term
We will be exploring the language and culture of Nepal.
Capital City: Kathmandu
Language spoken: Nepali
Hello – नमस्कार (Namaskāra)
Good morning – शुभ – प्रभात (Śubha - prabhāta)
Please – कृपया (Kr̥payā)
Thank you - धन्यवाद (Dhan'yavāda)
Mental Health and Well-being
We have a dedicated section on our website with details of how we support children's mental health and well-being at school.
Please follow this link for more information ->
There are many ideas and strategies that you can do at home. One of our successful examples is Mindfulness colouring with relaxing music playing in the background.
Merton Pre-School News
The Governing Body has appointed Charmaine Chapman as Pre-School Manager. She will work closely with Mrs Relf, Acting Deputy Headteacher, in moving the Pre-School forward.
Library News
Y1 Pupil Librarians
We are privileged to introduce Immy and Aarush, Y1 Merton Infant School Pupil Librarians. They both help in the library and learn all their duties. All Y1 and Y2 pupil librarians will be introduced in Celebration Assembly on Friday 11th October.
Y1 Chineham Library visits
Year 1 enjoyed another visit to Chineham library having loved their trip there in YR. They were given the opportunity to explore many types of books including fiction, non-fiction and audiobooks. This allowed the children to extend their Y1 topic "Out and About". It also gives the children experience in how to use the public library.
Parents are very welcome to take their children to the Chineham library to borrow more books or attend any other activities the library offers.
Y1 library mini sessions are on
Our library is buzzing with activities every day! Y1 have started learning how to do a book review, finding who the author is, who the illustrator is and how to use their own words to retell the story.
A big part of our library topic is looking at the animals and bugs which hibernate, like a hedgehog, a squirrel, a dormouse, a ladybird, a bumblebee, or a frog etc. We looked at information books and searched for some facts. Then we used step by step drawing methods to make lots of beautiful drawings of hibernating creatures. The children like playing 'What Am I?' game linked to hibernating animals and bugs.
If you would like to see more of the children's library work, please visit our Merton Infant School website
Y1 Chineham Library visits
Year 1 enjoyed another visit to Chineham library having loved their trip there in YR. They were given the opportunity to explore many types of books including fiction, non-fiction and audiobooks. This allowed the children to extend their Y1 topic "Out and About". It also gives the children experience in how to use the public library.
Parents are very welcome to take their children to the Chineham library to borrow more books or attend any other activities the library offers.
Y1 library mini sessions are on
Our library is buzzing with activities every day! Y1 have started learning how to do a book review, finding who the author is, who the illustrator is and how to use their own words to retell the story.
A big part of our library topic is looking at the animals and bugs which hibernate, like a hedgehog, a squirrel, a dormouse, a ladybird, a bumblebee, or a frog etc. We looked at information books and searched for some facts. Then we used step by step drawing methods to make lots of beautiful drawings of hibernating creatures. The children like playing 'What Am I?' game linked to hibernating animals and bugs.
If you would like to see more of the children's library work, please visit our Merton Infant School website
Merton Infant School Newsletter 12th September 2024
Dates for your Diary
Please ensure you put the following dates on your calendar or sync them with the calendar on your phone
13th September - Y1 Welcome Meeting in the school hall at 9.00am
13th September - Y2 Welcome Meeting in the school hall at 2.30pm
17th September - Tawny Owls to visit Chineham Library at 1.00pm
25th September - Individual School Photos
1st October - Barn Owls to visit Chineham library at 1.00pm
3rd October - Non-uniform for £1.00 donation
4th October - INSET: School closed for Staff training
9th October - School Nurse Drop-in at 2.00pm
11th October - Special Relative Visit at 2.45pm
14th October - Flu Vaccine (details to follow)
15th October - Parent Consultations at 3.30 - 6.00pm
17th October - Parent Consultations at 1.30 - 3.00pm
18th October - Parent Consultation at 9.00 - 11.00am
23rd October - Halloween Disco at 3.30 - 4.30pm
25th October - Break Up for half term at 3.15pm
4th November - School starts at 8.45am
Headteacher Highlight
Welcome back to a new academic year. We hope that you managed to get some good weather during the summer holidays.
It has been great to watch our Y1 and Y2 children settle back into school routines and many have remembered our School Values and Rights / Responsibilities. It is lovely to welcome many new YR families and we look forward to working with you . All the children look very smart in their school uniforms. Please ensure that all items are labelled with your child's name to avoid lost property.
Please remember that all children must come into school in their PE kits on their PE days. They will need their colour team t-shirt, black shorts and black tracksuit bottoms including black plimsolls / trainers. They will remain in their PE kits all day. PE days are Year R: Owlets - Tuesday, Snowy Owls - Wednesday, Year 1: Tuesday and Friday, Year 2: Monday and Thursday. This will save time changing in school so the children have longer PE lessons. It also keeps the cloakrooms tidy and free from trip hazards without PE bags.
We are delighted that Mrs Relf has been appointed as Acting Deputy Headteacher. We also welcome Ms Grzelak as LSA in YR and Miss Nicoll as Apprentice LSA in Y2. I am sure that you will join me in wishing them well in their new roles.
Mrs Bird (ELSA) and I will support children with Special Educational Needs. We will be holding weekly appointment only meetings for parents on Tuesdays from 9.00 - 12.00. This will be an opportunity for you to discuss any concerns that you have about your child including making any referrals to external agency support.
We are looking to recruit Cleaners. Please see the school office for an application form and further details.
Please can we remind you NOT to park in front of the driveways of our local residents. There is parking at the local Abbey Road shops within a short walking distance to the school gates. Parking on Romsey Close makes it very difficult for emergency vehicles to access the school site should the need arise.
We have been informed that there is a rise in cases of Measles. Please see your GP to check you have not missed any vaccinations for your child.
Home Learning
Children in school will be practising their spellings in a different way in class and at home. In your child's pink Home-School Reading book you will now find a QR code which says Autumn spelling homework. When you scan this code you will find your child's weekly spellings. Over the course of the week children will orally rehearse the sentence, practise tricky spellings and practise grammar and punctuation. On a Friday your child will write the sentence and have opportunities to edit any mistakes.
We will also be sending home phonic flash cards and keywords via QR codes to minimise paper being sent home. Additional learning information can be found on the year group page for your child on our school website.
In addition to a Purple Mash login, children will also have log in details for our phonics scheme, Boost Rocket Phonics. Teachers will be able to assign online reading books in addition to the physical books we send home.
1 - Example of spellings.
YR Topic - Healthy me
This half term the children will be settling into school, making friends and becoming familiar with the rules and routines of the classroom. We will be learning the ways that we can stay healthy; such as washing regularly, brushing our teeth, exercising, getting enough sleep and eating healthy foods. We will name different body parts and know about some parts of our body like the heart that you can't see.
Use the link below to sing. 'Head, shoulders, knees and toes' with your child.
Y1 Topic - Out and About
This half term the children will be exploring their local area and using their geography skills to look at human and physical features in Popley. They will also be researching the history of our school and comparing the school now to when it opened in 1969.
Y2 Topic - Let's Explore - Rainforests
This half term will be a warm one as we dive into the Rainforest exploring what life is like for the animals and their habitats. The children will learn about the word 'empathy' as they explore issues surrounding deforestation and what it means to our world. Our text driver this half term is 'There's a Rang-Tang in my bedroom'. Below is the link for you to share the story with your child.
There's a Rang-Tang in my Bedroom
The Department for Education (DfE) has published new guidance about Attendance. Schools are instructed not to authorise any leave of absence unless it has been applied for in advance and there are exceptional circumstances. Birthdays and parent work patterns are not considered as exceptional.
There have been changes to the Penalty Notices which schools can issue for unauthorised absence - fines are now £80 per parent per child for a first penalty notice, doubling to £160 per parent if a second penalty notice is issued within 3 years. Please view the link to summary guidance below:
School Nurse Drop-In
Our next health advice drop-in clinic with the Community Nursery Nurses, is on 9th October at 2.00pm.
Parents are welcome to drop-in to discuss any concerns they may have about healthy lifestyles, fussy eating, behaviour, low level emotional health and advice including sign posting for toileting and sleep issues.
There is no need to book, just come on the day to talk with them about any concerns you have.
We look forward to continuing to work with all parents and carers to support the children.
Musician of the Half Term
We will be exploring the life and music of the classical composer, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (27th January 1756 - 5th December 1791). Mozart was born in Salzburg, Austria, he composed over 800 pieces of work in his short lifetime.
Language of the Half Term
We will be exploring the language and culture of Nepal.
Capital City: Kathmandu
Language spoken: Nepali
Hello – नमस्कार (Namaskāra)
Good morning – शुभ – प्रभात (Śubha - prabhāta)
Please – कृपया (Kr̥payā)
Thank you - धन्यवाद (Dhan'yavāda)
Mental Health and Well-being
We have a dedicated section on our website with details of how we support children's mental health and well-being at school.
Please follow this link for more information ->
There are many ideas and strategies that you can do at home. One of our successful examples is Mindfulness colouring with relaxing music playing in the background.
Merton Pre-School News
Sadly, the Pre-School Manager we appointed in July has now declined the position. We are currently advertising and hope to interview in the next couple of weeks. Please direct any queries you have to Charmaine Chapman, Acting Pre-School Manager. Thank you for your patience and understanding.
During the holidays, the Pre-School had new flooring installed and the room re-organised to provide an environment that will be more conducive to learning. The outside area was also de-cluttered giving more space to support the children's physical development.
Library News
Pupil Librarians
We are privileged to introduce Liana and Carter, as Y2 Pupil Librarians. They both are eager to help in the library and learn all their duties. Good luck Liana and Carter!
New Books
We started the new school year with brand new information books. They have been funded by parents' generous donations during our school Fundraising Events last year.
Summer Reading challenge
Huge congratulations to our children and their parents who embraced the opportunity to complete the big Summer Reading Challenge. We are so proud of all of you who made the effort to go to the library and find that magic hidden in the pages of the books. We would like to celebrate this with you!
Merton Infant School Newsletter - 10th July 2024
Dates for your Diary
Please ensure you put the dates on your calendar.
Every Friday at 3pm - Book 'n' Biscuit 3.00 -3.15pm - book by 12pm on Fridays using the link via weekly text on Thursday afternoons
Tuesday 9th July - Thursday 11th July - Last week for clubs (Football Club finishes on 18th July)
Friday 12th July - Y1 Art Gallery for Parents at 2.30 - 3.00pm in the school hall - You will be able to purchase your child's art work for a donation (cash only)
Monday 15th July - INSET day - School closed for staff training
Tuesday 16th July - Friday 19th July - Olympic Theme Week
Tuesday 16th July - French theme day (children to come dressed in red, white and blue)
Wednesday 17th July - Summer Party 3.15 - 4.15pm. Letters have already been sent home
Monday 22nd July - Year 2 Leavers' Assembly at 9.30 - 10.30am
Tuesday 23rd July - Break up at 3.15pm for the summer holidays
Headteacher Highlight
We are nearly on the home stretch!
It was lovely to see so many families at our recent Sports Day and Family picnic including our school fair on Saturday 29th June.
We have completed Pupil Progress Meetings with each year group and we are very proud to confirm the children's final assessments of the year. Each child has made fantastic progress from their starting points. You will have received their End of Year outcomes in your child's Annual Report which were given out on 8th July.
We have ended this academic year on a good note with attendance – achieving 95%, which is in line with Government expectations. Attendance for all groups, e.g. free school meal children, pupil premium, SEND (Special Educational Needs and Disabilities), EAL (children whose English is an additional language), ethnic minority and service children, has improved since last academic year. This has never been achieved before!
We would like to thank you for all your support in ensuring that your children attend school regularly and for working with us to achieve this positive result. We hope that we can achieve an even higher attendance figure next year!
The class who wins the most weekly attendance for the year (to be announced at Celebration Assembly on 12 July) will have a treat before the end of term. All children who have achieved outstanding attendance (98% - 100%) for the whole year will receive a prize and a certificate. Certificates will also be given to children who have achieved good attendance (95 - 97%) for the whole year.
Sports Day
It was a great event with our Green Team winning the overall prize. Red Team came 2nd, Blue was 3rd and Yellow took 4th place.
A HUGE Well Done to our winners of the male parents' races: Ashton Hayward & Toby Harris came joint winners in the 1st race followed by Simon Dunn in the 2nd race and Josh Sibley in the 3rd race.
Olivia Carpenter won the female race.
THANK YOU to Ms Bohan who organised such a fun and successful event. We look forward to the Olympic Theme Week at the end of the term where children will have the opportunity to participate in Ballet, Kickboxing, Karate and Rugby.
Summer Fair
A HUGE well done to our Fundraising Team - Mrs Bond, Mrs Epstein, Mrs Bennett, Mrs Raynsford, Mrs Gregory, Mrs Dirienzo, Miss Pardy and Mrs Bartholomew - who organised such a great day. Thankfully the weather was on our side so enticed the school community to join. Thank you to the external companies who attended and donated some of their profits. Thank you for your generosity. The Infant School raised approx £1,000.00 which will be spent on a range of school resources.
Congratulations to all our lucky raffle winners and to a parent of a Year 2 child who won the 100 square draw with No: 64
Celebration Assembly
Well done to the children who achieved one of our Merton Value awards:
Motivation - Mihai, Jacob
Excellence - Fouzia, Dana, Oliver, Nala, Amelia, Aiden and Eric
Respect - Henry W, Emilly and Norwynn
Teamwork -
Opportunities -
Never Give Up - Freddie B
Other celebrations - Eva, Antony, Lizanne, Lungile, Caroline, Stanley, Zafir, Kartik, Shama, Isaac, Hannah, Lulu, OIivia M, Tayla, Jack, Karol, Jewel, Nethumya and Noel
Musician of the half term
All that Jazz... we are continuing to learn about Ella Jane Fitzgerald who was an American jazz singer.
Genre: Jazz
American Singer: Ella Fitzgerald
Ella was American and grew up in New York where she was surrounded by music and dance. After winning first prize in a talent competition at the Apollo Theatre she went on to tour the world with her amazing voice. Her musical career went on for 50 years. She was the first African-American woman to win a Grammy. Ella became known as the “First Lady of Song” and one of the best jazz singers of the 20th century.
Language of the half term
Our Irish Gaelic is developing well.
Please follow this link to our webpage detailing a PowerPoint of what the children will be learning -> Language of the Half Term Information
Library News
We hear the word Diversity all the time but what does it mean? We found the answers in our library books and in the Jigsaw lessons.
D is for Different
Like Elmer the elephant who showed us how good it is to be different.
I is for Inclusive
At Merton no child is excluded from our many exciting activities.
V is for Variety
We all have different skills. Some children are good at dancing or sports, some are good at reading and writing. Sharing a variety of skills makes our school much more colourful.
E is for Equal Opportunities
Opportunities is one of our Merton values. All children at Merton are given equal opportunities during their time with us eg: all Y2 children are given the opportunity to attend swimming lessons for a period of 6 weeks and all classes are able to visit our school library. The whole school also visited the Winchester Science Centre.
R is for Respect
At Merton we respect every religion, ethnic minority group and the traditions different people follow. It is another one of our Merton values.
S is for Sensitive
We value everybody and we are sensitive to other people’s needs, feelings and differences. Saving the Butterfly is a story that illustrates how one child helps another to overcome their sadness and worries. This is a storybook that can be found in our school library.
I is for Individuality
Everyone is individual, there are no two people alike. Even identical twins are not the same. We all have individual needs, likes and wants.
Alex and Alex is a book about 2 boys called Alex, having the same name but very different personalities.
T is for Talent
Did you know that each of you has a special talent? Maybe you don’t know what kind of talent you have yet, but think! What are you good at?
Y is for Yourself
Remember! Be yourself, be bold, be proud, be brilliant, a SUPER DUPER YOU!
Mental Health and Well-being
We have a dedicated section of our website with details of how we support children's mental health and well-being at school.
Please follow this link for more information ->
There are many ideas and strategies that you can do at home. One of our successful examples are Mindfulness colouring with relaxing music playing in the background.
Governor Corner
A huge thank you to all the children, parents, LSAs, teachers, helpers and friends of Merton Infant School who gave their support to the School Fair on Saturday 29th June.
We were blessed with lovely weather, the field looked very festive with the gazebos and bunting fluttering in the wind. There was a moment of consternation when a particularly strong gust blew several of the gazebos tumbling across the grass but they were quickly up righted and pegged down to make sure it didn't happen again. Everyone seemed to have a good time and it was lovely to see so many children, parents and grandparents having a go at the games or taking a chance on the tombola.
Judging by the armfuls of gifts being carried away some people were very successful and hopefully the boxes of chocolates made it home without melting.
Many thanks to all those manning stalls, running activities and cooking mountains of burgers and sausages. Particular thanks to Mrs Bond for keeping everything organised and to the team of dedicated helpers who put it all together and then packed it all away again at the end.
We are very grateful to have such a wonderful family of people supporting Merton Schools and giving us enjoyable events such as these.
Thank you from the Governors.
Merton Pre-School News
Sadly, we will be saying 'Goodbye' to our Manager, Claire Parratt, at the end of the year. She is going to sunnier climates and travelling around South East Asia with her family. I am sure that you will join me in wishing them safe travels and best wishes. Claire has been instrumental in leading the Pre-School forward since her return from maternity leave in January. Thank you Claire for the Pre-School's continuing success.
An advert for Claire's replacements has been advertised and I will keep you updated when the recruitment process is over.
The Pre-School children who will join YR in September have visited their classes this week. They definitely look YR ready!
Merton Infant School Newsletter 5th June 2024
Dates for your Diary
Please ensure you put the dates on your calendar.
Every Friday at 3pm - Book 'n' Biscuit 3.00 -3.15pm - book by 12pm on Fridays using the link via weekly text on Thursday afternoons
Wednesday 5th June - Year 2 to start swimming lessons - letter already sent home
Thursday 6th June - Year 2 Windsor Castle trip
Thursday 13th June - 10.00 - 11.00am Merton Pre-School Woodland Learning Open Day for prospective parents and children for September 2024
Friday 14th June - Non-uniform day for £1.00 donation
Friday 21st June - Sports Day 10.30am - 12.00 noon, Family picnic 12.00 - 1.00pm, 1.00 - 3.00pm Merton Run and Bike Sponsored Workout
Monday 24th June - INSET Day - school closed for staff training
Tuesday 25th June - Safety Theme Day: NSPCC PANTS Rule, Clever Never Goes, e-Safety
Wednesday 26th June - Governor Monitoring day
Friday 28th June - Transition day (all children to meet their new class teacher)
Saturday 29th June - Summer Fair 12.00 - 2.00pm
Wednesday 3rd July - School Nurse drop in session at 9.00am
Tuesday 9th July - Year R Beach Day (please see the link to the YR curriculum letter below)
Tuesday 9th July - Pre-School Sports Day at 9.00 - 10.00am and 2.00 - 3.00pm
Tuesday 9th July - Thursday 11th July - Last week for clubs
Friday 12th July - Y1 Art Gallery for Parents at 2.30 - 3.00pm
Monday 15th July - INSET day - school closed for staff training
Tuesday 16th July - Friday 19th July - Olympic Themed Week
Tuesday 16th July - French theme day
Monday 22nd July - Year 2 Leavers' Assembly at 9.30 - 10.30am
Tuesday 23rd July - Break up at 3.15pm for the summer holidays
Headteacher Highlight
We trust that you all had a lovely half term holiday and managed to get outside with some good weather!
This is another busy half term. Friday 28th June is our formal Transition Day when the children will meet their new class teacher / LSA and new classroom. All current classes have been split to take into account a balance of boy/girl, Special Educational Needs, English as an Additional Language including Ethnic Minority. All children will receive a Social Story indicating the new staff and classroom. Parents will be able to visit the new classes with their children from 3.15-3.45pm on this day.
We are still looking for Governors to join our Governing Body, please see me if you are interested or our Chair of Governors, Gaye Dove.
Summer 2 Topics
Year R - Under the Sea
Please click the links below to go to the Year R page on the school website and see our curriculum newsletter and overview. Try to complete some of the Merton Missions with your child. Please look at the links provided which will support your child's learning throughout the term and look at the vocabulary lists.
Year 1 - The Seaside
Please click the link below to go to the Year 1 page on the school website and see our curriculum newsletter and overview. Try to complete some of the Merton Missions with your child. Please look at the links provided which will support your child's learning throughout the term and look at the vocabulary lists.
Year 2 - Crowns and Castles
Please click the link below to go to the Year 2 page on the school website and see our curriculum newsletter and overview. Try to complete some of the Merton Missions with your child. Please look at the links provided which will support your child's learning throughout the term and look at the vocabulary lists.
Staffing Update
There will quite a few staff changes for September as some staff are embarking on new adventures!
Sadly, Miss Mead, Y2 LSA, will be leaving on Friday 14th June to start a position as a Health Care Assistant at Basingstoke Hospital, Children's Ward. She has been here for 9 years and 6 months always with a smile on her face and a spring in her step. She will be greatly missed.
At the end of the year,
Miss Fellhauer, KS 1 Discovery Room Teacher, will be moving back to Canada with her family. She started here as a Newly Qualified Teacher in 2013.
Miss Bohan, Y1 Barn Owls Teacher, will be moving to a school in Southampton nearer to her home.
Miss Dean, YR Little Owls Teacher, will be moving to a school in Portsmouth nearer to her home
I am sure that you will join me in wishing all our leavers all the very best in their new positions. They have been wonderful, committed members of the school team who worked tirelessly for the children in their care.
Mrs Eglin will be returning from Maternity Leave on Monday 15th July. She will be covering some classes for staff Curriculum Manager Non-Contact time.
Musician of the half term
All that Jazz... we will be learning about Ella Jane Fitzgerald who was an American jazz singer, sometimes referred to as the "First Lady of Song", "Queen of Jazz", and "Lady Ella".
Genre: Jazz
American Singer: Ella Fitzgerald
Ella was American and grew up in New York where she was surrounded by music and dance. After winning first prize in a talent competition at the Apollo Theatre she went on to tour the world with her amazing voice. Her musical career went on for 50 years. She was the first African-American woman to win a Grammy. Ella became known as the “First Lady of Song” and one of the best jazz singers of the 20th century.
Language of the half term
This half term we will explore Irish Gaelic. The children will be learning all about the culture and how to say hello in Gaelic.
Please follow this link to our webpage detailing a Powerpoint of what the children will be learning
School Nurse Drop-in
Our next health advice drop-in clinic with the Community Nursery Nurses, Michelle and Chelsea, is on Wednesday 3rd July at 9.00am.
Parents are welcome to drop-in to discuss any concerns they may have about healthy lifestyles, fussy eating, behaviour, low level emotional health and advice and sign posting for toileting and sleep issues.
There is no need to book, just come on the day to talk with Chelsea or Mrs Durbajlo about any concerns you have.
We look forward to continuing to work with all parents and carers to support the children.
Library News
Merton is my Home
Your home is where your heart is, whether it is at home, school or a special place where you feel loved and safe. No matter what ethnicity, religion or nationality you are, we all like to belong somewhere.
At Merton Infant School we believe, and like to show by our Merton Values, that everyone belongs to our Merton Family. The children made their special houses to share who and what is special to them.
The Gruffalo trail
Would you believe it, it's The Gruffalo's 25th birthday! So we at Merton made a Gruffalo trail to celebrate!! The children had an opportunity to show off their acting skills in the library and act out the story. They absolutely loved it !!
Mental Health and Wellbeing
We have a dedicated section of our website with details of how we support children's mental health and well-being at school.
Please follow this link for more information
Merton Pre-School News
Woodland Learning Open Day for Prospective Parents and Children for September 2024
THURSDAY 13TH JUNE 2024 10.00 - 11.00am
If your child is looking to start Pre-School in September 2024, we would love to invite you to our Woodland Learning Open Day.
It will start with a show around of our amazing setting, where you can see our two great outdoor spaces and designated outdoor learning area. Sessions are held twice weekly to develop children's physical and mental health skills.
We will also be serving hot chocolate and biscuits. You will also have the opportunity to explore the outside area with your child.
Please sign up if you would like to attend the Open Day either via email or by phone
01256 353100
Spaces are limited so please sign up as soon as possible.
We look forward to seeing you Thursday 13th June 10.00 - 11.00am
Merton Pre-School
Merton Infant School Newsletter 17th May 2024
Dates for your Diary
There are a lot of events happening this term. Please ensure you put the dates on your calendar.
Every Friday at 3pm - Book 'n' Biscuit 3.00pm-3.15pm - book by 12pm on Fridays using the link via weekly text on Thursday afternoons
Wednesday 22nd May - Whole school trip to The Winchester Science Centre and Planetarium
Friday 24th May - Non uniform day. Year R - bottles, Year 1 - Toys, Year 2 - Chocolate
Friday 24th May - Break up for half term at 3.15pm
Monday 3rd June - school re-opens at 8.45am
Wednesday 5th June - School Nurse drop in session at 2.00pm
Thursday 6th June - Year 2 Windsor Castle trip
Wednesday 5th June - Year 2 to start swimming lessons - letter already sent home
Friday 14th June - non uniform day for £1.00 donation
Friday 21st June - Sports Day 10.30am - 12.00 noon and Family picnic 12.00 - 1.00pm
Monday 24th June - INSET Day - school closed for staff training
Friday 28th June - Transition day (Year R and Year 1 children to meet their new class teacher)
Monday 15th July - INSET day - school closed for staff training
Monday 22nd July - Year 2 Leavers' Assembly 9.30 - 10.30am
Tuesday 23rd July - break up at 3.15pm for the summer holidays
Headteacher Highlight
I cannot believe how quickly this half term is going with only one week left! The children are engrossed in their topics and continuing to make great progress. They love our new trim trail and seating area on the back playground.
We are still looking for Governors to join our Governing Body, please see me if you are interested or our Chair of Governors, Gaye Dove.
On Tuesday 21st May, the Junior School is holding their Sports Day in the morning followed by a Family Picnic at 12.00pm. If you have a child who attends the Junior School and would like your Infant sibling to join you, please collect them from the school office and sign them out. Please can you make sure you have let the office staff know by emailing no later than 3.15pm Monday 20th May, if you intend to collect your child for the picnic, so that we can get them ready for 12.00pm. At 1.00pm, you should return your child to the infant school via the office so they can be registered.
All children will be offered a school picnic bag on this day or they can bring their own packed lunch.
The menu for the 21st will be: RED: Hot Dog picnic bag GREEN: Pizza picnic bag
There will be NO jacket potato option on this day.
Summer 1 Topics
Year R - Let's Grow
Year R have been enjoying and learning about gardening and minibeasts. We launched our topic by planting some grass to make our own grass heads. We are sure you have been busy giving them regular haircuts at home! We are on sunflower watch in each class to see who can grow the tallest sunflower.
We are now experts on the life cycle of a butterfly, after watching our class caterpillars turn into butterflies and releasing them into the wild. The children have been thrilled to have the amazing opportunity to see metamorphosis in action. We have enjoyed looking at different books and reading stories with a minibeast theme. We have learned lots from the information books that we have shared.
Year 1 - Once Upon a Time
Our storytelling is fantastic using great vocabulary and extending our sentences. We have enjoyed listening to Traditional Tales and discussing characters' actions and emotions. We have explored the patterns of the designer Orla Kiely to re-create our own. This has also helped us to learn about shapes and their properties.
Year 2 - Race to Space
Year 2 have loved learning all about Neil Armstrong and Tim Peake. We have been busy applying our knowledge into fact files using sub=headings, questions and illustrations. We have compared these astronauts and been thinking about who is more important. It was very hard to decide as they had both done so much! We have enjoyed making our space buggies in DT and creating planet sketches inspired by the artist, Ludek Pecek. We have also loved the sunshine and making the most of the garden to extend our learning.
We have a busy few months to finish our Year 2 journey with swimming, sports day, a trip to Windsor Castle and a leavers' assembly still to come.
School Council visit the Houses of Parliament
The School Council had the amazing opportunity to travel to London to visit the Houses of Parliament. They learned all about the role of the government in the United Kingdom and visited the House of Lords. They had the very special experience of using the King's Entrance and Sovereign steps to enter Parliament which only selected people get to view.
The children were fascinated to find out that the Sovereign does not have powers as part of their role and cannot make decisions for Parliament. If all that wasn't exciting enough... our Basingstoke MP Maria Miller even came and spoke to them and answered some of their questions.
We were very proud of our School Council representing us and our Merton Values. We look forward to possibly hearing some of them in the future as future MPs.
Celebration Assembly
Well done to the children who achieved one of our Merton Value awards:
Motivation - Freddie, Niko, Ava, Kiera, Hunter, Mujtaba, Jaxon Wi, Theo, Ryan, Winter, Emilly, Lily, Noah R, Arabella
Excellence - Hallie B, Noah, Sreysta, Maisie, Henry W, Aiden, Lonwabo, Jax, Imogen T, Benjamin B, Khush, Zafir, Aarush, Ithra, Antek, Emily, Ronnie, Eric S-K, Kyah, Zaki, Holly, Nala, Aarush, George D, Poppy P, Jaxon Wh, Albie, Hadia, Maxwell, Mridul, Carter P, Olivia M, Stefan
Respect - Addison, Freya, Ella
Teamwork - Roman, Landon, Arabella, Macie, Freddie B, Poppy H, Ciara
Opportunities - Lulu, Jewel, Eliza, Karol, Ziad
Never Give Up - Callum, Eliza, Mihai, Noah R, Kiara, Noel
Other celebrations - Harper, Zafir, Rocky, Ronela, Eva, Amelie, Taliah, Holly, Mujtaba, Micah, Nevaeh, Yashigan, Mujtaba, Antony S, Macie, School Council for their trip to the Houses of Parliament
Well done to the following classes for winning SAM (School Attendance Matters) Bear for having the highest attendance:
School has received an email from the Local Authority Travel Planning Department as many local residents have made complaints about irresponsible parking around the local community, but especially Romsey Close. Please be respectful and NOT park across driveways or double park or park on unsafe corners.
There is a car park at Abbey Road shops which is only a short walk to two entrance points to the school grounds.
Please could we also remind parents about keeping to a sensible speed when driving up Romsey Close, particularly at the start and end of the school day, as there are many children about at these times.
Musician of the half term
Elvis Presley
It is great to hear so many young children singing songs by the King of Rock and Roll! Some are even imitating his famous lip roll and leg movements!
Language of the half term
Many children are answering the register in Bulgarian among many other words.
Hello – zdraveyte (draveytay)
Goodbye – dovizhan (dovizhdanay)
Please – mola (moya)
Thank you –blagodarim vi
Mr. – gospodin (gospodeen)
Miss/Mrs – gozpozha (gospozha)
Green – seelen (zellen)
Red – cherven (chairven)
Yellow – zhult
Dinner- vecherya
Packed Lunch – paketiran obyad (packetiran obyert)
They continue to explore facts about the country.
School Nurse Drop-in
Our next health advice drop-in clinic with the Community Nursery Nurses, Michelle and Chelsea, is on Wednesday 5th June at 2.00pm.
Parents are welcome to drop-in to discuss any concerns they may have about healthy lifestyles, fussy eating, behaviour, low level emotional health and advice and sign posting for toileting and sleep issues.
There is no need to book, just come on the day to talk with Chelsea or Mrs Durbajlo about any concerns you have.
We look forward to continuing to work with all parents and carers to support the children.
Library News
Summer Sizzler
On Monday, the 13th May we hosted another successful reading afternoon. The theme for our Summer Sizzler was rhyming and the children had an opportunity to look at lots of rhyming stories with their parents. Then they also took part in lots of different activities connected to the stories. This included acting out the Gruffalo story in the library, making a stickman, cutting out the paper dolls and playing lots of phonics games. The children were rewarded with a sticker for completing each activity.
It was a really magical afternoon that ended with the teachers reading stories to their year groups.
It is time to travel!
In the library we decided that it's 'Time to Travel' and as we all know, travelling means having a passport, so the children decided to make their own.
Firstly they filled in their passports with all information about themselves: their name, signature, description, picture, age, etc. We also learned about data protection.
We read information books about other countries and found an interesting fact about a each of them. The more countries the children 'visited', the more stamps they earned in their passports.
Merton Pre-School News
Woodland Learning Open Day for Prospective Parents and Children for September 2024
THURSDAY 13TH JUNE 2024 10.00 - 11.00am
If your child is looking to start preschool in September 2024, we would love to invite you to our Woodland Learning Open Day.
It will start with a show around of our amazing setting, where you can see our two great outdoor spaces and designated outdoor learning area. Sessions are held twice weekly to develop children's physical and mental health skills.
We will also be serving hot chocolate and biscuits. You will also have the opportunity to explore the outside area with your child.
Please sign up if you would like to attend the Open Day either via email or by phone
01256 353100
Spaces are limited so please sign up as soon as possible.
We look forward to seeing you Thursday 13th June 10.00 - 11.00am
We look forward to seeing you.
Merton Pre-School
Merton Infant School Newsletter 19th April 2024
Dates for your Diary
Every Friday at 3pm - Book 'n' Biscuit 3.00pm-3.15pm - book by 12pm on Fridays using the link via weekly text on Thursday afternoons
Monday 22nd April - Parent Bingo at 2.00pm in the school hall - see separate E-Mail to book
Tuesday 23rd April - Year R (Owlets & half of Snowy Owls) visit to Chineham library
Friday 26th April - Year R (Little Owls & half of Snowy Owls) visit to Chineham library
Monday 29th April - School Nurse drop-in at 2.00pm - see details below
Friday 3rd May - Non-uniform day in exchange for Year R - Chocolate items, Year 1 - Bottles (un-opened and in date please), Year 2 - Toys
Monday 6th May - Bank Holiday - school closed to staff and children
Tuesday 7th May - Barnardo's School Readiness presentation to September 2024 YR parents
Thursday 16th May - Class photos
Friday 17th May - Year 2 Space Buggy Workshop. 2.00 - 3.00pm. Come and help your child make a space buggy
Friday 17th May - Non-uniform day in exchange for £1.00 donation
Wednesday 22nd May - Whole school trip to The Winchester Science Centre (details to follow)
Friday 24th May - School finishes at 3.15pm for the half term break
Monday 3rd June - School re-opens at 8.45am
Headteacher Highlight
Welcome back to school. We trust that you all had a wonderful holiday.
We have another busy half term ahead, so please continue to check your child's Book Bags and the school website for up-to-date information.
The children have made a positive start to this half term... eager to explore their new topics. We are also looking forward to our whole school trip to The Winchester Science Centre in May which we visit every 3 years.
On Monday 22nd April, we will send the final OFSTED report from our inspection on 12th & 13th March. Please do take the time to read it.
Summer 1 Topics
Year R - Let's Grow
This half term our topic is 'Let's Grow.' We will be learning about plants and minibeasts. We will have the opportunity to do some planting and we will be learning about the life cycle of a butterfly and watching caterpillars turn into butterflies.
Merton Mission: Make a salad using fresh produce. Visit a garden centre and look at different plants.
Please see below for the curriculum newsletter for this half term. A paper copy has also been sent home.
Year 1 - Once Upon a Time
This half term our topic is 'Traditional Tales'. We will be looking at a range of stories such as 'Jack and the Beanstalk'.
Merton Mission: We look forward to seeing how many traditional tales you have read this half term alongside your creative book cover. Please see below our curriculum newsletter for this half term.
Year 2 - Race to Space
Year 2 are excited to be learning all about the race to space and how we landed on the Moon. We'll be looking at astronauts Neil Armstrong and Tim Peake and learning how life has changed from 1969 to the present day. More information can be found about our learning this half term on Year 2 year group page . You will also find videos and songs to support our learning .
To be ready to make our space buggies on 17th May please could we have unwanted small cardboard boxes, egg boxes and anything which could be used for junk modelling. Please could these handed in via the Year 2 classes at drop-off/pick-up. Thank you.
Merton Mission:
Read it: Read about the moon landing.
Make it: Make a junk model rocket ready for blast off!
Do it: Can you go on a material hunt around your home looking for plastic, fabric, metal, wood and glass? Which material is the most common and why?
Celebration Assembly
Well done to the children who achieved one of our Merton Value awards:
Motivation - Freddie
Excellence - Hallie B, Noah, Sreysta, Maisie, Henry W
Respect - Addison
Teamwork - Roman, Landon, Arabella, Macie, Freddie B, Poppy H
Opportunities -
Never Give Up - Callum
Other celebrations - Harper, Zafir, Rocky, Ronela
Well done to the following classes for winning SAM (School Attendance Matters) Bear for having the highest attendance:
School has received an email from the Local Authority Travel Planning Department as many local residents have made complaints about irresponsible parking around the local community, but especially Romsey Close. Please be respectful and NOT park across driveways or double parking or parking on unsafe corners.
There is a car park at Abbey Road shops which is only a short walk to two entrance points to the school grounds.
Please could we also remind parents about keeping to a sensible speed when driving up Romsey Close, particularly at the start and end of the school day, as there are many children about at these times.
We are trialling a new way of allocating clubs this term for Year 1 and 2.
Please ask your child which club they would like to attend and complete the form below. We have provided a first, second and third preference and will do our best to place every child in a club.
By completing the form, you are giving your permission for them to attend the chosen after school club on a Wednesday from 3.15-4.00pm.
Places will be allocated on a first come first served basis. We will send a text to confirm your child's place and the start date.
Please book using the following link by Tuesday 23rd April at 12.00pm latest:
Information about Choir and Library club will be sent separately.
Musician of the half term
'It's now or never'.... The King of Rock 'n' Roll. The children will be learning about the life of Elvis Presley. See how many songs you know!
Language of the half term
The children will be learning Bulgarian this half term and finding key facts about the European country.
School Nurse Drop in
Our next health advice drop-in clinic with the Community Nursery Nurses, Michelle and Chelsea, is on Monday 29th April at 2pm.
Parents are welcome to drop-in to discuss any concerns they may have about healthy lifestyles, fussy eating, behaviour, low level emotional health and advice and sign posting for toileting and sleep issues.
There is no need to book, just come on the day to talk with Chelsea or Mrs Durbajlo about any concerns you have.
We look forward to continuing to work with all parents and carers to support the children.
Governor News
Merton Pre-School is now under the leadership and management of the school's Governing Body. Therefore, we will have training on 1st May on the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) to ensure that we fully understand the statutory requirements for 2-4 year olds.
Library News
We are welcoming Spring to the school library.
The children have been welcoming the new season of SPRING. We have discussed the changes we can see around us and are reading new information books as well as stories about spring.
The children love learning about the life cycle of butterflies as well as writing poems about new life and changes in spring.
16th April 2024
Dear Parent/Carer,
NSPCC’s Speak out. Stay safe. programme
I am pleased to inform you that we are participating in the NSPCC’s Speak out. Stay safe. Programme this term. Speak out. Stay safe. is a programme for children aged 5-11 which aims to help children understand abuse in all its forms and to recognise the signs of abuse. Children are taught to speak out if they are worried, either to a safe adult or Childline.
This child friendly programme is aligned with the curriculum and consists of age appropriate virtual assemblies and supporting classroom based activities which we have reviewed, alongside NSPCC volunteer led face to face workshops for children aged 6-7 and 9-11. The content is delivered in an engaging and interactive way with the help of the NSPCC mascot Buddy. If you would like to know more about the Speak out. Stay safe. programme visit
Additional NSPCC resources for families to help keep children safe
The NSPCC have shared some important information below on wider NSPCC resources and support to help keep children safe.
Parent/Carer support Take a look at information, support, advice and activities from NSPCC for parent and carers. Activities to extend learning at home Take part in games and activities at home to help children learn about speaking out and staying safe.
Online Safety Hub For information on a range of different online safety topics including gaming, social media, sharing images, parental controls and more. Childline – under 12’s Childline have an accessible website with advice, support, games and activities. Children can change the language, enlarge text and also listen to the content. (5-7) (7-11)
Talk PANTS with your children
Talk PANTS is a simple conversation to help keep children safe from sexual abuse. From P through to S, each letter of PANTS provides simple but important messages. Download the free resources at
I hope you find this information about the NSPCC and the Speak out. Stay safe. programme helpful. Please do contact me if you have any further questions.
Yours sincerely,
Larissa James
15th April 2024
Dear Parents/Carers,
Family Bingo Fundraising Afternoon
We will be hosting a Family Bingo Fundraising Afternoon on Monday 22nd April 2024 from 2.15pm - 3.15pm in the school hall. All money raised will go towards equipment to enhance your child’s learning. Tickets will cost £5.00 per board, which includes one hot refreshment and one soft drink per child. Additional drinks can be purchased throughout the afternoon. We have some amazing prizes for matching a full house of bingo including cash, a manicure voucher, electrical items, cupcakes and many more. It is an event not to be missed!
If you have any new or unused gifts you would like to donate this would be greatly appreciated. Siblings are welcome to attend this event but we cannot accommodate pushchairs/prams inside the school hall. These will need to be left in the porch area.
Thank you for your continued support.
Yours sincerely
Mrs Larissa James Mrs Laura Relf
Head teacher Year 2 Teacher – Maths and EAL Lead
Family Bingo Afternoon - Monday 22nd April 2024 - 2.15pm-3.15pm
Please return slip and £5.00 by 3.15pm on Friday 19th April 2024 to the school office to secure your place.
Child/children’s name:…………………………………………………………………………………………
Class ……………………………………………………..
Number attending: Adults:...................................................Children ........................................................
I enclose £5.00 I have paid online Scopay ref: ………………………
Merton Infant School Newsletter 27th March 2024
Dates for your Diary
Every Friday at 3pm - Book 'n' Biscuit 3.00pm-3.15pm - book by 12pm on Fridays using the link via weekly text on Thursday afternoons
Thursday 28th March - Easter Raffle being drawn and the Easter Egg Hunt
Thursday 28th March - Break Up at 3.15pm
Monday 15th April - School opens at 8.45am
Friday 19th April - Non-uniform day in exchange for: Year R - Toys, Year 1 - Chocolate items, Year 2 - Bottles (un-opened and in date please)
Monday 22nd April - Parent Bingo (details to follow)
Tuesday 23rd April - Year R (Owlets & half of Snowy Owls) visit to Chineham library
Friday 26th April - Year R (Little Owls & half of Snowy Owls) visit to Chineham library
Monday 29th April - School Nurse drop-in at 2pm
Friday 3rd May - Non-uniform day in exchange for Year R - chocolate items, Year 1 - Bottles (un-opened and in date please), Year 2 - Toys
Monday 6th May - Bank Holiday - school closed to staff and children
Thursday 16th May - Class photos
Friday 17th May - Non-uniform day in exchange for £1.00 donation
Tuesday 21st May - Whole school trip to The Winchester Science Centre (details to follow)
Friday 24th May - School finishes at 3.15pm for the half term break
Monday 3rd June - School re opens at 8.45am
Headteacher Highlight
What a way to end the OFSTED inspection! Thank you, thank you, thank you for all your support and best wishes . The children, as always, were magical and truly reflected our MERTON values. And the Staff...hard working and dedicated as always... a truly fantastic TEAM. We look forward to sending the final report to you soon.
Our Y1 children were amazing in their Easter Assembly to parents including the Mayor and Mayoress of Basingstoke last week. They were so proud of themselves.
We had Pupil Progress Meetings on Friday 22nd March, the children are making fantastic progress and the vast majority are on track to meet their year group expectations by the end of the year.
Please practice reading during the holidays....reading is the gateway to their exciting adventures in life!
We are delighted with the children's attendance this term, 94%, which is in line with Government expectations. We hope this will continue next term, especially since the 'bug' season will be over!
Have a wonderful and safe Easter holiday enjoying special time as a family.
Safety Theme Day
On Friday 22nd March, we held our termly Safety Theme Day. We discussed the NSPCC PANTS Rule, e-Safety, road safety and Clever Never Goes.
Staff have reported that many children said that they play games on devices at home which are not age appropriate e.g. Roblox. Please ensure you have the right parental controls on devices at home. There is advice for parents on the website on the Safeguarding page.
Spring 2 Topics
Year R - On The Farm
Year R had the perfect landing to their topic with the arrival of 10 eggs. They watched as the eggs incubated and then began to hatch. They learnt the importance of being quiet and calm around the newly hatched chicks and how to make sure they were kept clean, fed and watered. What a great experience for them!
What worked well
•Visiting Wellington Country park enabled children to observe human and physical features in a different environment and compare to Popley
•Using their Phonic knowledge to label animals
•Creating a farm using junk modelling and giving reasons for what they have included and why
•Knowing the names of animals’ offspring
•Collecting data about their favourite farm animals and creating block graphs
•Understanding where food comes from
•Learning old fashioned songs e.g. Old MacDonald had a farm
•Understanding symbols of new life in RE
Even better if
•Visit to a working farm
Year 1 - Fire Fire!
What worked well
•Referring to their Everyday Heroes topic in YR to introduce the Fire Service
•Visit from the Fire Service to explain their job
•Using the narrative approach to write a recount of the Great Fire of London (GFoL)
•Creating and filming their fire poems with iPads
•Exploring the GFoL history artefact box to stimulate discussions and forming opinions
•Using a timeline to show the chronology of the GFoL
•Creating own fire pictures with paint and collage
•Using step-by-step instructions to draw Tudor houses adding sketching details for specific features e.g. cross hatching for straw roof
Even better If
•Making Tudor houses and setting them alight to demonstrate the quick spread of a fire
Year 2 - Titanic
What worked well:
•The children enjoyed being historical detectives developing their enquiry skills using our Merton Value of "Respect" to explore the artefacts to question what the items was and for whom
•Creating Titanic passenger status and debating equality and inclusion
•Exploring Titanic paintings by Ken Marschall and following step-by-step drawing instructions
•Recognising the journey of the Titanic and how events happened
•Merton Mission of creating Titanic models
•Putting events in chronological order
Even better if:
•Visit to SeaCity Museum in Southampton
Celebration Assembly
Well done to the children who achieved one of our Merton Value awards:
Motivation - Fouzia, Kartik, Talia, Robin, Immy T, Goodnews, Joshua
Excellence - Scarlett, Olivia M, Clara, Ryan, Harriet H
Respect - Tommy, Taliah
Teamwork - Darci-Rose,
Opportunities -
Never Give Up - Zac, Harrison, Matipa, Winter
Other celebrations - Charlie, Karol, Ciara, George D, Vlad
Well done to the following classes for winning SAM (School Attendance Matters) Bear for having the highest attendance:
Language of the half term
The children have loved learning words in the language Shona and finding key facts about Zimbabwe.
1.5 million people live in Harare which is the capital city.
14.8 million people live in Zimbabwe.
School Nurse Drop in
Our next health advice drop-in clinic with the Community Nursery Nurses, Michelle and Chelsea, is on Monday 29th April at 2pm.
Parents are welcome to drop-in to discuss any concerns they may have about healthy lifestyles, fussy eating, behaviour, low level emotional health and advice and sign posting for toileting and sleep issues.
There is no need to book, just come on the day to talk with Chelsea or Mrs Durbajlo about any concerns you have.
We look forward to continuing to work with all parents and carers to support the children.
Governor News
Governor Monitoring Day - 18th March
There are 3 Governor monitoring days each school year, one each term. Monitoring days are a chance for Governors to see the school in action throughout the school day, when they have the opportunity to talk to staff and children about the learning taking place. These days are a valuable insight into how the school community works, the different subjects being taught and how well the children engage with their learning. It is always a pleasure to visit the school and share the wealth of positive experiences that the staff provide for all the children and to see how much they enjoy being part of the Merton family.
We are still looking for Governors to join our Board. Please do not hesitate to contact me, Gaye Dove, Chair of Governors via the school office if you would like to find out more about the role.
Wishing everyone a very Happy Easter
Kind regards
Gaye Dove, Chair of Governors
Library News
Merton Pre-School Visits
Once a week the children from Merton Pre-School visit our school library. Groups of 10 children come with two members of staff and have the opportunity to explore our wonderful library as well as sharing a story from our wide selection of books.
This is a great way for the children to familiarise themselves with our school and help with their transition to Year R in September.
Special Relatives Visit in the library
Year R relatives came for a reading session to explore our range of books. Our library is the perfect place to enjoy a book in a calm and relaxing atmosphere and develop a love of reading for pleasure.
A very special visit from the Mayor and Mayoress
On Tuesday 19th March we were delighted to have a visit from the Mayor of Basingstoke and Deane, Councillor David Leeks and his wife, the Mayoress to watch the Year 1 Easter assembly. They also met some of our Year 2 children which included our Pupil Librarians. They enjoyed a lovely 'question and answer' session, talking about their favourite authors, the library and the Popley area.
15th March 2024
Dear Parent/Carer
On Friday 22nd March we will be discussing the NSPCC’s Underwear Rule in our PDL lessons.
During these discussions we will aim to teach our pupils the following important safety skills
without giving explicit information or telling scary stories. We will be teaching our pupils the
NSPCC’s Underwear Rule, using the ‘PANTS’ acrostic, which is like a green cross code
for staying safe from sexual abuse.
PANTS stands for:
• Privates are private
• Always remember your body belongs to you
• No means no
• Talk about secrets that upset you
• Speak up, someone can help
The lessons will introduce a range of ideas, all delivered in a way that’s fully age-appropriate.
These include:
• “appropriate” and “inappropriate” touching
• your child’s right to say no to things that make them feel upset or uncomfortable
• naming parts of the body
• who your child can turn to if they ever feel upset or worried.
If you would like to know more about the NSPCC’s campaign and see how you can help keep your children safe in partnership with your child’s school, more information can be found at
If you have any questions or concerns please don’t hesitate to get in touch.
Thank you for your continuing support
Larissa James
11th March 2024
Dear Parents/Carers
Easter Egg Hunt
Merton Infant School will be holding an Easter Egg Hunt on Thursday 28th March 2024.
Every child who takes part will receive a small egg with the winner receiving a larger prize.
If you would like your child to participate we are asking for a £1.00 contribution to go towards the cost and fundraising. We hope you will allow your child to join in the Easter Egg Hunt.
This event will be available online, via your child’s scopay account or alternatively, you can pay with cash by returning the attached permission slip and posting in the grey post box situated in the Infant School reception. We would ask that all replies, whether via the post box or online, are received by Monday 25th March in order that we can purchase the eggs. If your child has any allergies please inform the school office.
Thank you for your continuing support!
Yours sincerely,
Larissa James
Easter Egg Hunt on Thursday 28th March 2024
I would like my child to take part in the Easter Egg Hunt.
I enclose £1.00 I have paid online Scopay ref number ……………………..
Child’s name ……………………………………………………………………………….
Child’s class ………………………………………………………………………………..
(Please write your child’s full name and class)
Reply slips and money are to be placed in an envelope marked ‘Easter Egg Hunt’ and put in the grey post box situated in the Infant School reception.
Any change needed will be sent home at a later date.
Merton Infant School Newsletter 8th March 2024
Dates for your Diary
Every Friday - Book 'n' Biscuit 3.00pm-3.15pm - book using the link via weekly text on Thursday afternoons
Tuesday 19th March - 2.00pm Easter assembly - Year 1 parents only
Wednesday 20th March - Fire Service visit to Yr 1 & Yr R
Monday 25th March - Easter disco - details below
Tuesday 26th March - School Nurse drop-in session at 2.00pm
Thursday 28th March - Easter egg hunt and raffle - details below
Thursday 28th March - Break Up at 3.15pm
Monday 15th April - School opens at 8.45am
Please be aware that all Year 1 & Year 2 clubs, including the Library Club will all finish the week commencing Monday 18th March.
Information about new clubs will be sent out after the Easter break.
Headteacher Highlight
We are officially half way though this academic year! The children are working very hard and enjoying their new topics. It was lovely to see so many parents at our new parent / child reading time on Friday afternoon. We hope to see more families join every Friday at 3.00pm in the school hall. Our Librarian, Miss Hankova, will always be there if you have any queries about supporting your child with Reading.
Sadly, we said 'Goodbye' to Mrs Miller who has been supporting Y2 this year. We wish her all the very best as she starts a new teaching position at Hook Infant School.
Spring 2 Topics
Year R - On The Farm
Year R had a wonderful time on their trip to Wellington Country Park last Friday. They walked the Dinosaur trail and got to meet lots of friendly farm animals, including and alpacas, noisy chickens and goats. They loved exploring the terrifying dinosaurs as well as balancing whilst crossing the rope bridges.
Year 1 - Fire Fire!
Year 1 have been busy working on their Great Fire of London timeline learning lots of facts as part of their history learning. They have also written fire themed poems and created paintings of Tudor houses. They are looking forward to sequencing and retelling the disaster in history as well as having the Fire Service visiting on the 20th March.
Year 2 - Titanic
Eagle and Wise Owls had a fantastic visit to Chineham library last week. They heard from the head librarian who explained how the library operated and got to see some of the 'behind the scenes' day to day running of it. The children were amazing role models and represented Merton Infant School with flying colours.
Celebration Assembly
Well done to the children who achieved one of our Merton Value awards:
Motivation - Nikodem, Albie B, Lizanne, Elsie, Karol, Mujtaba, Devanand, Ella, Kobi, Louie, Benjamyn
Excellence - Ancho, Eva, Micah, Layla, Ronnie, Hunter, Hannah, Lucas, Tommy, Tre, Mia, Logan F, Osinachi, Zaki, Joshua, Lulu, Jacob L, Mujtaba, Taqi, Toby P, Micah, Freya, Jaxon W, Excel, Eliza, Olivia V, Theo, Niamh, Freddie B
Respect - Roman, Chiugo
Teamwork - George P, Oliver H, Macie, Norwynn, Stefan, Jewel, Olivia C, Olivia E, Isabelle, Arthur, Ella Niamh, Devanand, Ariyanna, George P, Adelina, Carter
Opportunities - Oliver, Maxim, Darci-Rose, Ronnie, Macie, Logan P
Never Give Up - Lexie, Joey, Emilly, Kyah, Olivia E
Other celebrations - Aarush, Scarlett R, Liana, Harriet G, Leo S, Zac, Sreysta, Yusra, Ziad, Tayla, Darci-Rose, Noel, Norwynn, Lucas
Well done to the following classes for winning SAM (School Attendance Matters) Bear for having the highest attendance:
Musician of the half term
The children are learning songs by Aretha Franklin and her love of Soul music. The children are enjoying learning key facts about her life.
Language of the half term
Our Language of the half term is Shona which is spoken in Zimbabwe.
The children are learning to answer the register in Shona as well as saying Hello, Please and Thank you.
Why not have a go yourself......
Hello – mhoroi
Goodbye – sarai mushe
Please - ndapota
Thank you - mazvitaMr. - bamukuru
Miss/Mrs – amaiGreen – girinhi
Red – tsvuku
Yellow – yero
Packed lunch – chikafu kubva kumba
School Nurse Drop in
Our next health advice drop-in clinic with the Community Nursery Nurse, Chelsea, is on Wednesday 26th March at 2pm.
Parents are welcome to drop-in to discuss any concerns they may have about Healthy lifestyles, Fussy eating, behaviour, low level emotional health and advice and sign posting for toileting and sleep issues.
There is no need to book, just come along on the day to talk with Chelsea or Mrs Durbajlo about any concerns you have.
We look forward to continuing to work with our parents and carers to support the children.
Governor News
On Monday 18th March we will carry out our termly Monitoring Visit. Please feel free to share your opinions of the school with us - strengths and development points.
We are still looking for Governors to join our Board. Please do not hesitate to contact me, Gaye Dove, Chair of Governors via the school office if you would like to find out more about the role.
Easter Disco - letter has gone home
Easter Raffle - letter has gone home
Easter Egg Hunt - letter going home 11th March 2024
Library News
Hampshire Picture Book Awards 2024
Merton Infant School have taken part in evaluating four shortlisted books and selecting an award winner. Prior to voting for their favourite book the children reflected on how democracy within our school and the world work and linked this to our British values. All Y1 children were privileged to be taking part in this prestigious award. They worked hard with four shortlisted stories all week and they voted for their winner! The children are eager to find out if their favourite author and illustrator were chosen.
Merton's Tree of Life
At Merton we have embraced the changing season of Spring through working together to create a 'Merton Tree of Life'. Every child within the school came to the library and embodied our Merton value of "Teamwork". They did this by making pink and green handprints to represent the leaves and blossom. The children had lots of fun and they achieved the finished masterpiece. Whilst doing this, the children were able to discuss the changing seasons and understand what happens in the Spring. We did this through shared reading and looking at facts in books from our library.
World Book Day
The children (and staff) had great fun celebrating World Book Day this year. Check out our photos. Thank you to our parents and carers for helping the children with their fabulous T-Shirts and costumes.
The children will also be bringing home their new book from our book swapping activity today.
6th March 2024
Dear Parents/carers
Easter Disco – Monday 25th March 2024
We will be holding an Easter disco on Monday 25th March 2024. The disco will be held in two parts (however, depending on numbers we may be able to accommodate the whole school in one event. WE WILL NOTIFY PARENTS NEARER THE TIME). We have decided this year to not have an Easter Bonnet competition due to the costs involved in making/buying them.
Year 1 & 2 3.15pm - 4.00pm (children to bring their party clothes into school to change in to and should be collected from their classroom doors after the disco).
Year R 4.00pm - 4.45pm (children to be dropped off and collected from their classroom doors).
The cost for the disco is £3.00 per child and includes a drink, lollipop and biscuit. If your child would like to attend please complete and return the form below also indicating if your child has any allergies. This event will also be available online via your child’s scopay account.
Yours sincerely,
Larissa James
Headteacher …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………
Easter Disco – Monday 25th March 2024
I give permission for my child to attend the Easter Disco
Child’s name …………………………………………………… Class …………………………..
I enclose £3.00 I have paid online Scopay ref: ………………………
Signed ……………………………………………….. Name………………………………………
Merton Infant School Newsletter 22nd February 2024
Dates for your Diary
Tuesday 27th February - Y2 Eagle Owls visit to Chineham Library at 1.00pm
Friday 1st March - YR trip to Wellington Country Park
Friday 1st March - Y2 Wise Owls visit to Chineham Library at 1.00pm
Friday 1st March - Book 'n' Biscuit at 3.00pm in the school hall
Thursday 7th March - World Book Day (please see details below)
Friday 8th March - Special Relative Visit at 9.00 -10.25am
Monday 18th March - Governor Monitoring Day
Tuesday 19th March - Y1 Easter Assembly to Parents 2.00pm
Wednesday 20th March - Fire Service visit to Y1 and YR
Friday 22nd March - Safety Theme Day
Monday 25th March - Easter Disco: Y1/2 : 3.15 - 4.00pm / YR: 4.00 - 4.45pm
Tuesday 26th March - School Nurse drop in 9.00am -10.00am
Thursday 28th March - Easter Egg hunt & Raffle
Thursday 28th March - Break Up at 3.15pm
Monday 15th April - School re opens at 8.45am
Headteacher Highlight
Welcome back. We hope that you had a lovely half term with family and friends.
For our INSET day on Monday staff were inspired by the Local Authority PE Advisor who supported our knowledge and understanding of effective teaching and learning in Dance. She reminded us of the importance of physical exercise. Sadly, only 47% of primary age children complete the recommended 60 minutes per day of physical exercise. Hopefully with the warmer weather coming, this will inspire you and your children to get out in the fresh air - walking, running, riding bikes or scooters etc.
We have another busy half term and we look forward to seeing you all at our various events.
Thank you to all parents who completed our Parent Questionnaire at Parents Evening in the last week. Your opinions were extremely positive and testimony to our school Vision Statement of 'Aiming High, Achieving Together'. We will send the full results separately to this newsletter.
Thank you for your ongoing support.
School Car Park
Following a review of the school car park with the junior school, the car park will only be available for parents with a Blue Badge and who have a permanent, substantial disability which causes inability to walk or very considerable difficulty in walking to drop off / collect children between 8.40 - 8.55am and 3.10 - 3.25pm. Each school will take a copy of the Blue Badge. Parents must use the gate buzzer for their individual school. Please do not tailgate other car users. Please can we remind parents that the school disabled bays are primarily for school staff and not visitors.
If there are no spaces available we would ask that you exit the car park and find an alternative space in Romsey Close. Also, if you have an able bodied passenger in the car, we would expect you to park off site and send them to drop off / collect your child.
We appreciate your support in this matter to ensure the safety of all people on school site.
These changes will take effect from Monday 26th February 2024.
Spring 2 Topics
Each year group will send out their Curriculum Newsletters this week detailing what the children will learn this half term and suggest ways you can support at home. The topics are:
YR: On the Farm
Y1: Fire! Fire!
Y2: The Titanic
Book 'n' Biscuit
We are trialling a change to our Parent/Child reading times from Friday morning to Friday afternoon at 3.00pm. We hope this time is more convenient for parents rather than rushing off to work in the mornings. It will start on Friday 1st March in the school hall. Parents can enter via the school office and will meet their child(ren) in the school hall who will have all their belongings. At 3.15pm, parents will leave via the hall door. We ask parents to tell their class teacher in the morning whether they will be joining in the afternoon.
The last Year 1 Library Club will be on Tuesday 19th March. The last Year 2 Library Club will be on Thursday 21st March. All other clubs will finish on Wednesday 20th March for this term.
New clubs will start after we come back for the summer term. Details to follow.
Musician of the half term
The children are learning songs by Aretha Franklin and her love of Soul music. She was chosen to support our School Value of Respect.
Language of the half term
This half term, the children will be learning all about Zimbabwe and the language Shona. These are words they will be practising in school:
Hello – mhoro
Goodbye – sara mushe
Please - ndapota
Thank you - mazuita
Mr. - bamukuru
Miss/Mrs – amai
Green – girinhi
Red – tsvuku
Yellow – yero
Packed lunch – chikafu kubva kumba
We would love to hear that the children have been practising at home too!
School Nurse Drop in
Our next health advice drop-in clinic with Community Nursery Nurses Michelle and Chelsea is on Tuesday 26th March from 9.00am - 10.00am.
Parents are welcome to drop-in to discuss any concerns they may have about healthy lifestyles, fussy eating, behaviour, low level emotional health and advice and sign posting for toileting and sleep issues.
There is no need to book, just come along on the day to talk about any questions or concerns you have.
We look forward to continuing to work with our parents and carers to support the children.
World Book Day
World Book Day is on Thursday 7th March this year and we have planned lots of fun and engaging reading activities.
We are inviting the children to decorate a T-Shirt in the theme of their favourite book to wear that day with their usual school uniform.
We will also be doing a whole-school book swap. Please can children bring in a book they no longer read and they will have the opportunity to choose a new one to bring home that day.
We hope the children have a fabulous day celebrating reading as we know.... READING IS THE MOST IMPORTANT SKILL!
Thank you for your support.
Library News
Miss Hankova is delighted to announce that she has appointed 2 Pupil Librarians, Darci-Rose and Ziad. They will have the opportunity to learn how a library is run and how to look after it.
Breakfast and After School Clubs
Merton Infant School offers wrap around care in the form of a Breakfast and After School Club. These clubs are run by Merton staff and are held in the school hall Monday - Friday, term time only.
The clubs are open to children attending both the infant and junior schools.
The Breakfast Club opens at 8.00am and the children go to their classes at 8.45am. The junior children are walked to their school by a member of staff. Breakfast is available up to 8.30am.
The current cost is £3.00 per child per session (this is due to rise to £4.00 from April 2024).
The After School Club is run from 3.15pm - 5.45pm. Children are able to do a variety of activities and also have snack time. The cost is currently £8.00 per child per session (£9.00 from April 2024), for pre booked slots. It is also available on an 'ad-hoc' basis which is charged at £10.00 (£11.00 from April 2024).
Registration forms for both of these clubs are available from the infant school office.
Merton Infant School Newsletter 24th January 2024
Dates for your Diary
Wednesday 24th January - clubs start
Friday 26th January - Special Relative Visit at 2.15pm
29th January - 2nd February - National Storytelling Week
30th January - 6th February - Book Fair (details to follow)
Friday 2nd February - Local Authority Advisor visit to school
Monday 5th February - Parents' Evening at 3.30 - 6.00pm (details sent separately)
Wednesday 7th February - Parents' Evening at 4.00 - 6.30pm (details sent separately)
Friday 9th February - Break Up at 3.15pm
Monday 19th February - INSET: School closed to children
Tuesday 20th February - School opens at 8.45am
Wednesday 21st February - School Nurse drop in 9.00am-10.00am
Friday 1st March - Year R trip to Wellington Country Park
Headteacher Highlight
Welcome to our second newsletter of this half term. This newsletter will share what the children have been learning and details of upcoming events in school.
On 16th January, we were visited by the LA Science Advisor, who commended our Science curriculum. She observed lessons and completed work sampling and spoke to children in each year group. Well done Mrs Epstein, Science Curriculum Manager.
Spring 1 Topics
Year R
Year R have been learning about how materials change as part of their science learning by making porridge and making some marmalade on toast for Paddington!
Year 1
Year 1 have been making paper mache balloons in DT and have been working hard on their number ordering and creating patterns as part of their maths learning.
Year 2
Year 2 have been learning about healthy eating in science, making paper aeroplanes and learning how to make algorithms in Computing
The children have been learning about winter. They have enjoyed applying their knowledge learnt from information books about seasons to make winter themed pictures.
School Book Fair
Our School Book Fair will run from 30th January - 5th February at 3.15pm-3.45pm each day. There are lots of lovely books for sale at very reasonable prices. As we know...READING IS THE MOST IMPORTANT SKILL
Thank you for your support.
On 10 January we held our first party this academic year with SAM Bear for all the children who had 100% attendance in the Autumn Term. There were 37 children in total who achieved 100% attendance and they had a great time at the party. Well done to them all!
We are currently seeing a lot of illness amongst the children. Unfortunately there are a lot of winter viruses around and we have had cases of chickenpox as well as lots of respiratory illnesses. Please try to send your child into school as much as possible so that they can make good progress with their learning. If they have a slight cough or cold they should be fine to come to school, as long as they feel well and don’t have a temperature. Please check the “NHS Healthier Together” advice on the school’s website for advice and guidance on whether or not to send your child to school if they are unwell, at the following link:-
Other guidance regarding attendance can also be found on the school’s website by clicking ‘Parents’ then selecting ‘Attendance’.
Celebration Assembly
Well done to the children who achieved one of our Merton Value awards:
Motivation - Aubree, Elsie, Zion, Olivia E, Ancho, Nufais, Jax, Imogen
Excellence - Mihai, Zafir, Maisie, Noel, Kasper, Dana, Benjamin, Zion, Albie H
Teamwork - Noah, Logan R, Kyah, Jack, Joshua, Mia
Opportunities - Sreysta
Never Give Up - Aarush, Jaxon W
Staff - Mrs Corr, Mrs Gregory
Mrs Bird - Jaxson C, Addison, Charlie, Damon, Poppy, Erik
Miss Hankova (library) - Ezra, Amelia, Jaxon W
Other celebrations - Ronnie (finishing keywords)
Attendance - SAM bear - Snowy Owls, Eagle O
Musician of the half term
The children are learning songs by Bob Dylan and his love of Folk music.
Language of the half term
The children learnt all about South Africa and the language of Afrikaans at a special assembly on 11th January with Logan P and his mum.
The children have been learning other words in Afrikaans too!
Three Little Pigs
Wheels on the Bus
School Nurse Drop in
Our next health advice drop-in clinic with Community Nursery Nurses Michelle and Chelsea is on Wednesday 21st February from 9.00am - 10.00am.
Parents are welcome to drop-in to discuss any concerns they may have about healthy lifestyles, fussy eating, behaviour, low level emotional health and advice and sign posting for toileting and sleep issues.
There is no need to book, just come along on the day to talk about any questions or concerns you have.
We look forward to continuing to work with our parents and carers to support the children.
Breakfast and After School Clubs
Merton Infant School offers wrap around care in the form of a Breakfast and After School Club. These clubs are run by Merton staff and are held in the school hall Monday - Friday.
The clubs are open to children attending both the infant and junior schools.
The Breakfast Club opens at 8.00am and the children go to their classes at 8.45am. The junior children are walked to their school by a member of staff. Breakfast is available up to 8.30am.
The current cost is £3.00 per child per session.
The After School Club is run from 3.15pm - 5.45pm. Children are able to do a variety of activities and also have snack time. The cost is currently £8.00 per child per session, for pre booked slots. It is also available on an 'ad-hoc' basis which is charged at £10.00.
Registration forms for both of these clubs are available from the infant school office.
Lunchtime Staff
We welcome new staff at lunchtimes: Mrs Cordery, Mrs Harris, Mrs Winkworth and Mrs Barnard. Please be advised that if parents have any concerns about lunchtime, in the first instance speak to your class teacher, Mrs James or Mrs Durbajlo.
We are looking for an additional lunchtime supervisor, please see the office for an application form.
World Book Day
World Book Day is on Thursday 7th March this year and we have planned lots of fun and engaging reading activities.
We are inviting the children to decorate a T-Shirt in the theme of their favourite book to wear that day with their usual school uniform.
We will also be doing a whole-school book swap. Please can children bring in a book they no longer read and they will have the opportunity to choose a new one to bring home that day.
We hope the children have a fabulous day celebrating reading because we know that, READING IS THE MOST IMPORTANT SKILL!
Thank you for your support.
Merton Infant School Newsletter 10th January 2024
Dates for your Diary
Wednesday 10th January - SAM's 100% attendance party 2.45pm-3.00pm
Wednesday 17th January - School Nurse drop-in session at 9.00am-10.00am
Monday 22nd January - Movie Night for Year 1 and 2 at 3.15pm - 5.00pm
Friday 26th January - Special Relative Visit at 2.15pm
29th January - 2nd February - National Storytelling Week
30th January - 6th February - Book Fair (details to follow)
Friday 2nd February - Local Authority Advisor visit to school
Monday 5th February - Parents' Evening at 3.30 - 6.00pm (details to follow)
Wednesday 7th February - Parents' Evening at 4.00 - 6.30pm (details to follow)
Friday 9th February - Break Up at 3.15pm
Monday 19th February - INSET: School closed to children
Tuesday 20th February - School opens at 8.45am
Headteacher Highlight
Welcome back. We hope that you all had a wonderful Christmas holiday and Best Wishes for 2024. Thank you for all your Christmas cards, gifts and cakes for the staff. They were much appreciated. It has been lovely listening to all the children's news.
The children have settled well and excited with the launch of their new topics. We have another busy half term so please continue to check your child’s book bag and the school website for any information.
Spring 1 Topics
Year R - Paddington Bear
We will compare Peru with London and explore geographical and human features. We will read a range of Paddington Bear books. We will learn how to draw and paint bears and add detail. We will continue to practise our letter formation and use our phonic sounds to spell adjectives to describe bears e.g. sharp claws, soft fur.
Year 1 - We're on the move!
Our trip on Friday to Brooklands Motor Museum has inspired our interest in exploring a range of transport past and present. We will learn about key historical figures who made a difference to a range of transport over time e.g. Henry Ford, Amelia Earhart.
Year 2 - The Lady with the Lamp
We will be exploring the life of Florence Nightingale and how she improved hospitals.
Celebration Assembly
Well done to the children who achieved one of our Merton Value awards:
Motivation - Maxwell, Ava
Excellence - Dotty, Logan P, Summer
Opportunities - Norwynn
Never Give Up - Adelina
Musician of the half term
The children will be learning songs by Bob Dylan and his love of Folk music.
Language of the half term
Our Language of the half term is South African. The children will be learning all about South Africa and the language of Afrikaans at a special assembly on 11th January.
The children will be learning to answer the register in Afrikaans as well as saying Hello, Please and Thank you.
Why not have a go yourself......
Hello – hallo
Goodbye – totsiens
Please – asseblief
Thank you – dankie
Mr. – mnr
Miss/Mrs – mev
Green – groen
Red – rooi
Dinner- middagete
School Council - Trip to the Council Chambers
On Monday 8th January, the School Council visited the Council Chambers in Basingstoke. They had an amazing visit and asked the Mayor and Mayoress some inquisitive questions. Their behaviour was exemplary and they were rewarded with the Mayor's badge. They saw the Mayor's robe and room where meetings are held and decisions are made.
School Nurse Drop in
Our first health advice drop-in clinic with the Community Nursery Nurse, Michelle Rebbeck, is next Wednesday 17th January from 9am-10am.
Parents are welcome to drop-in to discuss any concerns they may have about Healthy lifestyles, Fussy eating, behaviour, low level emotional health and advice and sign posting for toileting and sleep issues.
There is no need to book, just come along on the day to talk with Michelle or Mrs Durbajlo about any concerns you have.
We look forward to continuing to work with our parents and carers to support the children.
Year 1 and 2 Movie Night
We are holding a movie night for children in Years 1 and 2 on Monday 22nd January 2024 to raise money for equipment to use in the outside learning environments around the school.
A letter will be coming home today with details of how to book a place.
Contact Details
If any of your contact details have changed since registering your child at school e.g. telephone number, address, E-Mail address and emergency contacts please speak to the school office to update your details.
All schools are required to have a policy to outline how pupil and parent/carer information is held and used by schools. The policy is available for parents/carers to read on our website. Please see follow the link below:
Pupil and Parents Privacy Notice - March 2023.pdf
School Year September 2023 - July 2024
Merton Infant School Newsletter 15th December 2023
Dates for your Diary
Friday 15th December - Break up. No after school club - all children to be collected at 3.15pm
Tuesday 2nd January 2024 - School re-opens at 8.45am
Friday 5th January 2024 - Year 1 trip to Brooklands Motor Museum
Tuesday 8th January 2024 - School Council visit to Mayor's Chambers in Basingstoke
Friday 12th January 2024 - SAM's 100% attendance party 2.30pm-3.00pm
Wednesday 17th January 2024 - School Nurse drop-in session at 9.00am-10.00am
Monday 22nd January 2024 - Movie Night for Year 1 and 2
Friday 26th January 2024 - Special Relative Visit at 2.15pm
29th January 2024 - 2nd February - National Storytelling Week
30th January - 6th February - Book Fair (details to follow)
Friday 2nd February 2024 - Local Authority Advisor visit to school
Monday 5th February 2024 - Parents' Evening at 3.30 - 6.00pm
Wednesday 7th February 2024 - Parents' Evening at 4.00 - 6.30pm
Headteacher Highlight
This has been another successful half term. I have met all staff for Pupil Progress meetings and am delighted with the children's excellent progress from their starting points in September. As you can see from their Christmas plays they each performed with confidence and enthusiasm, definitely demonstrating our MERTON values.
Thank you all for your generosity in our Christmas fundraising events, we have raised £2863.68. We intend to purchase additional Chromebooks to support our Computing Curriculum including more play resources to support the children's physical development at playtimes.
On behalf of all the staff and Governors, we wish you all a safe and Happy Christmas (Crăciun fericit!) and Best Wishes for 2024. We look forward to working with you next year!
Autumn 2 Topics
Year R - Everyday Heroes & Christmas
What worked well
•Understanding that many jobs are heroes
•Having visitors to talk about their jobs to develop their aspirations when they grow up
•Daily creative art tasks for continuous provision to enhance their creativity and fine / gross motor skills
•Role-play areas were created within a child’s experience e.g. the home which enhanced their imaginative play and speaking and listening skills
•Having resources to support understanding of specific jobs, e.g. fire equipment, first aid kit
•Recognising different uses of technology in society e.g. stop watch, iPad, till, scanner
•Sequencing the nativity story – learning lines, songs or actions for the Christmas play
•Developing their phonic sounds and beginning to blend to read simple Vowel-Consonant (VC) or CVC words
•Developing their number recognition and counting skills
Even better if
•Visiting a place of work
Year 1 - Amazing Animals
What worked well
• Exploring different animal patterns using a variety of media
• Following step-by-step drawings of animals
Even better If
•Adopting an animal with the World Wildlife Fund
Year 2 - Let's Explore - Frozen Planet
What worked well:
•Understanding why specific animals are suited to different habitats
•Debating the effects of climate change on the environment and how we can protect the world
•Step by step drawing of a penguin and tiger using pencils to shade different effects
•Colour mixing to create Antarctica landscapes
•Recapping the oceans and continents in the world
•Overlearning human and physical features and making comparisons of different landscapes
Even better if:
•We could adopt a penguin
Celebration Assembly
Well done to the children who achieved one of our Merton Value awards:
Freddie B Kiera Excel Winter Tre Ronnie Carter P Ryan Stanley Dana Sebastian
Harper Logan P Courage Kobi Jewel Macey Stefan Harriet H Mia
Governor Gossip
We visited school on Monday 20th November for our termly monitoring visit. We visited all classrooms, spoke to children and staff. We checked the school's Safeguarding procedures and reviewed Attendance. We have all written monitoring reports about Leadership & Management, Quality of Education which includes references about the Curriculum , Assessment and Teaching & Learning. These reports demonstrates our knowledge and understanding of the school's strengths and development points.
We are always looking for people to join our Governing Body. If you are interested, please see Mrs James or Co-Chair, Gaye Dove, for further information. It is such a rewarding role and an opportunity to improve life at school for your children.
We are also very pleased to welcome 2 new members to our governing body.
Gaye Dove and Sajish Tom
I was lucky enough to be invited to join Merton’s Winter Warmer in November and what a delight it was. The staff had turned the school hall into a cosy log cabin, complete with a glittering Christmas tree, fairy lights, crackling log fire and heaps of snugly cushions.
There was hot chocolate with marshmallows and cookies on offer, soft toys to cuddle and a story to share with the school library service, who also supplied lots of new books for the library. After story time there were 'Make and Take' activities and a chance to explore the school library which had been cleverly and creatively transformed into the woodland home of the three bears.
My thanks go to all the staff at Merton for putting on such a lovely activity for parents and children to enjoy. Wishing a very Happy Christmas to the Merton school community.
Gaye Dove - Co-Chair of Governors.
Coffee Morning
Our coffee morning held on Thursday 30th November was a great success so we will be hosting half termly health advice clinics as a drop-in with the Community Nursery Nurse, Michelle Rebbeck.
Our next one is booked for Wednesday 17th January at 9.00am.
Parents are welcome to come along to discuss any concerns they may have about Healthy lifestyles, Fussy eating, behaviour, low level emotional health and advice and sign posting for toileting and sleep issues.
There is no need to book, just come along on the day to talk with Michelle or Mrs Durbajlo about any concerns you have.
We look forward to continuing to work with our parents and carers to support the children.
It's Christmas!
There have been lots of fun Christmas activities taking place this half term including:
The Lunchtime Supervisors couldn’t believe their eyes when they walked into the hall last week and saw that not one, but two elves on the shelves had made an appearance and were up to all sorts of mischief. We have taken some photos to share what they have been up to. The cheeky little elves are called Jingle and Bells!
Newsletter - 23rd November 2023
Dates for your Diary
Friday 24th November - non uniform day - donations - Year R - Toys - new, Year 1 - Bottles (in date and un-opened, alcoholic or non-alcoholic), Year 2 - Chocolate
Monday 27th November - INSET day - school closed to children
Thursday 30th November - 9.00am-10.00am - SEND coffee morning - please see relevant section below
Thursday 30th November - Year R to come dressed as an Everyday Hero
Friday 1st December - non uniform day - donations of cakes for the Christmas Fayre
Friday 1st December - 3.00pm Christmas Fayre
Monday 11th December - Christmas Play at 2.00pm
Tuesday 12th December - Christmas Play at 5.00pm (adult only performance 18+)
Wednesday 13th December - Christmas Play at 9.30am (adult only performance 18+)
Thursday 14th December - Carols in the hall at 3.30pm
Friday 15th December - Christmas Jumper Day, Christmas lunch and a special visitor to each class
Friday 15th December - Break Up at 3.15pm
Tuesday 2nd January 2024 - school re-opens at 8.45am
Friday 5th January 2024 - Year 1 trip to Brooklands Motor Museum
Friday 26th January - Special Relative Day at 2.15pm - details on our website
Headteacher Highlight
School is very busy with a wonderful buzz of learning in all year groups. It was lovely to see a group of Y1 and Y2 children represent our school at the Multi-Skills Festival at Queen Mary's College on Thursday 16th November. They had a great experience.
We were visited by our Local Authority Lead Learning Partner on Friday 10th November who commended the children's excellent progress and quality of work in their books. Thank you all for supporting your child at home. Do not forget to explore our new on-line home learning platform Purple Mash Your child has a log-in password in their Home-School Reading book.
Children have been learning about Anti-Bullying during the national Anti-Bullying Week (13th-17th November) and know what to do if they feel uncomfortable about anything, including on-line.
We would like to wish our children and their families a very Merry Christmas - Crăciun fericit!
Odd Socks Day
The children wore odd socks to school to show that it’s okay to be different and to stand up against bullying and discrimination. They enjoyed designing their own odd socks and listening to the story of Elmer the elephant and why everyone is different and everyone is unique.
I’m special I’m me!
I understand that being different makes us special.
The children enjoyed making poppies in school to remember those who died in the war. We held a special assembly and a two minute silence to show respect for those who have lost their lives.
Multi-Sports Festival
Miss Bohan and Miss Cowdrey took some of our Year 1 and Year 2 children to a multi-sports festival at Queen Mary's College last week. They had a fabulous time and worked really hard showing their MERTON values whilst representing our school. We are very proud of them.
Children in Need
We raised £130 for Children in Need last Friday as part of our spotty non-uniform day.
Thank you for your contributions.
Autumn 2 Topics
Year R - Everyday Heroes
Year R have enjoyed meeting a number of 'Everyday Heroes' so far this half term. They have met a nurse, carer, librarian, soldier, football referee, train driver and postman. They will also be able to come to school dressed as a 'hero' on Thursday 30th November.
Year R Road Safety
Year R learnt about road safety. We walked to the shops and looked at the different road safety signs on our way. We remembered to stop, look and listen before crossing the road.
Year 1 - Amazing Animals
Year 1 have enjoyed learning all about different animals and have been creating their own fact files as well as sorting animals into different groups. They have also been learning all about where different animals live incorporating their geography learning.
Year 2 - Let's Explore - Frozen Planet
The children have been learning about lifecycles and food chains in science as well as completing lots of practical maths activities.
Celebration Assembly
Well done to the most recent recipients of our Merton value awards:
Motivation - Ancho, Nala, Olivia C, Eva, Matipa and Violet
Excellence - Kartik, Jewel, Poppy P, George D, George P, Amelie, Ronnie, Jack and Macie
Respect - Leniyah
Opportunities - Sreystaand Lulu
Keyword achievements - Maisie, Poppy H, Lizanne and Aarush
Never Give Up - Addison, Henry W, Jewel and Harriet
Winter Warmer
At Merton, we love Reading for Pleasure!
We were delighted to be joined by lots of our families for our first reading event of this academic year, our Winter Warmer, which was a great success!
The children enjoyed a range of activities including a presentation from Vicki at Hampshire's School Library Service, phonic games, making headbands, visiting the Three Bears house as part of our interactive Goldilocks story experience and reading by a Year 1 and Year 2 star reader.
A big thank you to Miss Hankova and all of the staff for their hard work setting up and running the event.
And as we all know...........'Reading is the most Important skill'
SEND Coffee Morning
We are hosting our first tea/coffee and biscuits event next Thursday 30th November from 9.00am-10.00am.
This event is primarily for parents of children with special educational needs, however, all parents are welcome to come along and discuss any concerns they may have about their child.
The session will be an opportunity to meet with Mrs Durbajlo (Deputy Headteacher and SENCo) and a representative from Barnardo’s (Hampshire and IOW Support for Neurodiverse Families) with a particular focus on Autism, as well as other parents of children with special educational needs and disabilities.
We will also be joined by Michelle from the School Nursing Team who will be able to answer any questions you may have about sleep, behaviour, toileting etc.
Please complete the attached form using the link below to advise if you are able to come along to ensure we provide enough refreshments.
Christmas 2023
The preparations are in full swing for our Christmas Fayre on Friday 1st December which will be held in the school hall at 3.00pm. Details of the Christmas raffle are below. The raffle will be drawn in celebration assembly on 8th December with prize winners notified shortly afterwards
We have some fabulous raffle prizes already and would warmly welcome any further donations.
We have two more non-uniform days in lieu of a donation for the Christmas Fayre:
Friday 24th November
Year R - Toys - new
Year 1 - Bottles (in date and un-opened, alcoholic or non-alcoholic)
Year 2 - Chocolate
Friday 1st December
Donations for the cake stall for the Christmas Fayre in the afternoon.
Newsletter - 7th November 2023
Welcome back. We trust that you all had a lovely half term. This is usually the busiest half term especially with Christmas fast approaching. Please continue to check your child’s book bag and the school website for relevant information.
Winter weather reminder
With the coming changes in the weather, please make sure your child is dressed appropriately, remembering waterproof coat and sensible shoes. On really wet days if children wear wellie boots, please make sure to pack a school pair of shoes for them to change into.
Halloween Disco
On the 31st October, many children had a 'wail' of a time at the Halloween Disco. The costumes were amazing this year and the judges had a very hard time picking a winner from each year group.
A HUGE well done to our winners, who were:
Year R - Lungile - Ghost
Year 1 - Scarlett - Spooky Black Cat
Year 2 - Violet - Cruella Deville
New Starters - September 2024
If your child will be 4 years old between 1st September 2023 and 31st August 2024 then they will be starting school in September 2024.
The online admissions portal has now gone live ready for applications The deadline for applications is Friday 15th January 2024.
We have the following tours still available to book on to:
7th November 2.00pm-3.00pm
9th November 9.30am-10.30am
Children moving up to Year 3
REMINDER: All Year 2 parents, except those of children with an Education Health and Care Plan (EHCP), will need to apply for a Junior School place in Year 3 for September 2024. The application online portal is now open The deadline is Friday 15th January 2024.
Please avoid driving up Romsey Close at all times. If it becomes congested with cars parking and turning it makes it very difficult for emergency vehicles to access the school and therefore putting your child or staff at risk. Please park at Abbey Road shops or Tintern Close and walk the short pathway to school. Police Community Patrol Officers will monitor parking on Romsey Close. The school car park is for staff only and must not be used as a drop-off or pick-up point.
Great news, attendance across the school is currently 95.7%, which is on track of our 96% target. We have been particularly impressed with YR's attendance this year!
We would like to thank parents for ensuring their child's regular attendance. Good attendance not only enables children to make more progress with their learning, it also helps children with their mental health and well being, as well as developing their social skills and friendship groups.
We hope that the good attendance level will continue and would ask that parents continue to support the school and their child's learning by keeping absences to a minimum. Please remember to call the school and leave a message on our absence line if your child is absent for any reason. If the school is unable to ascertain a reason for a child's absence staff may do a welfare home visit.
The more your child attends school - the more they will learn!
The class with the highest attendance each week has been visited by SAM Bear. So far he has visited:
The class with the highest attendance at the end of each term will win a class treat. Children who achieve 98%+ attendance at the end of each term will also be invited to take part in SAM Bear's party, which will be held in the hall during the school day (dates to be determined).
Autumn 2 Topics
Year R - Everyday Heroes
Year R will be learning about 'Everyday Heroes' and will be visited by some heroes in our community. They will also be able to come to school dressed as a 'hero' on Thursday 30th November.
Year 1 - Amazing Animals
Amazing animals is a great topic to explore the world around us and become scientists, geographers, explorers and animal lovers!
Year 2 - Let's Explore - Frozen Planet
The children will be looking at the contrasting climates of the Poles against the climate of countries around the Equator. We will be exploring the food cycles and life cycles of different animals and ourselves.
Poppy Appeal
Our red poppy is a symbol of both Remembrance and hope for a peaceful future. Poppies are worn as a symbol of support for the Armed Forces community. This is very important during the current situation in our world.
Poppies and related items are now on sale in school. If you wish to make a purchase either call into the school office or send your child in with some money as our School Council will be visiting the classes on a daily basis.
Prices are shown on the attached pictures.
Thank you
The Year 2 children have made poppies to display at Tesco's in Chineham. We hope you enjoy seeing the window display when shopping.
Reading Books
Help!......We are missing some books.
If you have any school reading scheme books or library books at home, please can you either return via your child's book bag or place in the box in reception.
Zoolab visit
On the 1st November, Zoolab and their little box of creatures visited the school to see the children in Years 1 and 2.
Zoolab presenters offer a unique 'hands on' experience for the children and you can tell by the looks of wonder on their faces how excited they were by this opportunity.
The children were able to hold a stick insect, stroke a gerbil, touch a snake, hold a Giant African land snail and get up close and personal with a large hairy spider!!!
The Zoolab staff thoroughly enjoyed their visit to Merton Infant School and were impressed by the questions asked by our children
Language of the half term - Romanian
The children will be learning Romanian which was launched with a special assembly last week supported by Stefan and his Dad from Wise Owls.
The children have been answering the register in Romanian as well as saying Hello, Please and Thank you.
Why not have a go yourself......
Hello – bună
Good morning – buna dimineaţa
Good afternoon – bună ziua
Goodbye – la revedere
Please – vă rog
Thank you - vă mulţumesc
Mr. – Domnul
Miss/Mrs – D-na
Green – verde
Red – roșu
Celebration Assembly
Well done to the recipients of our Merton value awards:
Motivation - Mridul, Oliver, Jacob, Eric, Damon and Freddie
Excellence - Tommy, Vlad, Toby, Liana, Lulu and Logan
Respect - Isabella
Teamwork - Holly and Courage
Never Give Up - Carter
Anti Bullying Day
On Monday 13th November, as part of our safeguarding curriculum, we are hosting an anti-bullying day. The theme is "make a noise about bullying". Each class will now have a poster on display to encourage them to "make a noise" and not keep it to themselves.
We are asking the children to come to school wearing odd socks as it it is an opportunity to encourage people to express themselves and celebrate their individuality and what makes us all unique. The children will be designing their own odd socks during the day and learning all about the Elmer story to reinforce that it is good to be unique and that we are all different.
Library Matters
At Merton, we love Reading for Pleasure! Our reading corners in the classrooms and shared areas are always full of books. The children like to sit down and get lost in the world of stories or information books. They love using their imagination or discovering new facts.
And as we all know...........'Reading is the most Important skill'
Winter Warmer Event
On Monday 20th November, we will be hosting a Winter Warmer Event for children and parents from 3.30 - 5.00pm.
There will be a range of exciting reading activities for the children including a visit from the School Library Service (SLS) and an immersive story experience. There will be stories and phonics activities to continue developing the children's love of reading.
Refreshments will also be available for a donation.
Spaces will be limited so if you wish to come along with your child please follow the link below to register your interest.
SEND Coffee Morning
The session will be an opportunity to meet with Mrs Durbajlo, Deputy Headteacher/SENCO and a representative from Barnardo’s (Hampshire and IOW Support for Neuro-diverse Families), as well as other parents of children with special educational needs and disabilities. This will also give you an opportunity to ask any other questions you may have.
Please complete the attached form using the link below to advise if you are able to come along to ensure we provide enough refreshments.
Christmas 2023
'It's beginning to feel a lot like Christmas..' Therefore we have added the dates of the Christmas Performances below. Letters will be coming out later in November giving details of how to purchase your tickets.
We will also be hosting a Christmas Fayre on Friday 1st December which will be held in the school hall at 3.15pm.
We have scheduled 3 non uniform days:
Thursday 9th November in exchange for:
Year R - Bottles (in date and un-opened)
Year 1 - Chocolate items
Year 2 - Toys - new
Friday 24th November
Year R - Toys - new
Year 1 - Bottles (in date and un-opened)
Year 2 - Chocolate
Friday 1st December
Donations for the cake stall for the Christmas Fayre in the afternoon.
We will also be holding a Christmas Raffle and would welcome any donations to make up prizes - Thank you.
Can you help out this Christmas? Please have a look at these messages from Spotlight UK
Governor's Corner
We are very pleased to welcome Mrs Rachel Hill as a new member of our Governing Body.
Rachel first joined Merton Infant School as an LSA in 2012. In 2013, she began her teacher training, some of which was completed at Merton under the watchful eye of Mrs James. After building on her experience in other schools, Rachel returned to Merton to teach Reception in 2016 and remained as part of the team until 2023. During her time as a teacher at the school, Rachel taught pupils from YR to Y2, as well as being Literacy and PE Curriculum Manager and a Staff Governor.
After going on maternity leave in June 2022, Rachel decided to take some time out of her teaching career to spend more time with her daughter. Having spent the last 10 years building relationships with the staff, pupils and their families, leaving the school was not an easy decision to make, so when the opportunity to support the school as a co-opted governor came up, she didn’t need any persuading.
Rachel is keen to help make a difference to the lives of the children that pass through the school and will use her experience and passion for education to ensure Merton continues to thrive.
We are currently looking for afternoon Cleaners to join our team. The hours are 3.30pm - 6.00pm Monday - Friday (term time), as well as additional cleaning in the holidays.
We also have a vacancy for a Lunchtime Supervisor. The hours will either be 11.30 - 1.00pm or 11.45 - 1.15pm Monday - Friday, term time only.
If you are interested please contact the school office on 01256 324507 or pop into reception for an application form.
Dates for your Diary
Monday 13th November - Anti-Bullying Day - please wear odd socks - please see relevant section above
Friday 17th November - Children in Need - wear something spotty in exchange for a £1.00 donation to the charity
Monday 20th November - Winter Warmer at 3.30 - 4.30pm - please see relevant section above
Monday 27th November - INSET day - school closed to children
Thursday 30th November - SEND coffee morning - please see relevant section above
Thursday 30th November - Year R to come dressed as an Everyday Hero
Monday 11th December - Christmas Play at 2.00pm
Tuesday 12th December - Christmas Play at 5.00pm (adult only performance 18+)
Wednesday 13th December - Christmas Play at 9.30am (adult only performance 18+)
Thursday 14th December - Carols in the hall at 3.30pm
Friday 15th December - Christmas Jumper Day, Christmas lunch and a special visitor to each class
Friday 15th December - Break Up at 3.15pm
Tuesday 2nd January 2024 - school re-opens at 8.45am
Friday 5th January 2024 - Year 1 trip to Brooklands Motor Museum
Friday 26th January - Special Relative Day at 2.15pm - details on our website
Welcome to our second newsletter of this year. It has been a very busy start to the new school year with lots of exciting learning opportunities for the children including the election of our school council. This newsletter will share what the children have been learning with you this half term.
We wish our children and their families a restful and safe half term.
Autumn topics
Year R have enjoyed applying their learning about healthy lifestyles into their play.
They have also been embracing our motto, "reading is the most important skill"!
Year 1 have been learning about materials as part of their Science curriculum. They enjoyed being Scientists with their lab coats exploring what different materials things around the school are made from.
Year 1 enjoyed a visit to Chineham library to explore all different types of book including fiction, non-fiction and audiobooks.
Year 2 have enjoyed exploring the school and outside areas finding the hot and cold spots to decide where it would be best for a sloth to live.
Using their rainforest knowledge they wrote fact files.
SAM (School Attendance Matters) Bear
The more your child attends school - the more they will learn!
The class with the highest attendance each week has been visited by SAM Bear. So far he has visited:
Musician of the Half Term
The staff and children have really embraced learning all about Dolly Parton this half term and singing her songs.
Genre: Country Music
American country singer-songwriter: Dolly Parton
Born: 1946
New Year R starters - September 2024
If your child will be 4 years old between 1st September 2023 and 31st August 2024 then they will be starting school in September 2024.
From 1st November 2023 you can apply online at The deadline for applications is Friday 15th January 2024.
Parent Viewings
We are holding school viewings on the dates listed in the poster below. Spaces will be limited per viewing, so please ensure you call to reserve your place. If you have any queries, please contact the school office on 01256 324507 or via email at
School Council
After a robust election process we are delighted to introduce our Year 2 School Council representatives who are pictured below.
They have already begun planning a range of activities to improve our school including some charity fundraising events.
Young Interpreters
We have trained our new Year 1 Young Interpreters whose job in school is to support children with English as an Additional Language. We look forward to seeing them develop into their new role alongside our experienced Year 2 team.
Special Relative Day
We were delighted to see so many family members at our special relative day on 6th October. The refreshment sale was very successful so this will be continued at the next event on 26th January at 2.15pm.
Parents also enjoyed visiting our school library to see how it supports the children's reading skills.
Dates for your Diary
20th October - Break Up at 3.15pm
30th October - Back to School at 8.45am
31st October - Halloween Disco - letter sent home
20th November - Winter Warmer at 3.30-4.30pm
27th November - INSET day - school closed to children
11th December - Christmas Play at 2pm
12th December - Christmas Play at 9.30am
13th December - Christmas Play at 5pm
14th December - Carols in the hall at 3.30pm
15th December - Christmas Jumper Day, Christmas lunch and a special visitor to classes
15th December - Break Up at 3.15pm
26th January - Special Relative Day at 2.15pm
14th September 2023
Heateachers Welcome
Welcome back to our existing parents and a very warm welcome to our new YR children and families. We hope that you all had a lovely summer holiday and enjoyed the beautiful sunshine.
The children look very smart in their school uniforms and have settled into their classes, following routines and expectations very well.
We have a very busy term ahead so please ensure you check and empty your child’s book bag daily and view the school website for newsletters or other important information.
Autumn Topics
Year R - Healthy Me
The children will be learning about the importance of a healthy lifestyle which includes a balanced diet, regular exercise and plenty of sleep
Year 1 - Out and About
The children will be learning about Popley and Basingstoke including the four countries in the UK. Some of the learning will be outside looking at geographical features, exploring maps and comparing Basingstoke to London.
Year 2 - Let's Explore - The Rainforest
Year 2 will become Global Detectives and Scientists as they learn all about the issues surrounding the rainforests of the world. They will learn about the plants and animals that live in the rainforests and their habitats.
SAM (School Attendance Matters) Bear
The more your child attends school - the more they will learn!
The class with the highest attendance will be visited by SAM Bear in our Celebration Assembly on Fridays.
Please avoid holidays during term time and keep any appointments during school hours to a minimum. If your child has an appointment in the middle of the morning, please send them into school at 8.45am so that they can get their attendance mark and avoid disruption to their learning as much as possible. We expect children to return to school following any appointment, unless the appointment finishes close to the end of the school day. Likewise, if your child has an appointment in the afternoon, we expect them to be in school for the morning session.
If your child is absent due to illness, please let the school office know by 8.30am. You may leave a message on the school's absence line (option 2).
If your child has vomiting and / or diarrhoea, school advises to be clear for 24 hours before returning to school. Please see link below for absence from school due to other illnesses:
We would also ask that you try to ensure that your child arrives at school on time. Children often become upset and find it difficult to settle in class when they are late for school.
Please ensure you label all school uniform including hats, gloves, coats, shoes, PE kits, lunch boxes and water bottles. We are always amazed at the amount of lost property we donate to charity shops so please check the lost property box in the office reception area regularly. Children often have the same items and become anxious when they lose something.
Reading is the most important skill!
Miss Hankova is our School Librarian. She will give regular updates about activities you can do at home to support your child learning to read. Each class will visit the library every week to select books of their choice. Please share them with your child. Each year group will also visit Chineham Library using Basingstoke Community Transport. This term will be Year 1.
We are also starting our reading mornings again this Friday. Please come into your child's class from 8.30am-8.45am to enjoy spending time reading with your child.
Musician of the Half Term
We celebrate a musician and genre of music per half term. This term we will be listening to:
Genre: Country Music
American country singer-songwriter: Dolly Parton
Born: 1946
Language of the Half Term – Malayalam
The children will be learning Malayalam (Indian dialect) this half term.
They will be answering the register in Malayalam as well as saying Hello, Please and Thank you.
We hope you enjoy the song they have been learning and a huge നന്ദി to Jewel who has helped them to learn it.
New Year R starters -September 2024
If your child will be 4 years old between 1st September 2023 and 31st August 2024 then they will be starting school in September 2024.
From 1st November 2023 you can apply online at The deadline for applications is Friday 15th January 2024.
Parent Viewings
We are holding school viewings on the dates listed in the poster below. Spaces will be limited per viewing, so please ensure you call to reserve your place. If you have any queries, please contact the school office on 01256 324507 or via email at
Please avoid driving up Romsey Close at all times. If it becomes congested with cars parking and turning it makes it very difficult for emergency vehicles to access the school and therefore putting your child or staff at risk. Please park at Abbey Road shops or Tintern Close and walk the short pathway to school. Police Community Patrol Officers will monitor parking on Romsey Close. The school car park is for staff only and must not be used as a drop-off or pick-up point.
Supply Cover
Each teacher is given a responsibility of a curriculum area. They will have non-contact days where they will monitor their subject across the school e.g. conducting lesson observations, talking to children, reviewing planning per year group, planning and conducting training for staff, analysing data etc. Mrs Miller and / or Mrs Silk will cover the class on these occasions.
We ask that payments are put in your child’s zipped wallet and handed to their class teacher with a note indicating the amount and reason for the money or placed in the grey box in reception for additional events throughout the school year (if requested on the letter). The office staff are unable to take money across the front desk. Any change will be returned at the end of the day, but wherever possible, please try to send in the exact amount. However, we would prefer that Breakfast club, After School Club and school trips are paid online.
Online Learning Resources
Tiny Happy People is here to help you develop your child's language skills. Explore our simple activities and play ideas and find out about babies and toddlers' amazing early development.
Year 1 and 2 Film Night
We will be holding our first film night after school for Year 1 and 2 on Monday 2nd October. A letter will be coming home on Monday with the details for parents to sign their children up.
Dates for your Diary
21st September - EAL (English as an Additional Language) Coffee Morning at 9.00am
26th September - Tawny Owls visit to Chineham Library at 1.00pm
27th September - Individual Photographs
29th September - Barn Owls visit to Chineham Library at 1.00pm
29th September - Y2 School Council Elections
2nd October - Y1 & Y2 Movie Night at 3.15 - 5.00pm
6th October - Special Relative Day at 9.00am
9th October - Parents' Evening at 3.30 - 6.00pm
17th October - Flu Vaccine
17th October - Parents' Evening at 4.00 - 6.30pm
20th October - Break Up at 3.15pm
30th October - Back to School at 8.45am
20th June 2023
Dear Parents / Carers,
We have planned our sports day on Monday 17th July at 9.15am – 11.30am on the school field. The children will participate in a carousel of athletic activities on the bottom field, followed by competitive races on the running track on the top field.
Due to Local Authority Health & Safety advice and guidelines your child will not be able to participate in sports day if they are wearing earrings. Please ensure earrings are removed and long hair is tied back.
Each class has been assigned a colour to wear so you can identify your child easily. Please can you provide your child with the correct colour t-shirt for their class. Please ensure your child arrives at school already dressed in their PE kit (coloured t-shirt, shorts and suitable trainers or plimsolls) and a named water bottle in order to participate in the activities. Named sun hats and the application of suncream before school is also essential.
Listed below are the colours of the teams:
Year R: Owlets - Green Snowy Owls - Red
Year 1: Barn Owls - Purple Tawny Owls - Blue
Year 2: Wise Owls - Pink Eagle Owls – White Hawk Owls – Yellow
If the weather prevents sports day taking place on Monday 17th July, the reserve date is Tuesday 18th July.
Thank you for your continuing support and we look forward to seeing you all soon.
Yours sincerely,
Larissa James
Sports Event – Monday 17th July 2023
We will be holding an adults’ race for parents at the end of the morning. If you wish to take part, please return this form in your child’s zipped wallet by the morning of Friday 14th July 2023.
Child’s Name……………………………………………… Class…………………………………
I, ………………………………………………….. wish to take part in the adults’ race.
19th June 2023
Dear Parents/Carers
Summer Movie Night – The Emperor’s New Groove
We are holding a Movie Night for children on Monday 3rd July to raise money for equipment to use in the outside learning environments around the school.
For £3.00 the children will have a full cinema experience in the school hall with popcorn and drinks. The evening will begin at 3.15pm (the children will be taken straight to the hall from their class) and must be collected at 5.00pm from their classroom doors.
The number of children who can attend is being limited to the first 150 replies received with the money. Please post your slips/money in the grey post box in the main reception area. This event will not be available online due to the restricted numbers.
Any replies handed in via the classroom will not be accepted.
Thank you for your continued support.
Yours sincerely
Mrs L James
Summer Movie Night
I give permission for my child ……………………………………….. Class ………………………………………
To attend the Summer Movie Night on Monday 3rd July 3.15 - 5.00pm.
I enclose £3.00 for the event.
My child can have:
Squash Any dietary requirements ………………………………………………………………..
Signed ………………………………………………………………………….. Date ………………………………
Newsletter 9 – 14th June 2023
Dear Parents/Carers,
Local Authority Moderation Visit
Well done to our Y2 team who were visited last week by the Local Authority (LA) Assessment Team to verify our teacher assessments in Reading , Writing and Maths. The moderators reported that all teachers showed a clear understanding of the DfE standards for Key Stage 1 in all areas. All judgements were agreed across the board and there was strong evidence in books. We look forward to sharing the children's outcomes in their end of year annual reports. The children have worked incredibly hard this year and should be proud of themselves.
Safeguarding Theme Day
We have planned activites on Monday 19th June to reinforce our message about the NSPCC PANTS Rule and on-line Safety. Please check the school website for relevant advice you can follow at home. The lunchtime supervisors report that a few children are re-enacting games about Fortnite. This is rated T for Teen by the Entertainment Software Rating Board due to the violent content. It is recommended for ages 13 and older. Please ensure you use parental controls on any digital devices at home.
Class Photos
Children will have their class photo taken on Friday 23rd June so please ensure that they look clean and tidy.
Transition Day
We are starting to prepare the children for their next year group. All current year groups will be split up for the next academic year and, on occasions, staff will be trialling new classes throughout this half term to check we have the right balance i.e. gender, Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND), English as an Additional Language (EAL), Ethnic Minority (EM) and Social, Emotional and Mental Health (SEMH) needs. Y2 have also joined the junior playtime from this week. The official day when the children will meet their teacher and LSA will be Thursday 29th June. Parents and children will receive a Social Story of the child’s new staff on that day.
Mrs Relf, who will be returning from Maternity Leave, is not available on this day so she will meet her Y2 class on Friday 7th July.
Attendance is currently 93.2%, which is a slight improvement on last term, although this is still below the Government’s current expectation of 95%. This term we are finding that there are an increasing number of parents taking their children out of school for holidays. Any holidays taken during term time will not beauthorised unless there are exceptional circumstances, although the length of time authorised is likely to be limited. This means that if you take your child on holiday without authorisation for 5 or more days it will invoke a penalty notice, which entails a fine of £60 per parent per child. This can double to £120 if it is not paid within 21 days. We have already had to issue 6 families with penalty notices this academic year. Besides invoking penalty notices for parents, holidays are also disruptive to your child’s learning and dvelopment. Please try to refrain from taking your child out of school during term time.
If your child is absent for any reason you should call the school office before 9.30am to explain the reason. You can leave a message on the school’s answer machine. If your child is unwell we need to have a clear explanation of what the illness is, so that it can be logged on their attendance record. If your child has a lot of time off for illness we may ask to see medical proof for the absences, such as a prescription, medication label or hospital letter advising that your child is unfit to attend school. We are finding that some parents do not contact the school to explain their child’s absence. If we are unable to ascertain a reason for your child’s absence we may have to do a home visit, as part of the school’s safeguarding obligations.
Warmer Weather
It looks like the sun is finally here! Please ensure your child wears a sunhat, has a water bottle and has sun cream applied before coming to school every day. Manufacturers now make sunscreen that will last all day.
Summer Fayre
We are planning a fayre with the junior school on Saturday 15th July at 11.00 – 1.00pm. Further details will follow.
Sports Event
We are planning to hold our Sports Day on Monday 17th July from 9.15 – 10.30am, weather permitting. This will consist of a round robin carousel of activities on the top field followed by a selection of competitive races on the running track on the bottom field opposite the junior school. If we have to cancel due to the weather, we have planned a reserve date for 18th July at the same time.
Inset Days
We have confirmed next year’s INSET days, when school will be closed for staff training. We have planned some of the days to be at the beginning or the end of holidays to make it easier for parents to book long weekends away or holidays. Please see below:
Friday 1st September - Mental Health / Mindfulness
Monday 27th November - First Aid
Monday 19th February - Dance
Monday 24th June - Data Analysis
Monday 15th July - Curriculum Planning
We are looking for any volunteers who would be able to support the school for reading and on school trips. A DBS check would need to be completed. Please see the school office for further information.
Key Dates:
16th June - Y2 trip to Windsor Castle
23rd June - Class Photos
26th June - Sponsored Workout
28th June - Governor Monitoring Day
29th June - Transition Day
3rd July - Movie Night – details to follow
6th July - 9.00 – 10.25am Special Relative Visit
7th July - YR Beach Day (in school)
10th July - INSET Day: Curriculum Planning
14th July - Annual Reports to Parents
2.30 - Y1 Art Gallery to Parents
15th July -11.00 - 1.00pm Summer Fayre
17th July - Let’s Get Active Theme Week
9.15 -10.30am Sports Day
18th July - Second Reserve 9.15 - 10.30am Sports Day
20th July - 9.30 - 10.30am Y2 Leavers’ Assembly
21st July - Break Up
Thank you for your continuing support.
Larissa James
Newsletter 8 – 16th May 2023
Dear Parents/Carers,
We are Gold….again!
On 4th May, we were visited by EMTAS (Ethnic Minority and Traveller Acheivement Service) to re-validate our Gold EAL Excellence Award. I am absolutely thrilled to share that we have achived GOLD for the second time. This award demonstrates our strong commitment to support pupils for whom English is an Additional Language. We are the only school in Basingstoke to have achieved this prestigious accolade for the second time. A HUGE Well Done to Mrs Durbajlo, Inclusion Manager, who led and managed this award. The certificate is valid for two years.
Right Honourable Dame Maria Miller Member of Parliament (MP) for Basingstoke & Deane
We had the pleasure of Dame Miller visiting our school on Friday 12th May. She spoke with our School Council who were very confident. She also praised the work that we do in school to promote inclusion and diversity. She was impressed that we teach our children about important people from a variety of cultures, both past and present linked to different subjects e.g the artist, Romero Britto from Brazil, the British-Jamaican nurse and businesswoman Mary Seacole, the athlete and activist Jesse Owens, the Scottish inventor and vet John Dunlop. She also presented Mrs Durbajlo with our Gold EAL Excellence Award Certificate in our Celebration Assembly. She particularly enjoyed hearing Wise Owls sing our Italian song.
Special Relative Visit
We have had to change the timing of our next Special Relative Visit from the afternoon to 9.30 – 10.30am on Friday 26th May. Sorry for any inconvenience caused.
All Y1 and Y2 classrooms are having new flooring fitted during the half term and new chairs will arrive in June. YR classrooms were completed during the Easter holidays.
Summer Fayre
We are planning a fayre with the Junior School on Saturday 15th July at 11.00 – 1.00pm. Further details will follow.
We are looking for any volunteers who would be able to support the school for reading and on school trips. A DBS check would need to be completed. Please see the school office for further information.
Change of Menu
We have a change of menu for Wednesday 17th and Thursday 18th May. Wednesday 17th May RED Option: Sliced Pork with Yorkshire pudding GREEN Option: Quorn and Leek pastry crown JACKET POTATO with tuna mayo. Thursday 18th May RED Option: Bubble Salmon GREEN Option: Pizza JACKET POTATO with cheese.
Key Dates:
19th May - Dress down day for £1.00 to help raise funds for our School Fayre activities
22nd May - Y2 Space Buggy workshop for parents
26th May – Italian Theme Day – children can wear Red, White & Green (School polo shirt is ok for white!)
9.30-10.30am – Special Relative Visit
Break Up at 3.15pm
5th June – INSET: School Closed
6th June – School starts at 8.45am
Thank you for your continuing support.
Larissa James
28th April 2023
Dear parents/carers
Ref: Coronation Celebration - Friday 5th May 2023
On Friday 5th May Merton Infant School will be celebrating the forthcoming coronation of King Charles III. We would like our children to enjoy a fun-filled day learning all about the traditions of the royal coronations and celebrating the life of King Charles.
We hope that the sun will shine to enable our children to eat their ‘Coronation Picnic Lunch’ outside and do some celebratory activities outdoors.
Dress Code
Children can choose to wear red, white and blue clothing instead of their school uniform. Please bring £1.00 in on the day to raise money for King Charles’ charity ‘The Princes Trust Foundation’. If they do not wish to wear red, white and blue clothing then they should wear their school uniform.
Your experiences/memories
If you or a member of your family has celebratory artefacts from the Queen’s coronation in 1953 or if you have special royal historic pieces and your child wishes to bring them into school to share, we would very much appreciate this.
Furthermore, if you have someone in your family who was in London for the Queen’s coronation or has maybe met or seen King Charles at a public event and wishes to share their experience and memories from the day, please contact the school or visit our office to see how they can get involved as the children would love to hear a first-hand account. Your experiences and/or historic royal artefacts would really help to bring our learning of history to life!
We are also creating collages of Queen Elizabeth II and King Charles III; if you have any small pictures from magazines or newspapers or stamps, please give them to your class teacher.
Yours sincerely,
Larissa James
Newsletter 7 - 20th April 2023
Dear Parents/Carers,
We trust that you all had an enjoyable Easter holiday. The children have settled back to routines and expectations very well and are enjoying their new topics. Please continue to check your child’s book bag and the school website for any information.
Half term topics
Year group Curriculum newsletters will also come out this week detailing the topic for this half term and suggesting ways you can support your child’s learning at home. Please can we ask that you read with your child little and often to develop their decoding/blending skills and comprehension.
Telephone Pupil Progress Consultations
Similar to the phone consultations in December, we are offering parents the opportunity to have another update with your child’s class teacher next week to discsuss their current acheivements and ways you can support at home. An email and text has been sent for you to make your booking. Please ensure that you have provided the best number for the teacher to contact you.
We welcome Mrs Scotford-Smith in YR as Learning Support Assistant.
Strike Days
The Department of Education (DfE) has confirmed 2 further days of teacher strikes: Thursday 27th April and Tuesday 2nd May. There will be a change to the children who can attend school on these forthcoming dates. A reminder text will be sent on Monday 24th April. Thank you for your patience and understanding.
Due to the Bank Holidays and strike days, we will not be holding any After School Activity Clubs this half term apart from the Football Club on Thursdays which is managed by our external company, Stow Sports. We are planning new clubs to start on Wednesday 7th June. Details will follow.
King’s Coronation
We are planning a theme day on Friday 5th May to celebrate the coronation of King Charles III. We would like the children to wear red, white and blue on this day. We are hosting a street party for lunch and details will follow about our picnic bag lunch options. If any parent/grandparent has any memorabilia about King Charles and/or Queen Elizabeth, we would like to share them with the children. Please speak to your child’s class teacher if you can help.
Italian Theme Day
Our Language of this Half-term is Italian. We are planning a range of activities to celebrate this country on Friday 26th May. Children can wear red, white and green clothes to school on this day.
Special Relative Day
Our previous events have been very well attended and the children throroughly enjoy showing off their work to their relatives. We are hosting our next event on Friday 26th May at 2.15 - 3.15pm.
Sickness Absence
We are changing our school policy on sickness and diarrhoea. If your child has sickness and/or diarrhoea, they now need to be clear for 24 hours since the last bout rather than 48 hours before returning to school.
We are looking for any volunteers who would be able to support the school with reading and school trips. A DBS check would need to be completed. Please see the school office for further information.
Key Dates:
24th April - School Council visit to Houses of Parliament
24th April - YR Telephone Pupil Progress Consultations
25th April - Y1 Telephone Pupil Progress Consultations
26th April - Y2 Telephone Pupil Progress Consultations
1st May - School Closed Bank Holiday
5th May - King’s Coronation Theme Day
8th May - School Closed Bank Holiday
22nd May - Y2 Space Buggy workshop with parents (details to follow)
26th May - Italian Theme Day
2.15pm - Special Relative Visit
Break Up at 3.15pm for half term
5th June - INSET: School Closed
6th June - School starts at 8.45am
Thank you for your continuing support.
Larissa James
Newsletter 6 – 28th March 2023
Dear Parents/Carers,
What a busy half term we have had! It was lovely to see so many relatives on Special Relative Day last Friday. The children were so excited to share their work with their relative. We look forward to seeing more relatives on Friday 26th May at 2.15pm and Thursday 6th July at 9.00am.
We are delighted to announce the birth of Miss Fellhauer’s second child, a baby boy called Miles, born 10th March weighing 7lbs 8oz. Congratulations to the whole family.
Mrs Eglin, Wise Owls class teacher, is expecting her second child in September. Therefore, if your child has an illness which could be detrimental to her ie: chicken pox, scarlet fever etc, could you please notify the school office immediately.
We would also like to congratulate Mrs. Wisken, our Deputy Headteacher, who had been seconded to Southwood Infant School in Farnborough, on being appointed as the school’s permanent Headteacher after Easter. The Governors are preparing an advert for a new Deputy Headteacher for our school.
Pupil Progress Meetings
We have met with each year group recently to evaluate each child’s progress. We are very pleased to see that each child has made excellent progress from their starting points. Their work ethic has developed well and lesson observations, informal learning walks and exercise books demonstrate that all children are excited and engaged in their learning. Children take pride in their books and respond to ‘Green to Grow’ feedback to improve their work. Please set aside some time to read with your child each day, especially during the Easter holidays. Their progress would accelerate even more with your support.
Parent Support
We have added The Incredible Years parenting support to our school website.
‘The Incredible Year® is a series of interlocking, evidence-based programs for parents, children and teachers supported by over 30 years of research. The goal is to prevent and treat young children’s behaviour problems and promote their social, emotional and academic competence. The programs are used worldwide in schools and mental health centres, and have been shown to work across all cultures and socio-economic groups’.
There is a wealth of information including how to support challenging behaviours at home, supporting children with ADHD or Autism. Please take the time to explore their website….it might just give you the ‘lightbulb’ moment.
Please check the lost property box in the office porch which is full with many unnamed items. Please ensure you label all your child’s items.
INSET Days – School year 2023 – 2024
Friday 1st September 2023
Monday 27th November 2023
Monday 19th February 2024
Monday 24th June 2024
Monday 15th July 2024
The school’s Governing Body is looking for additional members. We meet five times per year and also participate in three Governor Monitoring Days in school per year. It is a very rewarding role in developing our school priority areas. Please see the school office for an application form.
We wish you all a Happy Easter. Thank you for your continuing support.
Key Dates
29th March - 9.00am Easter Assembly for Y1 parents
31st March - Easter Egg Hunt and Raffle
Break Up
17th April - School starts at 8.45am
Yours sincerely,
Larissa James
Newsletter 5 – 28th February 2023
Dear Parents/Carers,
We hope that you enjoyed the half term holiday. Please read your year group Curriuculum newsletter to see how you can support your child at home. Remember to practise reading little and often; it makes a HUGE difference to your child’s progress.
World Book Day
This national annual event takes place on Thursday 2nd March. You will have already received a £1 book voucher to buy a book for your child. As this is a planned teacher strike day, please read with your child whether they are attending school or not on this day. If your child is attending school, we are not asking them to dress-up as a book character due to the current financial difficulties.
We formally welcome Mrs Dalton who is covering Miss Fellhauer in YR Snowy Owls class as she starts her maternity leave. We also welcome Mrs Miller who will work Mondays - Wednesdays, predominantly in Y2, but may also cover other teachers attending courses.
We are always looking for any volunteers who would be able to support the school for reading and on school trips. A DBS check would need to be completed. Please see the school office for further information.
Langauge of the Month
Children will be taught about Brazil and the Portuguese language. Our launch assembly will take place this week.
Our current attendance remains disappointingly low, at 92%, which is below the current national average of 93.5%. A lot of absence is due to illness, sometimes mild illness - if your child has a temperature but is otherwise well, please consider giving them Calpol and sending them into school. If children are having a significant amount of time off due to illness the school may choose to unauthorise the absences unless parents can provide medical evidence. Please also try to refrain from requesting leave of absence during term time as it can disrupt children’s learning and progress and the absence will not be authorised unless it is considered to be an exceptional circumstance.
We are currently seeing patterns of absence with some children and their siblings and where we have concerns about a child’s attendance we may call parents in for a meeting to discuss ways of improving their attendance. If, after putting in place support measures, there is no improvement in a child’s attendance, the school may refer the parents to the Attendance Intervention Team, who could take legal action. Please support your child to make progress and achieve their potential by sending them to school as much as possible.
Key Dates:
3rd March - YR trip to Wellington Country Park
10th March - Local Authority (LA) Health & Safety Audit
13th March - British Science Week Theme Day
14th March - Governor Monitoring Day
20th March - Zoolab visit to Y1
24th March - Special Relative Day
27th March - Easter Disco
31st March - Break Up at 3.15pm
Easter Egg Hunt & Raffle
17th April - School starts at 8.45am
Thank you for your continuing support.
Larissa James
23rd January 2023
Dear Parents/Carers,
Advance warning: Teacher Strike
I am sure you are aware of the recent announcement about the forthcoming teacher strikes. The dates planned are Wednesday 1st February, Thursday 2nd March, Wednesday 15th March and Thursday 16th March.
The Department for Education expects schools to ‘take all reasonable steps to keep the school open for as many pupils as possible’.
Whilst I am able to ask staff in advance if they intend to strike, staff are not compelled to inform me about their intentions, which may not be until the morning of the strike action.
I am currently working on a contingency plan and evaluating all risk assessments with the Governing Body to ensure the effective health and safety of staff and pupils on these days while following the DfE and LA guidance.
I am, therefore, giving you advance notice that SOME classes MAY be closed or we will be restricting attendance to prioritise children of critical workers and vulnerable children.
Staff are unable at this present time to give you any further information, therefore please avoid questioning them and respect their decision. When I have confirmed plans I will inform you as soon as I can.
Yours Sincerely,
Larissa James
Newsletter 4 - 5th January 2023
Dear Parents/Carers,
Happy New Year. We trust that you all had an enjoyable and safe festive holiday. Thank you for all your Christmas cards, gifts and cakes for the staff. They were much appreciated. Please continue to check your child’s book bag and the school website for any information.
Half term topics
Year group Curriculum newsletters will also come out this week detailing the topic for this half term and suggesting ways you can support your child’s learning at home. Please can we ask that you read with your child little and often to develop their blending skills and comprehension.
We are looking to recruit a cleaner and an experienced Learning Support Assistant. Please see the school office for further information and an application form.
Miss Fellhauer will be leaving on Friday 10th February to start her maternity leave. We have advertised for her replacement and will inform parents of Snowy Owls as soon as possible.
We are looking for any volunteers who would be able to support the school for reading and on school trips. A DBS check would need to be completed. Please see the school office for further information.
Last term, we raised £1400 from the Christmas calendars and performance tickets. We also raised £360 on the Autumn term movie night. This will be used to upgrade our computing resources. We are planning additional activities for this term, so watch this space!
Key Dates:
13th Janaury - Y1 trip to Brooklands Transport Museum
23rd January - Leadership and Learning Progress Review visit by the Local Authority (LA) Advisor
26th January - LA Geography Advisor visit
30th January - LA Maths Advisor visit
31st January - Parents’ Evening at 4.00 - 6.30pm
31st January - Travelling Books in school
1st February - Movie Night - details to follow
6th February - Parents’ Evening at 3.30 – 6.00pm
10th February - Mental Health Theme Day
Break Up at 3.15pm
20th February - INSET Day: School Closed
21st February - School starts at 8.45am
Thank you for your continuing support.
Larissa James
14th November 2022
Dear Parents/Carers
Christmas Movie Night – Arthur Christmas
We are holding a Christmas Movie Night for children on Thursday 1st December to raise money for equipment to use in the outside learning environments around the school.
For £3.00 the children will have a full cinema experience in the school hall with popcorn and drinks. The evening will begin at 3.15pm (the children will be taken straight to the hall from their class) and must be collected at 5.00pm from their classroom doors.
The number of children who can attend is being limited to the first 150 replies received with the money. Please post your slips/money in the grey post box in the main reception area. This event will not be available online due to the restricted numbers.
Any replies handed in via the classroom will not be accepted.
Thank you for your continued support.
Yours sincerely
Mrs L James
Christmas Movie Night – Arthur Christmas
I give permission for my child ……………………………………….. Class ………………………………………
To attend the Christmas Movie Night on Thursday 1st December 3.15 - 5.00pm.
I enclose £3.00 for the event. Yes
My child can have:
Popcorn YES/NO Squash YES/NO
Any dietary requirements ………………………………………………………………..
Signed ………………………………………………………………………….. Date ………………………………
Newsletter 3 – 2nd November 2022
Dear Parents/Carers,
Welcome back. We trust that you all had a lovely half term. This is usually the busiest half term especially with Christmas fast approaching. Please continue to check your child’s book bag and the school website for relevant information.
Special Relative Day
It was lovely to see so many relatives on our first Special Relative Day last half term. The children were so excited sharing their books, work and classroom. We look forward to hosting the next one on 24th March 2023.
Applying for a Junior School Place/YR Place for September 2023
Y2 parents will now be able to apply for a Y3 place at junior school next September. Parents should apply online at: If you have difficulty applying online please come to the school office and ask for a paper form. The closing date for applications is Sunday 15 January 2023. It is important that you apply by the closing date otherwise you may have difficulty securing a junior school place as all on-time applications will be considered before any late applications.
Similarly, if you have a child who will be turning 4 years old by 31 August 2023 and is due to start school in YR next September, you must apply (preferably online) by the closing date of 15 January 2023.
Attendance for the last half term was 93.3%. Government expectation is that attendance should be 96% or above. A lot of absences were due to illness, particularly chickenpox, which has appeared early this academic year (the peak time is usually between Christmas and Easter). YR in particular have had a lot of illness, which is to be expected as YR children are building up their immunity when starting school. On that note, It is important to send your child to school as much as possible so that they can build up their immunity to illnesses. If your child has a temperature we would advise that you give them Calpol and if they are otherwise well send them into school.
However, there have been an increasing number of requests for leave of absence during term time. The DFE regulations stipulate that Headteachers may not grant any leave of absence during term time unless it is for a rare, significant or unavoidable situation. We would ask parents to refrain from booking holidays during term time as these will not be authorised, unless they are due to exceptional circumstances. If your child accrues 10 or more sessions (5 days) of unauthorised absence within a 10 week period you may be issued with a penalty notice, which entails a fine of £60 per parent per child, or parents may be referred to the local authority’s attendance legal panel, who may take legal action. Good attendance at school is important because statistics show a direct link between under-achievement and absence below 96%. Regular attenders make better progress both socially and academically. Absence for any reason disadvantages a child by creating gaps in their learning and can affect their friendship groups, making them unsettled when they are in school.
School regularly monitors attendance and absences may be unauthorised if the school is unable to ascertain the reasons for absence or is not satisfied with the reasons given. If the school is concerned about your child’s attendance you may be called in to school to discuss the concerns and any support that may be needed. Please support the school in improving attendance and enabling your child to achieve their full potential.
Local Authority Visits
In our relentless aim to monitor and improve the quality of education in school, we have commissioned two local authority advisors to visit this half term. One will be auditing our Safeguarding practices and procedures on Friday 4th November and the other will review our teaching and learning of English on Monday 7th November. Both advisors will talk to the children, staff and Governors including a review of documentation.
Safeguarding Week
The National Anti-Bullying Week is the week of 14th - 18th November. We will explore many themes that week e.g. e-Safety, Anti-Bullying, NSPCC PANTS rule, Road Safety and the safe use of medicines. Please visit our website and access the Safeguarding page to view links to support you and your child’s knowledge and understanding about keeping safe.
The school’s Governing Body is looking for additional members. We are particularly looking for people with experience of finance, IT and human resources. We meet three times per year and our Resources Committee meets every half term for an hour. We also participate in three Governor Monitoring Days per year. It is a very rewarding role in developing our school priority areas. Please see the school office for an application form.
Please could we remind parents who smoke not to block the entrances/exits to the school at the beginning and end of the school day, as it is unpleasant for non-smoking families to walk through.
We currently have a vacancy for two cleaners. The hours are 3.30 - 6.00pm Monday to Friday and additional cleaning in the school holidays. If you are interested please contact the office for an application form.
Key Dates
3rd November - Halloween Disco (YR & Y1 3.30 - 4.15pm Y2 4.15 - 5.00pm)
4th November - Safeguarding Audit
7th November - English Advisor Visit
14th - 18th November - Safeguarding week
18th November - Children in Need Dress-Up for £1.00 (children to wear something spotty)
22nd November - Governor Monitoring Day
24th November - Family Photos (separate letter coming out)
28th November - INSET: school closed
1st December - Christmas Movie Night (details to follow)
2nd December - Christingle Assembly at St. Bede’s Church at 10.30am
5th December - Christmas Panto
7th December - Clubs finish (Art, Board Games, Choir and Gardening Club)
8th December - 9.30am YR Christmas Play
9th December - 2.00pm YR Christmas Play
12th December - Christmas Lunch and Christmas Jumper Day
13th December - 2.00pm Y1&2 Christmas Play
14th December - 9.30am Y1&2 Christmas Play
15th December - 5.00pm Y1&2 Christmas Play
16th December - Break Up at 3.15pm & Father Christmas Visit
3rd January - School starts at 8.45am (this is a Tuesday)
Yours Sincerely,
Larissa James
11th October 2022
Dear Parents/carers
Halloween Disco – Thursday 3rd November 2022
We will be holding a Halloween Disco on Thursday 3rd November 2022. The children are invited to dress up for the disco and prizes will be awarded for the best Halloween costume. Winners from each year group will be picked at the end of the disco. The disco will be held in two parts (however, depending on numbers we may be able to accommodate the whole school in one event. WE WILL NOTIFY PARENTS NEARER THE TIME).
Year R & 1 3.30pm - 4.15pm (children to bring their party clothes into school to change in to and should be collected from their classroom doors after the disco).
Year 2 4.15pm - 5.00pm (children to be dropped off and collected from their classroom doors).
The cost for the disco is £3.00 per child and includes a drink, lollipop and biscuit.
If your child would like to attend please complete and return the form below also indicating if your child has any allergies. This event can be paid by cash or via the online payment system.
Yours sincerely,
Larissa James
Halloween Disco – Thursday 3rd November 2022
I give permission for my child to attend the Halloween Disco
Child’s name …………………………………………………… Class …………………………..
I enclose £3.00 I have paid online
Signed ……………………………………………….. Name…………………………………..
Newsletter 2 – 10th October 2022
Dear Parents/Carers,
Time is flying by! We are now in our sixth full week back to school. All the children are working very hard and are now settled in routines and understand staff’s high expectations. We look forward to sharing their progress with you at Parents’ Evening over the next couple of weeks.
Special Relative Day
We invite your child to bring a special relative to school on Thursday 20th October at 9.30 - 10.25am to view the classroom and share their books, work and curriculum provision. Sadly, due to health and safety reasons, we would not be able to accommodate younger siblings. We have planned several of these days throughout the year.
The lost property box in the office porch is already full with many unnamed items. Please ensure you label all your child’s items.
Please avoid driving up Romsey Close at all times. Residents are naturally irate when some parents are inconsiderate and park in front of their driveways. If the road becomes congested with cars parking and turning it makes it very difficult for emergency vehicles to access the school and therefore putting your child or staff at risk should we need to call them at any time. Please park at Abbey Road shops or Tintern Close and walk the short pathway to school. Police Community Patrol Officers will monitor parking on Romsey Close. The school car park is for staff only and must not be used as a drop-off or pick-up point.
Theme Week
During the last week of this half term we are planning our Art Attack Theme Week. We will focus on key artists per year group and link to our celebration of the Hindu Diwali festival as part of our RE Curriculum and British Values of ‘Tolerance of those with Different Faiths and Beliefs’. We welcome any of our parents who will celebrate Diwali to share their festival with the children. Please see your class teacher if you can spare any time that week.
The school’s Governing Body is looking for additional members. We are particularly looking for people with experience of finance, IT and human resources. We meet three times per year and our Resources Committee meets every half term for an hour. We also participate in three Governor Monitoring Days per year. It is a very rewarding role in developing our school priority areas. Please see the school office for an application form.
We are delighted to announce that Miss Fellhauer is expecting her second baby in March. We will organise her cover for the remainder of the year in due course. Please inform the school office if your child has chicken pox or any other illness which could affect pregnant women.
We are looking to recruit a cleaner to work everyday from 3.30 - 6.00pm, plus deep cleaning in some of the holidays. Please see the school office for more information and an application form.
Key Dates
11th October - Parents’ Evening @ 3.30 - 6.00pm
17th October - Parents’ Evening @ 4.00 - 6.30pm
17 - 20th October - Art Attack Theme Week
20th October - Special Relative Visit @ 9.30 - 10.25am
20th October - ‘Dress Down Day’ for a £1.50 donation
21st October - INSET: school closed
24th - 28th October - half term - school closed
31st October - School starts at 8.45am
Yours sincerely,
Larissa James
Newsletter 1 – 12th September 2022
Dear Parents/Carers,
Welcome back to our existing parents and a very warm welcome to our new YR children and families. We hope that you all had a lovely summer holiday and enjoyed the beautiful sunshine.
The children look very smart in their school uniforms and have settled into their classes, following routines and expectations very well.
We have a very busy term ahead so please ensure you check and empty your child’s book bag daily and view the school website for newsletters or other important information.
State Funeral
Following the sad death of Queen Elizabeth II, the state funeral has been confirmed to take place on Monday 19th September. School will be closed as this will be a bank holiday. God Save The King!
Please ensure you label all school uniform including hats, gloves, coats, shoes, PE kits, lunch boxes and water bottles. We are always amazed at the amount of lost property we donate to charity shops so please check the lost property box in the office reception area regularly. Children often have the same items and become anxious when they lose something.
Year Group Welcome Meetings
We will upload the Y1 and Y2 Welcome presentations to the school website in the Parents folder for you to view by the end of next week. This is an opportunity to learn about the curriculum and year group expectations and will enable you to fully support your child’s learning. The Yr 2 Welcome Meeting is on Thursday 15th September at 2.30pm.
Curriculum Newsletters
Each year group will send out information next week about this half term’s topics including suggestions about how you can support your child’s learning at home. Each child will bring home their pink Home-School Reading books as a means of communication and where all log-in details can be found for our on-line Leanring Platforms e.g. Google Classroom, Rocket Phonics, Spelling Shed. Children will also bring home a library book each week for you to read to your child. Parents will be charged for the replacement of any lost/damaged library books.
There was a bit of a bumpy start to the term with regards to attendance, with a high number of absences over the first couple of days. A lot of this was due to families returning late from holidays or visiting family abroad. Our attendance is currently at 94%. The Government’s expectation is that attendance should be 96% or above so that children stand the best chance of achieving their potential.
Please support your child’s learning and development by refraining from taking them out of school during term time and by keeping any appointments during school hours to a minimum, wherever possible. If your child has an appointment in the middle of the morning please send them into school first thing so that they can get their attendance mark and keep any disruption to their learning to a minimum. We expect children to return to school following any appointments, unless the appointment finishes close to the end of the school day. Likewise, if your child has an appointment in the afternoon, we expect them to be in school for the morning session.
We would also ask that you try to ensure that your child arrives at school on time. We have had some children arriving late for school because the parent was late finishing their night shift at work. If you know that you are going to be late home from work please try to make alternative arrangements for bringing your child to school. Children often become upset and find it difficult to settle in class when they are late for school. We hope that parents will support the school in our efforts to improve attendance this year.
Please avoid driving up Romsey Close at all times. If it becomes congested with cars parking and turning it makes it very difficult for emergency vehicles to access the school and therefore putting your child or staff at risk. Please park at Abbey Road shops or Tintern Close and walk the short pathway to school. Police Community Patrol Officers will monitor parking on Romsey Close. The school car park is for staff only and must not be used as a drop-off or pick-up point.
All money must be put in your child’s zipped wallet and handed to your child’s class teacher with a note indicating the amount and reason for the money. The office staff are unable to take money across the front desk. Any change will be returned at the end of the day, but wherever possible, please try to send in the exact amount. However, we would prefer that Breakfast club, After School Club and school trips are paid online.
Theme Week
To enrich our school curriculum, we plan specific theme weeks throughout the year with a particular subject focus. During the last week of this half term we are planning our Art Attack Theme Week. We will focus on key artists per year group and link to our celebration of the Hindu Diwali festival as part of our RE Curriculum and British Values of ‘Tolerance of those with Different Faiths and Beliefs’.
Curriculum Manager Role
Each teacher is given a responsibility of curriculum areas. They will have non-contact days where they will monitor their subject e.g. conducting lesson observations in each class, talking to children, reviewing planning per year group, planning and conducting training for staff, analysing data etc. Mrs Silk will cover the classes on these occasions.
Key Dates
15th September - Y2 Welcome Meeting at 2.30pm
19th September - Bank holiday for state funeral
23rd September - Y2 School Council elections
28th September - Individual Photos
3rd October - Movie Night @ 3.30 - 5.00pm (details to follow)
5th October - Flu vaccine for all children
11th October - Parents’ Evening @ 3.30 - 6.00pm
17th October - Parents’ Evening @ 4.00 - 6.30pm
17th - 20th October - Art Attack Theme Week
20th October - Special Relative Visit @ 9.30 - 10.30am (details to follow)
20th October - School closes for half term holiday
21st October - INSET: school closed
31st October - School re-opens at 8.45am
Yours Sincerely,
Larissa James
School Year September 2021 - July 2022
Newsletter 9 – 21st July 2022
Dear Parents/Carers,
We are finally here… what a year! We have been delighted with the children’s progress and outcomes this year. They have worked their socks off, working doubly hard to cover gaps in learning caused by COVID over the past 2 years. They are ready for their next year group. A HUGE ‘THANK YOU’ to our fantastic staff who have nurtured and supported your children.
Michael Morpurgo, celebrated author, and former Children’s Laureate, said: “So often and for so many of us, it is a teacher who changed our lives, was at our side through hard and difficult times, who lifted us up when we were down, helped us find our voice, gave us confidence when we needed it most, set us on a path that we have followed ever since.”
Thank you for all your support. Parental engagement is crucial to building your child’s confidence and skills.
Sadly, we say goodbye to Miss Stagg, who will be starting a teaching degree in September. Mrs Gough is also moving to a school in Wokingham. We thank them for their incredible hard work and wish them all the best in their future plans.
We welcome Miss Dean, a teacher in Year 2 and Miss Bohan who will be joining Year 1. We also welcome two LSAs, Mrs Corr and Miss Pardy who will be joining Year R and Year 2 respectively. They have already settled in well with the team.
Mrs Wisken, our Deputy Head, has been seconded to an infant school in Farnborough. She will start there in November, when her maternity leave ends.
Mrs Relf has started her maternity leave and we await ‘Baby 2’ in September. Mrs Hill is also enjoying her maternity leave with baby Lucy.
INSET days for 2022-2023
We have confirmed next year’s INSET days. We have planned additional days at the beginning or the end of holidays to make it easier for parents to book long weekends away or holidays. Dates are:
Friday 21st October - Computing
Monday 28th November - Art
Monday 20th February - PE
Monday 5th June - Curriculum Planning
Monday 10th July - Pupil Progress
School Holidays
As we start the summer holidays, please keep an eye out for any vandals accessing the school site and contact the police. We would really appreciate your support in keeping our school grounds safe.
REMINDER: School re-opens for Years 1 and 2 at 8.45am on Thursday 1st September 2022.
I would like to wish you and your families a happy, relaxing and enjoyable summer break and we look forward to welcoming you back in September. For those of you moving on, please take our love, respect and best wishes for the next chapter of your life.
Stay Safe.
Larissa James
Newsletter 8 – 9th June 2022
Dear Parents/Carers,
Welcome back. We hope that you all had a lovely half term holiday. Please continue to regularly check your child’s book bag and the school website for up-to-date information.
We were hoping to re-start a range of free after school clubs this term, however, due to staffing issues we have decided to postpone them until the new academic year. Football club will continue on Thursdays with our external coach. The last session will take place on 14th July.
Primary age Covid vaccinations
We have put another letter on the school website from the Local Authority advising parents that children aged 5 to 15 can now receive a Covid vaccination. A paper copy of the letter is also going out to parents. If you are booking a vaccination for your child please try to make this outside school hours where possible.
Parent Questionnaire
We value your opinions therefore please complete and return your questionnaires to school by Monday 20th June.
Merton Adventure Land
We are adding new playground equipment to the pirate ship area from 15th June. Please keep to the designated pathways to ensure your family’s safety.
We are starting to prepare the children for their next year group. Current YR and Y1 will be split up for the next academic year, and on occasions, staff will be trialling new classes throughout this half term to check we have the right balance i.e. gender, Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND), English as an Additional Language (EAL), Ethnic Minority (EM) and Social, Emotional and Mental Health (SEMH) needs. There will be a couple of changes for the current Y2 for their Y3 classes. Y2 will also join the junior playtime from 7th July on Thursdays and Fridays. The official day when the children will meet their teacher and LSA will be Friday 1st July. Parents and children will receive a Social Story of your child’s new staff on that day.
INSET days for 2022-2023
We have confirmed next year’s INSET days, when school will be closed for staff training. We have planned some of the days to be at the beginning or the end of holidays to make it easier for parents to book long weekends away or holidays. Please see below and add these dates to your calendar:
Friday 21st October 2022
Monday 28th November 2022
Monday 20th February 2023
Monday 5th June 2023
Monday 10th July 2023
We are continuing to monitor attendance regularly, which was 94.2% at the end of last half term. Although Covid cases have had an impact on attendance, there has been little change in the overall attendance figure since September 2021. The Government’s expectation is that attendance should be 96% or above and we will continue striving to achieve this figure.
If your child has a headache, a cold or a temperature, please consider giving them Calpol and sending them into school if they are otherwise well enough. Likewise, if they feel unwell in the morning but improve by lunchtime, please send them back to school for the afternoon session at 1.00pm, when they will be able to have an attendance mark for the afternoon (there are two attendance sessions per day).
Whilst illness is the main reason for absences, we are seeing an increasing number of parents taking their children out of school for holidays or to visit family abroad. It has been well documented that children’s learning has been significantly affected by the Covid pandemic. We would therefore ask that you try to refrain from taking your child out of school during term time as this has a further impact on their learning. Holidays during term time will not normally be authorised, unless there are exceptional circumstances. If your child is of compulsory school age and they have 10 or more sessions (5 days) of unauthorised absence during a 10 week period parents may be issued with a penalty notice, which entails a fine of £60 per parent per child. If parents continue to take their child out of school for holidays we may have to refer them to the Attendance Legal Panel, who may take legal action, resulting in court proceedings. If you do need to take your child out of school for any reason you must fill out a leave of absence request form prior to the absence.
We have noted that children are often absent either just prior to or following weekends and school holidays. The school will look at patterns of absence and if there is a pattern or your child’s attendance falls below 90% you could receive a warning letter and you may be called into school to discuss concerns with your child’s attendance and any support needed. It is important for your child to attend school as much as possible in order to achieve their full potential. Studies have shown that when children are frequently absent from school it can adversely affect their learning and their friendship groups, making them less settled at school. Please support the school in improving attendance and achieving the best outcomes for your children.
Second Hand Uniform
We have a small supply of second hand uniform available (jumpers, cardigans, polo shirts, trousers, dresses, skirts, PE tops and shorts) for parents to purchase at a cost of £2 per item. If you wish to buy any of these items please email the school at stating the size you require. Please note that jumpers and cardigans come in sizes 24cm, 26cm, 28cm and 30cm and polo shirts, dresses, skirts and trousers are in ages 4, 5, 6 or 7 years. We will then check stock and notify you if it is available and when you may collect it from the school office.
Free Reading Books
Outside the main reception we have some boxes of reading scheme books available which are free for any parents who wish to take them.
Warm Weather
As the weather is now becoming warmer, please ensure that you send your child into school with a named water bottle, sun hat and sun cream applied, as children’s skin can burn easily. Staff are unable to apply sun cream.
Packed Lunches
Please can we remind parents to thoroughly check the ingredients on packed lunch items especially cereal
bars etc as these often contain nuts or traces of nuts. We would also ask that grapes are cut lengthwise in
order to avoid a choking hazard.
Key Dates - Please make sure you add these dates to your calendar.
8th June - Y2 start swimming
14th June - Travelling Book Fair
15th June - Governor Monitoring Day
17th June - e-Safety Theme Day
24th June - Y2 trip to Windsor Castle
1st July - Transition Day – children to meet new teacher/LSA
4th July - INSET: Phonics training for staff
15th July - Y1 Art Gallery to parents at 2.30pm in the hall
15th July - Children’s Annual Report to parents
18th July - Y2 Leavers’ Assembly at 2.00pm
19th July - Sports Day at 9.30am on the school field
21st July - Break Up at 3.15pm
1st September - School re-opens for Y1 and Y2 children
6th September - YR Transition Meeting (9.30am to 10.45am)
7th September - YR children start school (8.45am to 12.00pm)
8th September - YR children stay for morning and lunch (8.45 am to 1.00pm)
9th September - YR children stay all day
Yours Sincerely,
Larissa James
Newsletter 7 – 26th April 2022
Dear Parents/Carers,
Welcome back. We hope that you all had a lovely Easter holiday and enjoyed the beautiful weather. Although this is the shortest half term, 5 weeks, it is still very busy so please regularly check your child’s bookbag and the school website for up-to-date information.
Sadly, we shall be saying goodbye to Mrs Darby, Y1 Learning Support Assistant, on Friday 6th May. She is pursuing a new role at AWE. Miss Bennett, got married before the Easter holiday, and is now Mrs Relf. She will be returning from maternity leave on Tuesday 3rd May. Mrs Relf will cover various classes until May half term and then will cover Wise Owls for the remainder of the year when Mrs Hill starts her maternity leave. Mrs Relf, however, will be starting maternity leave again in September as she is expecting her second baby.
Statutory Testing
Following the cancellation of Statutory Testing for the past 2 years due to the COVID-19 pandemic, schools will resume statutory testing this year. Y2 will complete two reading papers and two maths papers in May. The children will not know when they will take these tests and they will be delivered as normal daily practice. The results of these tests will support teacher assessments for the end of the year which will show whether your child is Working Towards Age Related Expectations (ARE), has met ARE or is above at Greater Depth Standard (GDS). Parents will be notified of these assessments in their child’s Annual Report in July.
Y1 will complete the statutory Phonics Screening Check during the week of 6th - 10th June. Please ensure your child attends school during this time.
Staff report that children’s fluency is developing well since the introduction of children being given one book to read per week. This enables them to practise text and retain key words without the need to blend each word. Please continue to practise reading at home little and often. You can also access Bug Club at home if you want to practise books of a similar level to the one provided. Please remember that doors are open on Fridays at 8.30am for you to read with your child.
We are planning to start a range of free After School Clubs this term. A separate letter outlining details will be sent shortly.
As part of the Y2 DT curriculum this half term, the children will be designing and making space buggies. Please can you donate any boxes, clean yoghurt pots, toilet and kitchen rolls. There will be a parent workshop to help the children make their buggies at 1.00pm on Friday 20th May. Due to health and safety reasons, only one parent per child can be accommodated and no siblings.
Primary age Covid vaccinations
Before half term, the Government advised schools to inform parents that children aged 5 to 15 can now receive a Covid vaccination. The NHS website states: Children aged 5 to 15 can:
Schools have not been asked to organise these vaccinations. If you are booking a vaccination for your child please try to make this outside school hours where possible.
After School Club
For those children who attend our After School Club this will not be open on the last day of the summer term, Thursday 21st July 2022 and going forward will not be held on the last day of each full term ie: the day school breaks up for the Christmas, Easter and summer holidays.
Bags to School
Please donate any clothes, bedding or towels ready to be collected on Thursday 28th April and leave at the car park blue gates. School will receive funding for the collection based on weight and this will be used to purchase additional IT equipment.
Movie Night
We are hosting a Movie Night on 11th May at 3.30 - 5.00pm for all year groups. We have 150 places and these will be organsied on a first come first served basis. The ticket price is £3.00 and will include a drink and snack. A separate letter will come out shortly.
Easter Bonnet Disco
Please note change of time
The disco will now be all year groups together straight after school. Children should attend school in school uniform and bring their party clothes in a separate bag for them to change into at 3.15pm. Children should be collected from their classroom doors at 4.15pm.
EAL/SEND Parent Questionnaire
Thank you for your comments. Please refer to the school website for further curriculum support for your child eg: cued articulation, phonics, maths strategies etc. You can also speak to your child’s class teacher for any other support that you require.
Key Dates
27th April - 3.15 - 4.15pm Easter Disco
28th April - Bags to School
2nd May - Bank Holiday: School Closed
11th May - 3.30 - 5.00pm Movie Night
20th May - 1.00pm Y2 DT Parent Workshop
23rd May - Queen’s Jubilee Theme Week
25th May - Queen’s Jubilee Dress-Up day and Street Party
26th May - Break Up at 3.15pm
27th May - School closed - INSET Day: Safeguarding and Reading
6th June - School starts at 8.45am
6th June - Class photos
Yours Sincerely,
Larissa James
14th March 2022
Dear Parents/Carers
Easter Raffle 2022
Our annual Easter raffle will take place on Friday 8th April 2022 during assembly. To help raise funds raffle tickets will go on sale from today, at a cost of £1.00 per strip.
Please ask your family and friends if they would like to buy some raffle tickets too. Please indicate on the slip below how many strips of raffle tickets you would like and send in with the correct payment in a named, sealed envelope and place in the grey post box in the main reception. Please DO NOT hand in to your child’s class teacher. Alternatively raffle tickets will be available to purchase online via your Scopay account in which case you do not need to return the slip below.
We would be very grateful if you are able to donate an Easter Egg or an Easter related item for the raffle. Any donations can be handed in at the school office.
Many thanks for your continuing support!
Yours sincerely
Larissa James
Easter Raffle
Please can I have ……… strips of raffle tickets. I enclose £…………to cover the cost (£1.00 per strip).
Name ……………………………………………………………(for raffle ticket)
Contact number ………………………………………………..
Child’s Name ……………………………………………………
Class ……………………………………………………............
(Please write child’s full name and class)
o o O o o
10th March 2022
Dear Parents/Carers
School Trip
At Merton Infant School we try to provide as many learning opportunities for the children as we possibly can and school trips are a large part of this provision. They provide the perfect launch or landing for the topics that the children are studying during the year and are an invaluable experience for the children too.
We are only able to run these trips for them with the voluntary contributions that parents/carers make and, unfortunately, all trips currently operate at a loss.
We appreciate that the cost of living is rising and this, in turn, has a knock on effect on the price of coach hire and admission to the various venues that we visit. With this in mind, we will be introducing a ‘pre-payment’ card whereby you can pay small amounts towards the cost of trips as and when you are able to, and you will be able to see what balance is due after each payment.
We will endeavour to notify parents of upcoming trips as soon as we have booked them giving you plenty of time to make payments if you so wish.
Unfortunately we may be unable to keep providing these experiences for your children unless we receive enough voluntary contributions to cover the cost of the trips.
If you are interested in our pre-payment scheme please contact the school office or email
Many thanks for your continuing support.
Yours sincerely
Larissa James
o o O o o
10th March 2022
Dear Parents / Carers,
There have been two recent incidents around the school’s perimeter fencing this week. These have been reported to the police.
Please can you be extra vigilant in your child’s safety in the local area. If you notice anyone acting suspiciously, please report to school and / or contact the police.
Thank you for your support in this matter.
Yours sincerely,
Larissa James Kayleigh Reading Laura Randall
Headteacher Headteacher Pre-School Manager
o o O o o
7th March 2022
Dear Parents/Carers
Easter Egg Hunt
Merton Infant School will be holding an Easter Egg Hunt on Friday 8th April 2022.
Every child who takes part will receive a small egg with the winner receiving a larger prize.
If you would like your child to participate we are asking for a £1.00 contribution to go towards the cost and fundraising. We hope you will allow your child to join in the Easter Egg Hunt.
Please can we have all reply slips and money in by Thursday 31st March 2022, so that we can purchase the eggs. Please place slip and money in a sealed envelope marked with “Easter Egg Hunt”, and place it in the grey post box situated in the Infant School reception.
Thank you for your continuing support!
Yours sincerely,
Larissa James
Easter Egg Hunt on Friday 8th April 2022
I would like my child to take part in the Easter Egg Hunt.
I enclose £1.00
Child’s name ……………………………………………………………………………….
Child’s class ………………………………………………………………………………..
(Please write your child’s full name and class)
Allergies ……………………………………………………………………………………
Reply slips and money are to be placed in an envelope marked ‘Easter Egg Hunt’ and put in the grey post box situated in the Infant School reception.
Any change needed will be sent home at a later date.
o o O o o
Newsletter 6 - 2nd March 2022
Dear Parents/Carers,
Welcome back. We trust that you all had an enjoyable and safe half term holiday. Please ensure you regularly check your child’s bookbag or the school website for relevant information.
New Schools operational guidance was published during half term by the Department for Education (DfE) stating:
‘Our priority is to support you to deliver face-to-face, high-quality education to all pupils. The evidence is clear that being out of education causes significant harm to educational attainment, life chances and mental and physical health.’
Our school Risk Assessment has been updated to reflect the following control measures:
If parents test positive and are unable to get their child into school, we will authorise the first 2 days but the Government expects schools to strongly advise parents to seek alternative ways of getting their child into school e.g. by asking a relative or friend to bring children to school.
We welcome Mrs Bird, our new trainee ELSA, to school. Our previous ELSA, Miss Nielsen, is currently in Southampton hospital having had a bone marrow and stem cell transplant as part of her treatment for leukemia. Please keep her in your thoughts and prayers.
Half term topics
Year group Curriculum newsletters will also come out this week detailing the topic for this half term and suggesting ways you can support your child’s learning at home.
Google Classroom
In the event of a local lockdown, non-attendance or during self-isolation periods, we will continue to post work on the Google Classroom Learning Platform to ensure children have access to their learning. Thank you to all parents and carers who have already logged on. If you have any difficulty in accessing Google Classroom with the given user name and password (which are in your child’s pink Home-School reading book), please do not hesitate to contact your child’s class teacher or the school office for support. We must stress this is non-negotiable. The Government has asked schools to ensure appropriate remote teaching and learning takes place if children are not attending school.
Language of the Month
Children will be taught about the Ndebele dialect spoken in Zimbabwe. Our launch assembly will take place next week.
Key Dates:
3rd March - World Book Day: dress-up as a book character
4th March - YR trip to Wellington Country Park
22nd March - Local Authority Advisor visit
1st April - School Council Trip to the Houses of Parliament
4th April - Y1 trip to Marwell Zoo
6th April - Whole School Easter Assembly to be held in the school hall
8th April - Break up at 3.15pm for the Easter holiday
Easter Egg Hunt and Raffle
25th April - School starts at 8.45am
27th April - Easter Bonnet Disco - letter to follow
28th April - Bag2school collection
Best Wishes
Larissa James
o o O o o
6th January 2022
Dear Parents/Carers
Newsletter 5 - 6th January 2022
Happy New Year. We trust that you all had an enjoyable and safe festive holiday.
Covid Positive Cases
The current DfE guidance states:
‘Since Wednesday 22 December, the 10 day self-isolation period for people who record a positive PCR test result for COVID-19 has been reduced to 7 days in most circumstances, unless you cannot test for any reason.
Individuals may now take LFD tests on day 6 and day 7 of their self-isolation period. Those who receive two negative test results are no longer required to complete 10 full days of self-isolation. The first test must be taken no earlier than day 6 of the self-isolation period and tests must be taken 24 hours apart. This also applies to children under 5, with LFD testing at parental or guardian discretion. If both these test results are negative, and you do not have a high temperature, you may end your self-isolation after the second negative test result and return to your education or childcare setting from day 7. Anyone who is unable to take an LFD test will need to complete the full 10 day self-isolation period.’
In order to reduce the risk of transmission, in school we will continue with:
· regular cleaning of the toilets and work surfaces during the school day
· thorough deep cleaning at the end of the school day
· regular washing of hands using soap and water throughout the school day
· providing anti-bacterial gel in each classroom
· limiting unnecessary visitors to the school
· staff wearing face masks when moving around school
· asking visitors to wear face masks in the school
· staff testing twice a week
If parents test positive and are unable to get their child into school, we will authorise the first 2 days of absence but the Government expects schools to strongly advise parents to seek alternative ways of getting their child into school e.g. asking relatives or friends.
I am delighted to announce that Mrs Wisken, Deputy Headteacher, safely delivered her second baby daughter, Sienna Elizabeth, weighing 8lb 5oz, on 27th December. Both are doing well and settling into routines as a family of four.
Half term topics
Year group Curriculum newsletters will come out this week detailing the topic for this half term and suggesting ways you can support your child’s learning at home.
Google Classroom
In the event of a local lockdown, non-attendance or during self-isolation periods, we will continue to post work on the Google Classroom Learning Platform to ensure children have access to their learning. Thank you to all parents and carers who have already logged on. If you have any difficulty in accessing this with the given user name and password which are in your child’s pink Home-School reading book please do not hesitate to contact your child’s class teacher or the school office for support. We must stress this is non-negotiable. The Government has asked schools to ensure that appropriate remote teaching and learning takes place if children are not attending school. Please also encourage your child to access Bug Club and Mathletics.
Last term we raised £1,513:00 from the Christmas Art packs and performance tickets. This will be used to upgrade our Computing resources. We are planning additional activities for this term, so watch this space!
If your child is absent you must call the office on the first day of absence, giving the reason. If the school is unable to ascertain a reason for the absence it will be recorded as unauthorised. If your child accrues 5 days or more of unauthorised absence this could incur a penalty notice or you may be referred to the Attendance Legal Panel, who may take legal action. If we are unable to ascertain the whereabouts of a child this becomes a safeguarding concern and school staff may visit the child’s home to check on the welfare of the child.
Please also try to ensure that your child arrives on time for school. Being late for school impacts on a child’s learning and can make it difficult for them to settle into class. If a child continues to be late it may be recorded as an unauthorised absence on their attendance record.
Applying for Y3 and YR Places for September 2022
The online application facility for applying for a Y3 junior school place is now open – all Y2 parents need to apply at: If you are unable to apply online paper forms are available from the school office. The closing date for applications is midnight on Saturday, 15th January 2022. If you do not apply by the deadline there is no guarantee that you will be allocated a place at your preferred school.
For any parents who have a child who will be celebrating their 4th birthday between 1st September 2021 and 31st August 2022 you will now be able to apply online for a school place for September 2022 at the above link. Paper forms will be available from the school office for anyone who is unable to apply online. The closing date for applications is Saturday, 15th January 2022. Please view our Year R virtual tour for prospective parents on our school website at
We currently have vacancies for school cleaners. The hours are 3.30 - 6.00pm, 5 days a week. If you are interested please contact the office for an application form.
Key Dates:
25th January - Local Authority (LA) Advisor visit re: Special Educational Needs Provision
7th February - Parents’ Evening at 3.30 – 6.00pm
15th February - Y1 Fire Service visit
15th February - Parents’ Evening at 4.00 – 6.30pm
18th February - Break Up at 3.15pm
Thank you for your continuing support, patience and understanding.
Larissa James
o o O o o
6th December 2021
Dear Parents/Carers
Newsletter 4 - 6th December 2021
We are definitely on the countdown to Christmas. The children are working so hard on learning their Christmas play lines, songs and actions. So fingers crossed they will go ahead!! Please remember the recent guidance that we sent about attending the play.
School will continue to work with health protection teams in the case of a local outbreak. If there is a substantial increase in the number of positive cases in school or if central government offers this area an enhanced response package, a director of public health might advise a setting to temporarily reintroduce some control measures.
Any decision to recommend the reintroduction of ‘bubbles’ will not be taken lightly and will need to take account of the detrimental impact they can have on the delivery of education.
Parent Support
Staff are still concerned by the lack of parental support for your child’s learning. Please encourage your child to access Mathletics, EdShed, Google Classroom and Bug Club on a regular basis to practise key skills taught in school. This is our homework expectation and not just for those who may be self-isolating. This will maximise their progress and enable them to access wider opportunities in later life.
I am delighted to announce that Mrs Hill will be expecting a baby in June 2022. I am sure that you will join us in congratulating the happy couple. We are awaiting the safe arrival of Mrs Wisken’s second baby later this month.
Schools have been given additional funding to support the impact of Covid-19 on children’s learning. We have therefore employed a teacher, Mrs Silk, to give additional tutor support to some Y2 children on Tuesdays and Wednesdays.
After Christmas, we will be opening up our classroom doors at 8.30am on Wednesdays for parents to come and read with their child. It will not be a time to discuss anything with the adults as they will be preparing for the day.
Please ensure you label all school uniform including hats, gloves, coats, shoes, PE kits, lunch boxes and water bottles. We are always amazed at the amount of lost property we donate to charity shops so please check the lost property box in the office porch regularly. Children often have the same items and become anxious when they lose something.
If your child is absent you must call the office on the first day of absence, giving the reason. If the school is unable to ascertain a reason for the absence it will be recorded as unauthorised. This could incur a penalty notice or you may be referred to the Attendance Legal Panel, who may take legal action. We are also seeing an increasing number of children arriving late for school. This impacts on their learning and can make it difficult for them to settle into class. Please try to ensure that your child arrives on time for school. If the number of late sessions continues they may be recorded as an unauthorised absence on your child’s attendance record.
Key Dates
7th December - YR Christmas Play at 2.00pm (siblings welcome)
8th December - Nasal Flu vaccine (for those who have given consent)
9th December - YR Christmas Play at 9.30am (adults only)
10th December - Y2 Art Gallery to parents at 2.30pm in the school hall
13th December - Y1 & 2 Christmas Play at 2.00pm (siblings welcome)
14th December - Y1 & 2 Christmas Play at 2.00pm (adults only)
14th December - Christmas jumper day and Christmas lunch
15th December - Christingle Assembly
16th December - Y1 & 2 Christmas Play at 9.30am (adults only)
17th December - Break Up at 3.15pm and Special Visitor!
4th January - School starts at 8.45am
Thank you for your continuing support, patience and understanding.
Larissa James
o o O o o
Newsletter 3 – 3rd November 2021
Dear Parents/Carers,
Welcome back to what is usually our busiest half term. We hope that you had a lovely holiday. Please continue to check and empty your child’s book bag daily and view the school website for newsletters or other important information.
Covid-19 guidance
Last half term, we saw very few staff or child postives case of COVID-19. We continued with our stringent control measures as advised by Public Health England and the Department for Education. The school’s Risk Assessment will continue to be reviewed fortnightly with staff and Governors.
We intend to invite parents to our weekly Celebration assemblies on Friday mornings starting this Friday. We will ask parents to wear a face mask, use anti-bacterial hand sanitiser and sign in at the office on entry to the school.
Please can we remind you that if your child displays any initial classic symptoms of Covid-19 (e.g. high temperature / persistent cough / loss of taste or smell) or if they display cold-like symptoms (as it is now acknowledged that these could be symptoms in younger children), we will advise that children should self-isolate and get a PCR test. If they test negative and feel well enough they can return to school. If they test positive they should self-isolate for 10 days from when they first had symptoms.
In line with current guidance, school will not contact parents if there is a confirmed positive case in school. Parents will be notified by NHS Test and Trace directly if their child is considered as a close contact and advised to self-isolate. School does not have to close any class if there is a confirmed case or close contacts identified, due to the age of our children.
School will continue to work with health protection teams in the case of a local outbreak. If there is a substantial increase in the number of positive cases in school or if central government offers this area an enhanced response package, a director of public health might advise a setting to temporarily reintroduce some control measures.
Any decision to recommend the reintroduction of ‘bubbles’ will not be taken lightly and will need to take account of the detrimental impact they can have on the delivery of education.
Parent Support
Thank you for attending the recent Parents’ Evening. However, following our Pupil Progress Meeting on the INSET Day at the end of the half term, staff are concerned by the lack of parental support and it appears that many have not viewed our Y1 and Y2 Welcome presentations on the school website in the Parents folder. This is an opportunity to learn about the curriculum and year group expectations and will enable you to fully support your child’s learning. Each year group will send out information this week about this half term’s topics including suggestions about how you can support your child’s learning at home. Please ensure you encourage your child to access Mathletics, Spelling Shed and Bug Club on a regular basis. This is our Homework expectation and not just for those who may be self-isolating.
Race for Life
Your generosity is fantastic. We have raised £900 so far. The children were ecstatic when we told them in assembly this week. But we would love to reach £1000. Please dig deep and ask friends and family to donate too. Go Team Merton!
We are now selling them in school for a minimum donation of 50p We will be holding a 2 minute silence on Thursday 11th November at 11.00am. Please talk to your children about the significance of this tradition.
Sadly, due to COVID-19, we were unable to deliver our usual extravagant whole school Christmas performance last year. We believe the opportunity to stand on a stage and perform their lines, songs and actions really develops children’s confidence, speaking, listening and drama skills, including their attention span, which have been affected so much due to the national lockdowns. Therefore, we are planning to host a school play during the last two weeks of this half term. We are just confirming details about audience size and COVID-19 control measures before we explain further details. However, should there be a rise in positive cases then we may have to cancel at the last minute.
After School Club vacancy
We are looking to recruit an After School Club assistant to work term time only between 3.15 – 6.00pm daily. Please see the school office for an application form.
On November 12th Bag2school will be visiting to collect any donations you may have – so empty out those wardrobes and drawers and place items in a black plastic sack and leave by the blue double gates at the top of the car park. Donations should be left first thing in the morning when you drop your child off. Please see to check eligible items.
Key Dates
4th November – Halloween Disco – 3.30 – 4.30pm for YR & Y2, 4.45 – 5.45pm for Y1
12th November – Children in Need – wear something spotty for a donation
12th November – Bag2school
18th November – Family Photo session 4.30 – 7.00pm
24th November – Governor Monitoring Day in school
29th November – INSET day: Pupil Progress & Maths
30th November – Local Authority English Advisor visit to monitor progress in Reading & Writing
6th December – Christmas Panto
7th December – Y2 Art Gallery to parents
8th December – Flu Vaccine to all children
14th December – Christmas lunch & Christmas jumper day
15th December – Christingle Assembly
17th December – Father Christmas visit and Christmas Raffle
Break Up at 3.15pm
4th January 2022 – School starts at 8.45am
Yours Sincerely,
Larissa James
o o O o o
Newsletter 2 – 11th October 2021
Dear Parents/Carers,
So far the term is going well. The children are beginning to understand school routines and expectations and showing good work ethic. Staff have been busy assessing the children and identifying their gaps in learning due to non-attendance at pre-school or school due to the Covid-19 lockdowns. Our assemblies have focussed on our school values and our behaviour rules:
Parents Evening
We look forward to meeting all parents/carers either tomorrow or Monday 18th October for Parents Evening which will take place in the school hall. This will be an opportunity for teachers to discuss your child’s strengths and development areas including ways that you can support your child at home. In the interests of COVID-19 safety control measures, please can we remind you that only one parent should attend this meeting and avoid bringing your child and siblings where possible. Wearing a face mask would also be preferable.
Mental Health Awareness Day
Friday 15th October is Mental Health Awareness Day. This will be a non-uniform day and we would like the children to wear bright colours and donate £1 to CAHMS (Children and Adolescent Mental Health Services). We have invested in a new scheme called Trick Box which will support children’s well-being and mindfulness.
Theme Week
Next week will be our Let’s Explore curriculum enrichment week. Each day will take a different subject focus:
Monday - Safeguarding: school safety, e-Safety, Clever Never Goes and the NSPCC’s PANTS rule
Tuesday - History
Wednesday - Art & DT
Thursday - PE; please ensure your child comes into school wearing their PE kits.
Friday - INSET day (school closed)
Covid-19 guidance
Please can we remind you that if your child displays any initial classic symptoms of Covid-19 (e.g. high temperature / persistent cough (coughing multiple times within an hour or 3 or more coughing episodes within 24 hrs) / loss of taste or smell) or if they display cold-like symptoms (as it is now acknowledged that these could be symptoms in younger children), we will advise that children should self-isolate and get a PCR test. If they test negative and feel well enough they can return to school. If they test positive they should self-isolate for 10 days from when they first had symptoms.
Please may we remind parents to be courteous and considerate to local residents when dropping off and collecting children from school. We have had a couple of complaints from residents about driveways and garages being blocked due to parents’ inconsiderate parking.
After-School Club
This will take place in Hawk Owls classroom at the back of the school on the following days:
Tuesday 12th, Monday 18th, Tuesday 19th and Wednesday 20th October.
Parent helpers
If you would like to become a parent helper and volunteer on school events/trips please contact the school office who will be able to give you further information. All helpers will need to complete a DBS check before volunteering.
Key Dates
12th October - Parents’ Evening
15th October - Non uniform day for Mental health Awareness (£1.00 donation)
18th October - Parents’ Evening
18th - 21st October - Let’s Explore Theme Week
19th October - Y2 trip to Sea City Museum
19th October - Y1 Movie Night
20th October - Y2 Movie Night
21st October - Race for Life event - children to wear PE kits to school
22nd October - INSET: school closed
1st November - School starts at 8.45am
Yours sincerely,
Larissa James
o o O o o
Newsletter 1 - 3rd September 2021
Dear Parents/Carers,
Welcome back to our existing parents and a very warm welcome to our new YR children and families. We hope that you had a lovely summer holiday.
The children look very smart in their school uniforms and have settled into their classes very well.
We have a very busy term ahead so please ensure you check and empty your child’s book bag daily and view the school website for newsletters or other important information.
Covid-19 guidance
As COVID-19 becomes a virus that we learn to live with, there is now an imperative to reduce the disruption to children and young people’s education - particularly given that the direct clinical risks to children are extremely low.
School has worked very hard to ensure that we adhere to the recent guidance published by Public Health England and the Department for Education. The school’s Risk Assessment will be reviewed fortnightly with staff and Governors.
We will no longer operate as year group ‘bubbles’. Full school assemblies will resume. We intend inviting parents to our weekly Celebration assemblies on Friday mornings but are being cautious for the first few weeks of this half term to evaluate the impact of families mixing during the summer holidays. Year groups can mix at playtimes and lunchtimes outside.
If your child displays any initial classic symptoms of Covid-19 (e.g. high temperature / persistent cough / loss of taste or smell) of if they display cold-like symptoms (as it is now acknowledged that these could be symptoms in younger children), we will advise that children should self-isolate and get a PCR test. If they test negative and feel well enough they can return to school. If they test positive they should self-isolate for 10 days from when they first had symptoms.
In line with current guidance, school will not contact parents if there is a confirmed positive case in school. Parents will be notified by NHS Test and Trace directly if their child is considered as a close contact and advised to self-isolate. School does not have to close any class if there is a confirmed case or close contacts identified, due to the age of our children.
School will continue to work with health protection teams in the case of a local outbreak. If there is a substantial increase in the number of positive cases in school or if central government offers this area an enhanced response package, a director of public health might advise a setting to temporarily reintroduce some control measures.
Any decision to recommend the reintroduction of ‘bubbles’ will not be taken lightly and will need to take account of the detrimental impact they can have on the delivery of education.
Staff will continue to test twice a week and cleaning practices will continue as before the holidays. Chilcren will still be required to sanitise their hands during the day to try and minimise any cross contamination.
Year Group Welcome Meetings
We will upload the Y1 and Y2 Welcome presentations to the school website in the Parents folder for you to watch by the end of next week. This is an opportunity to learn about the curriculum and year group expectations and will enable you to fully support your child’s learning.
We welcome two new members of staff this year. Mrs T Gough in year R who will be teaching Snowy Owls class and Mrs M Eglin in year 1 who will be teaching Barn Owls class.
Curriculum Newsletters
Each year group will send out information this week about this half term’s topics including suggestions about how you can support your child’s learning at home. Each child will bring home their pink Home-School Reading books as a means of communication and where all log-in details can be found for Google classroom, Mathletics, Spelling Shed and Bug Club. Children will also bring home a library book each week.
Please avoid driving up Romsey Close at all times. If it becomes congested with cars parking and turning it makes it very difficult for emergency vehicles to access the school and therefore putting your child at risk. Please park at Abbey Road shops or Tintern Close and walk the short pathway to school. Police Community Patrol Officers will monitor parking on Romsey Close. The school car park is for staff only and must not be used as a drop-off or pick-up point.
Please ensure you label all school uniform including hats, gloves, coats, shoes, PE kits,book bags, lunch boxes and water bottles. We are always amazed at the amount of lost property we donate to charity shops so please check the lost property box in the office porch regularly. Children often have the same items and become anxious when they lose something
All money must be put in your child’s zipped wallet and handed to your child’s class teacher with a note indicating the amount and reason for the money. The office staff are unable to take money across the front desk. Any change will be returned at the end of the day, but wherever possible, please try to send in the exact amount. However, we would prefer that Breakfast club, After School Club and school trips are paid online.
After-School Club
This will now take place in the school hall. Parents can collect from the hall door on the opposite side of the school building.
Theme Week
To enrich our school curriculum, we plan specific theme weeks throughout the year with a particular subject focus. During the last week of half term we are planning our Let’s Explore Theme Week when each day will consist of a different subject. Monday will be about Safeguarding i.e. Clever Never Goes, e-Safety, NSPCC Pants Rule. Tuesday will be History focussed. Wednesday will explore Art / DT. Thursday will be PE; please ensure your child comes into school wearing their PE kits.
Key Dates
7th September - YR Transition Morning (9.30-10.45am)
8th September - YR children start school 8.45am - 12 noon)
9th September - YR children stay for morning and lunch
10th September - YR children to stay all day
29th September - Individual school photos
12th October - Parents’ Evening for Y1 & 2 (times to follow)
18th October - Parents’ Evening for Y1 & 2 (times to follow)
18th - 21st October - Let’s Explore Theme Week
19th October - Y2 trip to Sea City Museum
22nd October - INSET: school closed
25th - 29th October - school closed for half term
1st November - School starts at 8.45am
Yours Sincerely,
Larissa James
School Year September 2020 - July 2021
Newsletter 19 – 21st July 2021
Dear Parents/Carers,
This was not the end of year that we had hoped for… closing the whole of Year 1 and Year 2 due to confirmed Covid-19 positive cases. However, as the Local Authority said, we have done very well not to have closed the year group ‘bubbles’ earlier during this year and caused disruption to your child’s education. We managed to provide a robust curriculum to enable them to make sufficient progress to be able to access their new year group.
We send our very best wishes to our Y2 children as they move on to junior schools. They are an absolutely fantastic cohort who have demonstrated our MERTON values at all times. We know that they will continue to excel in the juniors and will be greatly missed.
Remote Learning
Y1 and Y2 children can access activities this week on google classroom. However, we are very much aware that many of you have started your summer holidays earlier!
If your child tests positive within a couple of days (48 hrs) of the end of term, please email the school and NOT leave a message on the school answerphone. This also applies if your child tests positive in the days leading up to our return on 2nd September. You will need to follow the NHS test and trace guidance.
I am delighted to announce that Miss Bennett has safely delivered a beautiful baby girl called Esme Olivia on Friday 16th July, weighing 9lb 8oz!
End of Year Reports
Thank you for your positive comments about your child’s annual report. If you would like to speak to your child’s class teacher about their report, then please book a telephone consultation during this week. Staff have conducted transition meetings so that they are well prepared to support the children in their new year groups.
Mrs Merritt, our Learning Support Assistant, will be laid to rest on Friday 30th July. Please take the time to light a candle in her memory and keep her family in your thoughts. It has been an incredibly sad time for all those who knew her. She was an amazing lady who put others before herself. In her memory our wellbeing garden will be called ‘The Venetia Garden’ and we will plan a grand opening in September.
INSET days for 2021-2022
We have confirmed next year’s INSET days. Some of these have been planned to be at the beginning or the end of holidays to make it easier for parents to book long weekends away or holidays in light of the past year’s circumstances. Please see below:
Friday 22nd October 2021
Monday 29th November 2021
Monday 28th February 2022
Friday 27th May 2022
Monday 4th July 2022
School Holidays
As we start the summer holidays, please keep an eye open for any vandals accessing the school site and contact the police. We would really appreciate your support in keeping our school grounds safe.
Opening times from 2nd September 2021
We hope that we can resume normal opening and finishing times in the new academic year i.e. 8.45am - 3.15pm. Children will enter / exit via their external classroom doors. This may be reviewed nearer the time depending on whether there are any national or local restrictions in place at the end of the holidays.
It has been a challenging year for various reasons but thank you for your continuing support, patience and understanding. We are Team Merton.
Stay safe and take care. Happy Holidays and enjoy the sun.
Larissa James
6 July 2021
Advice for Child to Self-Isolate for 10 Days
Dear Parent or Carer, We have been made aware that we have a confirmed positive case of coronavirus (COVID-19) at Merton Infant School. We have followed the national guidance and, following a risk assessment with Public Health England (PHE) advisers, have identified that your YR child has been in close contact with the individual who has had a positive test result for coronavirus (COVID-19). In line with the national guidance, your child must stay at home and self-isolate until 23.59 hours on Friday, 9 July 2021. We expect to see your child return to school on Monday, 12 July 2021 at 8.45am. If your child is well at the end of their period of self-isolation then they can return to their usual activities and attend school as normal. Other members of your household can continue normal activities, provided your child does not develop symptoms within the self-isolation period. For more information, please see the guidance for contacts of people with confirmed coronavirus (COVID-19) infection who do not live with the person:
Getting a PCR test for a close contact of a case? It is now also possible for close contacts to have a PCR test even where they do not have symptoms through Get a free PCR test to check if you have coronavirus (COVID-19) - GOV.UK ( or by calling 119. In some areas you may be encouraged to do this by your local authority or local health protection team. Please note: if your child has a negative PCR test result this does not alter the self-isolation period as a contact. Close contacts should continue to self-isolate for 10 full days, as they could still become infectious and pass the infection onto others. Please make sure you read the full text message from NHS Test and Trace when receiving a negative result. This makes clear that you do not need to self-isolate unless ‘you've been told to self-isolate because you've been in close contact with someone who tested positive’ Negative test result for coronavirus (COVID-19) - NHS ( What to do if your child develops symptoms of coronavirus (COVID 19) Having been identified as a close contact, if your child then develops symptoms of coronavirus (COVID-19), they should remain at home for at least 10 days from the date when their symptoms appeared. Symptoms of coronavirus (COVID-19) are a new, continuous cough, or a high temperature, or a loss of, or change in, their normal sense of taste or smell (anosmia). Anyone with symptoms will be eligible for a PCR test - this is the type of test that is normally available and can be arranged via or by calling 119. All other household members who remain well must stay at home and not leave the house for 10 days. This includes anyone in your ‘Support Bubble’. The household isolation period includes the day the first person in your household’s symptoms started (or the day their test was taken if they did not have symptoms) and the next 10 full days. This means that if, for example, your 10 day isolation period starts on the 15th of the month, your isolation period ends at 23:59 hrs on the 25th and you can return to your normal routine. Household members should not go to work, school or public areas, and exercise should be taken within the home. If you require help with buying groceries, other shopping or picking up medication, or walking a dog, you should ask friends or family. Alternatively, you can order your shopping online and medication by phone or online. Household members staying at home for 10 days will greatly reduce the overall amount of infection the household could pass on to others in the community. If you are able, move any vulnerable individuals (such as the elderly and those with underlying health conditions) out of your home, to stay with friends or family for the duration of the home isolation period. If that is not possible, anyone with symptoms should try and stay as far away as possible from vulnerable members of your household. For more information, please read PHE’s ‘Stay at Home’ guidance: For most people, coronavirus (COVID-19) will be a mild illness. If your child does develop symptoms, you can seek advice from the website at If you are concerned about your child’s symptoms, or they are worsening you can seek advice from NHS 111 at or by phoning 111.
How to stop coronavirus (COVID-19) spreading
There are things you can do to help reduce the risk of you and anyone you live with getting ill with coronavirus (COVID-19):
There will be work on Google Classroom for your child to do. Further Information Further information is available at
Yours sincerely
Larissa James
Newsletter 17 – 21st June 2021
Dear Parents/Carers,
End of Year events
Following Boris Johnson’s announcement last week about the delay in lifting restrictions, the Department for Education (DfE) has advised schools to be cautious in planning the usual end of year events. Therefore, we have made the difficult decision that we will not be inviting parents in for Sports Day on Thursday 22nd July. We will take photos of the children and post them on the school website instead and children will do sports day during their normal PE lessons in the last week of term. This will allow time for all the PE equipment to be sanitised in between the different sessions.
We will also not have our Y2 Leavers’ Assembly. We have discussed possibly live streaming it but there were safeguarding concerns involved. We are planning a free McDonald lunch and party on the field for the children instead.
Sorry for any inconvenience caused but we need to keep our school community safe and ensure that we do not all have to self-isolate for the first two weeks of the summer holiday with an outbreak of COVID-19 cases.
Transition Day
The children will meet their new teacher and Learning Support Assistant (LSA) for September on Friday 2nd July in the afternoon. Due to the COVID-19 control measures that we currently implement, the children will remain in their year group bubbles in their current classrooms and the staff will move around instead. Current YR and Y1 classes will be split for their new classes. Current Y2 classes will remain the same. We will ensure the adults wear face visors and use hand sanitiser on entry to the classroom. That day we will send home a social story detailing the names of the staff members including photos of their new classroom. There are also photos and a virtual tour of the school on our website so that you can share them with your children during the holidays. We are currently planning for Y2 to visit the junior school on the same day but awaiting guidance from the Local Authority to ensure that we meet health and safety guidance.
EAL Gold Award
I am delighted to announce that the school has achieved this prestigious award for our outstanding provision to support children who have English as an additional language (EAL). 28% of the children in our school are EAL children, speaking 33 different languages across the year groups. The school was judged against specific criteria evaluating Leadership & Management, Pedagogy & Practice, Data, Assessment and Progress, Teaching and Learning, Parent & Community Engagement. We are the 3rd school in the country, the 2nd Infant school in Hampshire and the 1st school in Basingstoke to achieve this high accolade. A HUGE WELL DONE to Mrs Durbajlo, our Inclusion Manager and Miss Fellhauer, our Geography Curriculum Manager who co-ordinated this project.
I am delighted to announce that Mrs Wisken is expecting her second baby which is due in December. Miss Bennett is still awaiting the birth of her first baby. Any day now!!
End of Year Reports
Your child’s annual report will be sent home on Friday 16th July. This will detail your child’s achievement and progress this year including suggestions about how you can help them at home over the summer holidays in preparation for their new school year. If you would like to speak to your child’s class teacher about their report, then please book a telephone consultation during the final week of term.
Term Dates and INSET days for 2021-2022
We have confirmed next year’s INSET days. We have planned some of these days to be at the beginning or the end of holidays to make it easier for parents to book long weekends away or holidays in light of the past year’s circumstances. Please see below:
Friday 22nd October 2021
Monday 29th November 2021
Monday 28th February 2022
Friday 27th May 2022
Monday 4th July 2022
Your child will also be coming home with a calendar for the term dates and inset days for 2021-2022.
Key Dates
2nd July - Transition Day - children meet their new teacher
5th July – INSET day - school closed for staff training
6th July - YR trip to Wellington Park
14th July - Open Box Theatre visit Y1 & Y2
16th July - End of Year Reports to Parents
23rd July - Break Up for summer
2nd September - School re-opens for Years 1 & 2
Thank you for you continuing support. Stay safe and take care.
Larissa James
Newsletter 16 – 9th June 2021
Dear Parents/Carers,
Welcome back. We trust that you had a lovely holiday and enjoyed some sunshine. We have another busy half term, so please check your child’s book bag and the school website regularly for information.
We have noticed that since we advised that you no longer need to wear face masks on the school site, parents are not adhering to the staggered start and finish times. The DfE still advise schools to put this control measure in place to prevent the risk of transmission of COVID-19. Please continue to socially distance and avoid large gatherings and leave the school site as soon as possible.
When entering the office, we still require you to wear a face mask (unless you are exempt) and only one parent will be allowed in at a time.
Y2 Leavers Assembly
We have provisionally planned this event for Wednesday 21st July. Depending on the latest guidelines for large gatherings at that time, we plan to host two assemblies - at 9.10am and 2.00pm to enable one parent per child to attend either time. It will be on a first come first served basis. We will notify parents of our confirmed plans nearer the time.
Sports Day
We are planning this event for Thursday 22nd July. Depending on guidelines at that time, YR will be 9.10 – 10.10am, Y1 will be 10.45 – 11.45am and Y2 will be 2.00 – 3.00pm.
We appreciate that this is not ideal this year, especially if you have siblings in different year groups but it will ensure that we continue with our effective control measures to avoid the transmission of COVID-19 and not mix our year group bubbles.
The two events above may change but we wanted to communicate the dates as early as possible in order that you can plan your work commitments.
We welcome Mrs Clayton in Y2 Eagle Owls full time this half term as Miss Bennett has officially started her maternity leave this week. We will let you know of the baby’s birth as soon as we know.
INSET days for 2021-2022
We have confirmed next year’s INSET days, when school will be closed for staff training. We have planned some of the days to be at the beginning or the end of holidays to make it easier for parents to book long weekends away or holidays, in light of the past year’s circumstances. Please see below:
Friday 22nd October 2021
Monday 29th November 2021
Monday 28th February 2022
Friday 27th May 2022
Monday 4th July 2022
Warm Weather
As the weather is now becoming warmer please ensure that you send your child into school with a named water bottle, sun hat and sun cream applied, as children’s skin can burn easily.
Key Dates
2nd July – Transition Day – children meet their new teacher
5th July – INSET – school closed for staff training
6th July – YR trip to Wellington Park
14th July - Open Box Theatre visit Y1 & Y2
16TH July – End of Year Reports to Parents
21st July – Y2 Leavers Assembly
22nd July – Sports Day
23rd July – Break Up for Summer holidays
2nd September – School re-opens for Y1 and Y2 children
7th September – YR Transition Meeting (9.30am to 10.45am)
8th September – YR children start school (8.45am to 12.00pm)
9th September – YR children stay for morning and lunch (8.45 am to 1.00pm)
10th September – YR children stay all day
Please note that the term dates for the next academic year can be found on our website, under ‘Parents’, ‘School Holiday and Term Dates’.
Thank you for you continuing support. Stay safe and take care.
Yours sincerely
Larissa James
Newsletter 15 – 19th May 2021
Dear Parents/Carers,
Following yesterday’s start of the easing of COVID-19 restrictions, current DfE guidance states that parents/carers are no longer required to wear face masks outside on school grounds. However, you may still do so if you prefer. When entering the office, we still request you to wear a face mask and only one parent will be allowed in at a time.
Please continue to socially distance and leave the school site as soon as possible. Staggered start and finish times will continue. This will be reviewed after half term.
We are still making decisions for end of year events, for example, Y2 Leavers Assembly and Sports Day and will ensure that we communicate as early as possible in order that you can plan your work commitments.
The school continues to follow the current Government guidelines for Covid-19. If your child or a member of your household has one or more of the coronavirus symptoms (i.e. a high temperature, a new, continuous cough or loss/change in sense of smell or taste) the whole household will need to self-isolate until that person has had a negative covid test result. If anyone has any of these symptoms they will need to take a Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) test. PCR tests are the most reliable tests but results may take a while as they have to be processed in a laboratory.
Lateral Flow Device (LFD) tests are simple and quicker to use, but not as accurate as PCR tests. They are mainly used for people who do not have symptoms of Covid-19 and are used to regularly test staff working in care homes, the NHS and schools (i.e. for the purpose of the rapid asymptomatic testing programme). The Department for Education (DfE) and Public Health England (PHE) have stated that lateral flow tests should not be used on children under the age of 12. Therefore any child attending our school who has coronavirus symptoms should have a PCR test booked for them.
Whilst our overall attendance since all children returned fully to school on 8 March has been very good, there are still some children whose attendance and/or punctuality is a cause for concern. As a reminder, the Government’s expectation is that attendance should be 96% or above. Any child whose attendance is 90% or below is classed as persistent absence.
If your child has a cold or other minor ailment please consider giving them Calpol in the morning and send them into school, unless they are very unwell. We can also administer Calpol in school if a parent has filled out the consent form.
There have been occasions when parents have kept their child off school due to having an unsettled night. If your child has had a disturbed night please send them into school as soon as they awake – we cannot authorise a whole day off school for a disturbed night. If your child is persistently absent or late we will arrange a meeting with you to discuss ways of improving their attendance/punctuality and to offer any support you may need. However, if your child continues to be persistently absent or arrive late, the school may record the sessions as unauthorised absence. When no valid reason is given for your child’s absence this will also be recorded as unauthorised. If a child accrues 10 or more sessions (5 days) of unauthorised absence within a 10 week period parents may be issued with a penalty notice or may be referred to the Attendance Legal Panel (ALP), who may take legal action.
Please can I remind you to try, wherever possible, to arrange any medical or dentist appointments outside of school hours. If your child has an appointment in the morning for 10.00am or later, please try to bring them into school first so that they can get an attendance mark for the morning session and return them to school after the appointment so that they can get a mark for the afternoon. If you do not return your child to school the absence may be recorded as unauthorised, unless a valid reason is given. Likewise, if they have an appointment in the afternoon please send them to school in the morning, otherwise the morning session may be recorded as unauthorised. We ask that parents please provide evidence (either a letter, text or appointment card) for any medical appointments during the day. Also, if you know that your child is going to be late in please contact the office to let them know if you wish to order a dinner for them (orders have to be placed before 9.30am).
When children are absent or late for school it can have an adverse impact on their learning and friendship groups, making them less settled at school. We want your child to achieve their potential – children make the most progress when they attend school regularly and on time.
Thank you for your generous contribution to the Merton Workout. You raised an amazing £1871.85. The Film Nights have also raised approximately £460.00. The money will be spent on resources for our well-being garden and replenishing guided reading books.
Bags for Schools is planned for 8th June. Please donate any towels, bedding, clothes etc. The more we collect, the more money we will receive!
INSET days for 2021-2022
We have confirmed next year’s INSET days. We have planned additional days at the beginning or the end of holidays to make it easier for parents to book long weekends away or holidays in light of the past year’s circumstances. Please see below:
Friday 22nd October 2021
Monday 29th November 2021
Monday 28th February 2022
Friday 27th May 2022
Monday 4th July 2022
Key Dates
19th May –Y1 Film Night, 3.30pm to 5.00pm (children will go straight from their class at the end of the day)
20th May –Y2 Film Night, 3.30pm to 5.00pm (children will go straight from their class at the end of the day)
27th May – Website Photoshoot
28th May – INSET – School closed
31st May to 4th June – Half term holiday
7th June – School re-opens at 8.45am
7th June – Class photos
8th June – Bags for School
5th July – INSET – School closed
6th July – YR trip to Wellington Country Park (details to follow)
Thank you for you continuing support.
Stay safe and take care.
Yours sincerely
Larissa James
Newsletter 14 - 23rd April 2021
Dear Parents/Carers,
Welcome back. We trust that you all had a lovely holiday and managed to get out visiting friends and family!
At least the weather has been good for us!
The children have settled back to school routines very quickly and are enthusiastic about their new topics. You should have now received copies of your child’s year group newsletter which outlines the learning taking place this half term including ways that you can support at home.
Following our assessments of your child before Easter, there are some learning gaps, therefore, the more that you can practise key skills at home the more progress they will make. Little and often!
We welcome back Mrs Clayton who is job sharing in Eagle Owls whilst Miss Bennett delivers remote learning at home due to current COVID-19 guidance for pregnant staff.
We also welcome Miss Chestney-Stagg, Learning Support Assistant, in Eagle Owls.
Easter Raffle
Many thanks to everyone who purchased tickets for our Easter Raffle. We had some amazing prizes this year and a total of £472.00 was raised for the school. Well done to all our winners.
Car parking
This is an ongoing problem but please avoid parking in Romsey Close if at all possible. We have seen an increase in the number of parents who are parking at the top of the close, directly opposite another parked car ,resulting in a complete blocking of the road. This not only then causes further congestion but it is also a safety concern as emergency vehicles would not be able to get through should the school need to call them.
Key Dates
30th April - Merton Sponsored Workout
3rd May - Bank Holiday: School closed
17th May - YR Film Night (further details to follow)
19th May - Y1 Film Night (further details to follow)
20th May - Y2 Film Night (further details to follow)
27th May - Website Photoshoot
28th May - INSET Day - School closed
Thank you for you continuing support.
Stay safe and take care.
Larissa James
31st March 2021
Dear Parents/Carers,
Easter holidays
The Department for Education (DfE) have asked all schools to remind parents to be extra vigilant over the Easter holidays and ask:
If your child develops COVID-19 symptoms from Thursday 1st April, please arrange for them to be tested immediately with a PCR test. If a positive test is received between Friday 2nd to Wednesday 7th April, then please inform the school via the school email address above.
Please indicate the date of the positive test result, your child’s last day in school, and any siblings in a different year group.
We will then contact Public Health England (PHE) to ascertain who will need to self-isolate. We will notify via email all the parents of children whom PHE consider have been in close contact with the positive case and will need to self-isolate for 10 days.
A positive test after 7th April does not need to be reported to the school as it is outside of the contact and trace period recommended by PHE. However, if your child will be absent from the 1st day back (19th April) due to COVID-19 reasons, please inform the school on the 19th April.
Parents’ Evening
Thank you for your engagement with Google Meet. Obviously face-to-face meetings would have been better but it worked and we were able to report on your child’s progress. If you did not meet your child’s class teacher, please re-schedule for after Easter.
On behalf of the children, staff and Governors, we wish you all a very Happy Easter.
Thank you for you continuing support.
Stay safe and take care.
Larissa James
Newsletter 12 - 8th March 2021
Dear Parents/Carers,
It was so lovely welcoming all the children back to school this morning. They have settled in well and not forgotten our Merton Values including behaviour expectations. Staff are assessing those who were remote learning to evaluate any gaps in knowledge and understanding in order to amend curriculum plans where necessary.
Thank you for supporting our new one-way system for Y1 children. Please can you line up on the black lines in the shared area (as you did before) and not along the Y1 fence as this will limit access on that pathway. We will continue to monitor this during the week.
Our priority is to ensure that everyone is safe and that we avoid mixing bubbles as much as possible to reduce the risk of transmission of COVID-19. Please remember the staggered start and finish times to avoid any congestion along any pathways on the school site and maintain 2 metre social distancing.
There will be two groups operating:
Group 1: 8.45 - 3.15pm for children with a junior sibling, vulnerable children and children of key workers
Group 2: 8.55 - 3.05pm for children with a sibling in the infant school and those without any siblings
Both infant and junior schools had booked Monday 15th March as an INSET day. This will still go ahead as both schools have already booked external agency training. Other INSET days are also booked for Friday 28th May and Monday 5th July.
We will be hosting our Easter Bonnet parade on Friday 26th March for a donation of £1.00 per child. We look forward to seeing all your creative ideas. We are also planning an Easter Egg hunt and raffle on Thursday 1st April.
PE will be on the following days:-
Year R Little Owls - Monday and Thursday
Snowy Owls - Tuesday and Thursday
Owlets - Wednesday and Thursday
Year 1 Monday and Wednesday
Year 2 Tuesday and Friday
Due to the the current PE kit debate, to ensure consistency across both schools, all infant children should come dressed in jogging bottoms and school tops ie: logo polo shirt/sweatshirt/cardigan on their allocated days. We apologise for any confusion caused.
School grounds
We have been busy during the last 9 weeks renovating parts of the school site. We have added new equipment to our Merton Adventure Land next to the pirate ship. We have also designed a Wellbeing garden in the internal courtyard to support our work on Mental Health. There will be a playhouse, water features and flowers pots etc.
Dates for your diary
Monday 15th March - INSET Day
Wednesday 24th March - Parents’ evening consultations via Google Classrooms 3.45 - 6.15pm
Friday 26th March - Easter Bonnet Parade - details to follow
Monday 29th March - Parents’ evening consultations via Google Classrooms 3.45 - 6.15pm
Thursday 1st April - Easter Egg Hunt and Easter Raffle - further details to follow
Thursday 1st April - Break up at 3.15pm for Easter holiday
Monday 19th April - School re opens at 8.45am
Thank you for your continuing support, patience and understanding.
Stay safe and take care.
Larissa James
Newsletter 11 - 26th February 2021
Dear Parents/Carers,
Following the Prime Minister’s announcement on Monday evening, we are so pleased to read that ‘returning to face-to-face education in schools and colleges is a national priority’, and we are excited at the prospect of welcoming all children back to school on Monday 8th March.
We are currently looking at the lastest guidance provided by Public Health England (PHE) and the Department for Education (DfE) to see what adaptations need to be made to our practices and procedures in school including across the school site. Our priority is to ensure that everyone is safe and that we avoid mixing bubbles as much as possible to reduce the risk of transmission of COVID-19.
The school’s Risk Assessment will be reviewed weekly with staff and Governors. We will continue to operate staggered start and finish times as we did in the autumn term. There will be two groups operating:
Group 1: 8.45 - 3.15pm for children with a junior sibling, vulnerable children and children of key workers
Group 2: 8.55 - 3.05pm for children who do not have any infant or junior school siblings or who have a sibling who attends the infant school only
In order to avoid big gatherings and swift movement around the school site, we will continue to ask that you:
Unfortunately, we are unable to permit parents and siblings to use the toilet facilities at any time.
We will operate as year group bubbles, therefore classes will be able to mix and share areas and equipment. We will still encourage social distancing, however, please remember the children are young and therefore cannot guarantee the 2 metre rule.
Children will enter / exit via their external classroom doors. Children will use anti-bacterial gel on their hands on arrival and continually wash them throughout the day.
From 8th March school will be compulsory and the Government has advised schools to exercise their usual rules on attendance. This will include the option to issue sanctions, including fixed penalty notices. Parents must complete a Leave of Absence form before any absences or holidays in term time are booked. However, in line with current policy, it will be unauthorised unless it is deemed to be an exceptional circumstance. Please remember to inform the school straightaway if your child is going to be late or absent for any reason – if the school is unable to ascertain the reason for any absence it will be unauthorised.
Break and Lunchtimes
These will be staggered times to ensure that year group bubbles do not mix. Lunch will be served in the school hall and hot dinners will continue. The pirate ship and spider web will be sprayed with disinfectant at the end of each day. Please do not allow your child to use it before and after school as this will affect the risk of transmission of COVID-19. Each year group bubble will have its own box of play equipment which will also be sprayed at the end of each day.
Breakfast and After School clubs will also resume from Monday 8th March. We will accommodate infant and junior children as one bubble but keep them socially distanced in their allocated room. Other clubs managed by staff will not take place this half term. In the meantime, please continue to engage with Google Classroom activities and encourage your child to do their very best.
Parents’ Evening
We will be holding consultations via Google Classrooms from 3.45 - 6.15pm on Wednesday 24th and Monday 29th March. A text message containing a link to book your appointment will be sent out on Wednesday 3rd March.
Both infant and junior schools had booked Monday 15th March as an INSET day. This will still go ahead as both schools have already booked external agency training. Other INSET days are also booked for Friday 28th May and Monday 5th July.
Staff testing
Staff will continue coronavirus testing twice per week.
Thank you for you continuing support, patience and understanding.
Stay safe and take care.
Larissa James
Newsletter 10 - 11th February 2021
Dear Parent / Carer,
We have nearly made it! This has been a very challenging half term for us all adjusting to new ways of working. Our remote learners have shown incredible resilience and engaged with their learning very well. The uploads to Google Classroom have been tremendous. Thank you parents for all your support. The children who are attending school are also working incredibly hard and coping well with the new ways of learning.
Half Term Holiday
The Department of Education (DfE) have asked all schools to remind parents to be extra vigilant over the half term holiday (15 – 22 February) and ask:
If your child develops COVID symptoms from Friday 12th February, please arrange for them to be tested immediately. If a positive test is received between Saturday 13th to Sunday 21st February, then please inform the school straightaway via the school email address above. Please indicate the date of the positive test result, the date when symptoms first began, your child’s last day in school, and any siblings in a different year group.
If the symptoms developed within 48 hours of your child being in school, we will then contact Public Health England (PHE) to ascertain who will need to self-isolate. We will notify, via email, all the parents of children whom PHE consider to have been in close contact with the positive case and who will need to self-isolate for 10 days.
Even if your child tests positive after 17 February (which is outside of the contact and trace period recommended by PHE for informing schools) we will still need you to contact us to inform us of the reason why your child will not be attending school or accessing remote learning when school re-opens on 22 February. Parents and carers should also still follow contact tracing instructions provided by NHS Test and Trace.
Parents Evening
We shall be using Google Classroom to conduct our Parents’ Evenings on Wednesay 24th March 3.45 - 6.15pm and Monday 29th March at 3.45 - 6.15pm. Please book your appointment time via the link that will be sent to you by text message. This will be an opportunity to review your child’s progress, whether they are currently in school or learning remotely.
Key Dates:
12th February - School closes at 3.15 for half term
22nd February - School re-opens at 8.45am
4th March - World Book Day
12th March - Mothers’ Day Gift Wrap (details to follow)
15th March - INSET Day
24th March - Parents’ Evening
26th March - Easter Bonnet Parade (details to follow)
29th March - Parents’ Evening
1st April - Easter Egg Hunt
Break up at 3.15pm for Easter holiday
Please keep in touch and stay safe. Remember the T in MERTON…Teamwork!
Take care,
Larissa James
Child Protection Policy: Addendum in response to school closure due to Covid-19 outbreak
Context From 5 th January 2021 parents /carers were asked to keep their children at home, wherever possible. Schools and all childcare providers were asked to provide care for a limited number of children - children who are vulnerable, and children whose parents are critical to the COVID-19 response and cannot be safely cared for at home. This addendum of Merton Infant School’s Safeguarding and Child Protection policies contains details of our individual safeguarding arrangements in the following areas:
1. Context
2. Vulnerable children
3. Attendance monitoring
4. Designated Safeguarding Lead
5. Reporting a concern
6. Safeguarding Training and induction
7. Safer recruitment/volunteers and movement of staff
8. Online safety in schools and colleges
9. Children and online safety away from school and college
10. Supporting children not in school
11. Supporting children in school
12. Peer on Peer Abuse
Key contacts Date approved: January 2021 Headteacher: Larissa James Signed: L.J.James Date: 5 th January 2021 To be used for the period of school closure due to Covid-19 outbreak and to be reviewed and amended as necessary. Role Name Contact number Email Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL) Larissa James 01256 324507 c/o Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead Zoe Wisken Sophie Durbajlo Paula Bennett 01256 324507 c/o Headteacher Larissa James 01256 324507 c/o Chair of Governors Mrs Emily Mean 01256 324507 c/o
Vulnerable children
Vulnerable children include those who have a social worker and those children and young people up to the age of 25 with Education, Health and Care Plans (EHCP).
Those who have a social worker include children who have a Child Protection Plan or a Child in Need Plan, those who are looked after by the Local Authority as well as those supported by the Early Help Hub. A child may also be deemed to be vulnerable if they have been assessed as being in need or otherwise meet the definition in section 17 of the Children Act 1989. Those with an EHCP will be risk-assessed in consultation with the Local Authority and parents, to decide whether they need to continue to be offered a school or college place in order to meet their needs, or whether they can safely have their needs met at home. This could include, if necessary, carers, therapists or clinicians visiting the home to provide any essential services. Many children and young people with EHCPs can safely remain at home. The Designated Safeguarding Lead and deputies know who our most vulnerable children are. They have the flexibility to offer a place to those on the edge of receiving children’s social care support. Merton Infant School will continue to work with and to support children’s social workers to help protect vulnerable children. This includes working with and supporting children’s social workers and the local authority virtual school head (VSH) for looked-after and previously looked-after children. There is an expectation that vulnerable children who have a social worker will attend an education setting, so long as they do not have underlying health conditions that put them at risk. In circumstances where a parent does not want to bring their child to an education setting, and their child is considered vulnerable, the social worker and Merton Infant School will explore the reasons for this directly with the parent/s. Where parents are concerned about the risk of the child contracting COVID19, Merton Infant School or the social worker will talk through these anxieties with the parent/carer following the advice set out by Public Health England. Attendance monitoring Merton Infant School will continue to report daily attendance to the Department for Education (DfE) as per current guidance. Merton Infant School will follow up on any pupil that they were expecting to attend, who does not. Merton Infant School will also follow up with any parent/carer who has arranged care for their child(ren) and the child(ren) subsequently do not attend. Merton Infant School will, when communicating with parents/carer, confirm emergency contact numbers are correct and ask for any additional emergency contact numbers where they are available. In all circumstances where a vulnerable child does not take up their place at school, or discontinues, Merton Infant School will notify their social worker. Merton Infant School has a responsibility to complete a weekly return to the Local Authority to report who, of these vulnerable children, have attended school provision that week. If they have not attended, the school understand their safeguarding responsibility and will have decided how to appropriately make contact with these children and families. At any one time, there will be a trained DSL (or deputy) available. If they are not on school site, then they will be available to be contacted via phone. All of Merton Infant School staff and volunteers have access to a trained DSL (or deputy). The DSL will continue to engage with social workers, and attend all multi-agency meetings, which can be done remotely. Reporting a concern Where staff have a concern about a child, they should continue to follow the process outlined in the school Child Protection and Safeguarding Policies, this includes making an update via CPOMS, which can be done remotely. In the unlikely event that a member of staff cannot access their CPOMS from home, they should 3 email or phone the DSL (or Deputies). This will ensure that the concern is received. Staff are reminded of the need to report any concern immediately and without delay. Where staff are concerned about an adult working with children in the school, they should report their concern to the Headteacher by phone and follow this up in an email. Concerns around the Headteacher should be directed to the Chair of Governors: Mrs Emily Mean. For the period that COVID-19 measures are in place, a DSL (or deputy) who has been trained will continue to be classed as a trained DSL (or deputy) even if they miss their refresher training. All existing school staff have had safeguarding training and have read part 1 of Keeping Children Safe in Education (2020). The DSL should communicate with staff any new local arrangements, so they know what to do if they are worried about a child. Where new staff are recruited, or new volunteers, enter Merton Infant School, they will continue to be provided with a safeguarding induction. If staff are deployed from another education or children’s workforce setting to our school, Merton Infant School will take into account the DfE supplementary guidance on safeguarding children during the COVID-19 pandemic and will accept portability as long as the current employer confirms in writing that: - • the individual has been subject to an enhanced DBS and children’s barred list check • there are no known concerns about the individual’s suitability to work with children • there is no ongoing disciplinary investigation relating to that individual Upon arrival, they will be given a copy of the receiving setting’s Child Protection and Safeguarding Policies, confirmation of local processes and confirmation of DSL arrangements. Safer recruitment/volunteers and movement of staff It remains essential that people who are unsuitable are not allowed to enter the children’s workforce or gain access to children. When recruiting new staff, Merton Infant School will continue to follow the relevant safer recruitment processes for their setting, including, as appropriate, relevant sections in part 3 of Keeping Children Safe in Education (2020 KCSIE). In response to COVID-19, the Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) has made changes to its guidance on standard and enhanced DBS ID checking to minimise the need for face-to-face contact. Where Merton Infant School are utilising volunteers, we will continue to follow the checking and risk assessment process as set out in paragraphs 167 to 172 of KCSIE 2020. Under no circumstances will a volunteer who has not been checked be left unsupervised or allowed to work in regulated activity. Merton Infant School will continue to follow the legal duty to refer to the DBS anyone who has harmed or poses a risk of harm to a child or vulnerable adult. Full details can be found at paragraph 163 of KCSIE 2020. Merton Infant School will continue to consider and make referrals to the Teaching Regulation Agency (TRA) as per paragraph 166 of KCSIE 2020 and the TRA’s ‘Teacher misconduct’ advice for making a referral. During the COVID-19 period, all referrals should be made by emailing Whilst acknowledging the challenge of the current national emergency, it is essential from a safeguarding perspective that any school is aware, on any given day, which staff/volunteers will be in the school or college, and that appropriate checks have been carried out, especially for anyone engaging in regulated activity. As such, Merton Infant School will continue to keep the single central record (SCR) up to date as outlined in paragraphs 148 to 156 in KCSIE 2020. On-line safety in schools Merton Infant School will continue to provide a safe environment, including on-line. This includes the use of an online filtering system. Where students are using computers in school, appropriate supervision will be in place. Remote 4 Children and on-line safety away from school It is important that all staff who interact with children continue to look out for signs that a child may be at risk. Any such concerns should be dealt with as per the Child Protection Policy and, where appropriate, referrals should still be made to the Children’s Services Department and, if required, the police. Remote Learners will also be supported in ensuring that all children are safe working on digital devices at home. Advice is available for parents/carers on the school website. Remote Learning – Recorded and Live Lessons/Sessions Please read this in conjunction with the Remote Learning Strategy. Below are the key points within that policy that relate to the safeguarding of children, staff and parents/carers. It is important that the ethos, code of conduct and our relationship and behaviour policies are adhered to even when children are working from home online with teachers and LSAs. Staff and children are to wear suitable clothing, as should anyone else in the household. Computers/devices should be used in appropriate ‘daytime’ areas for example, not in a bedroom. Live lessons/sessions will be recorded. This will be so they can be reviewed if any issues arise and also to support children who were not able to make the live lesson/session. Recordings that are to be used for children who missed the live lessons/sessions will only be available on the Google Classroom platform for one week. Language must be professional and appropriate, including any family members in the background Google Classroom is the only platform teachers will use Supporting children not in school Merton Infant School is committed to ensuring the safety and well-being of all children. Where the DSL has identified a child to be on the edge of social care support, or who would normally receive pastoral-type support in school, they should ensure that a robust communication plan is in place for that child. Details of this plan must be recorded on CPOMS, as should a record of contact made. The communication plans can include; remote contact, phone contact, door-step visits (at a distance of at least 2 metres). Other individualised contact methods should be considered and recorded. Merton Infant School and its DSLs will work closely with all stakeholders to maximise the effectiveness of any communication plan. This plan must be reviewed regularly (at least once a fortnight) and where concerns arise, the DSL will consider any referrals as appropriate. The school will share safeguarding messages on its website and social media pages. Merton Infant School recognises that school is a protective factor for children, and the current circumstances, can affect the mental health of pupils and their parents/carers. Staff at Merton Infant School need to be aware of this in setting expectations of pupils’ work where they are at home. Merton Infant School will ensure that where we care for children of critical workers and vulnerable children on site, we ensure appropriate support is in place for them. This will be bespoke to each child and recorded on CPOMS. Home Visits Home visits may be required where no contact can be made for a particular child or where we have deep concerns for their welfare. The necessity of these visits should be established by the DSLs through the monitoring of vulnerable children calls, CPOMS, Google Classroom engagement and emails. When visiting the DSL will carry a template letter of authorisations to valid essential travel in case they are stopped by the police. Visits should be dynamically risk assessed to ensure the safety of the staff member making the visit. 5 Supporting children in school Merton Infant School is committed to ensuring the safety and well-being of all children. Merton Infant School will continue to be a safe space for all children to attend and flourish. The Headteacher will ensure that appropriate staff are on-site and staff to pupil ratio numbers are appropriate, to maximise safety. Merton Infant School will refer to the Government guidance for education and childcare settings on how to implement social distancing and continue to follow the advice from Public Health England on handwashing and other control measures to limit the risk of spread of COVID19. Merton Infant School will ensure that where we care for children of critical workers and vulnerable children onsite, we ensure appropriate support is in place for them. This will be bespoke to each child and recorded on CPOMS. Where Merton Infant School has concerns about the impact of staff absence – such as our DSL (or Deputies) or first aiders – immediate plans are put in place to ensure the safety of all. Peer on Peer Abuse Merton Infant School recognises that during the closure a revised process may be required for managing any report of such abuse and supporting victims. Where a school receives a report of peer on peer abuse, they will follow the principles as set out in part 5 of KCSIE 2020 and of those outlined within the Child Protection and Safeguarding Policies. Merton Infant school will listen and work with the children, parents/carers and any multiagency partner required to ensure the safety and security of that child. Concerns and actions must be recorded on CPOMS and appropriate referrals made. Any emails sent by staff will be via the admin office email so they can be robustly monitored. Contact can also be made through Google Classrooms by all members of a year group team. Any concerns must be reported to a DSL so referrals can be considered. Individual video conferencing with a child will be through the Google Classroom platform using Google Meet. These sessions will be scheduled with parents’ permission and will be recorded for safeguarding purposes only. It is vital that that a parent or carer is visible in the video conference for part of the meeting, and that they also stay within the same room for the duration. This is to safeguard the staff member and child. We will continue to share safeguarding messages on our website and social media pages. We recognise that school is a protective factor for children and the current circumstances can affect the mental health of children and their families. Teachers are aware of this in setting expectations of children’s work while children are at home and it is made clear in posts and newsletters that children can access as much as they are able. We will also direct parents/carers to resources on the school website to support the mental health and wellbeing of their families.
5th Spring 1 Risk Assessment - February 2021
` |
CORONAVIRUS RISK ASSESSMENT & PROCEDURE Review updates are highlighted in yellow
Location / Site |
Merton Infant School |
Activity / Procedure |
COVID-19 Lockdown 3 |
Assessment date |
11th January 2021 |
Identify people at risk |
YES or NO |
Employees |
Children |
Visitors |
Contractors |
National Lockdown announced on 4th January 2021
Below control measures are taken from ‘Guidance for all schools in England’ published 7th January 2021:
‘During the period of national lockdown, schools and wraparound childcare should allow only vulnerable children and the children of critical workers to attend. All other pupils and students should not attend and should learn remotely until February half term.’
‘Limiting attendance is about supporting the reduction of the overall number of social contacts in our communities.’
Identify hazard |
Record the hazard that could cause harm or injury – add appropriate detail about the type and location of hazards |
Impact of social distancing in the classroom resulting in direct transmission of the virus |
Control measures |
List your control measures required to reduce risk – add appropriate detail about the type and location of controls |
Identify hazard |
Record the hazard that could cause harm or injury – add appropriate detail about the type and location of hazards |
Lack of social distancing using toilets and poor hygiene resulting in direct and indirect transmission of the virus |
Control measures |
List your control measures required to reduce risk – add appropriate detail about the type and location of controls |
Identify hazard |
Record the hazard that could cause harm or injury – add appropriate detail about the type and location of hazards |
Lack of social distancing at drop-off and collection times resulting in direct transmission of the virus |
Control measures |
List your control measures required to reduce risk – add appropriate detail about the type and location of controls |
Identify hazard |
Record the hazard that could cause harm or injury – add appropriate detail about the type and location of hazards |
Lack of social distancing during playtimes and lunch playtime resulting in direct transmission of the virus |
Control measures |
List your control measures required to reduce risk – add appropriate detail about the type and location of controls |
Identify hazard |
Record the hazard that could cause harm or injury – add appropriate detail about the type and location of hazards |
Lack of social distancing when eating lunch resulting in direct transmission of the virus |
Control measures |
List your control measures required to reduce risk – add appropriate detail about the type and location of controls |
Identify hazard |
Record the hazard that could cause harm or injury – add appropriate detail about the type and location of hazards |
Lack of social distancing in the corridors resulting in direct transmission of the virus |
Control measures |
List your control measures required to reduce risk – add appropriate detail about the type and location of controls |
Identify hazard |
Record the hazard that could cause harm or injury – add appropriate detail about the type and location of hazards |
Contact of shared resources resulting in indirect transmission of the virus |
Control measures |
List your control measures required to reduce risk – add appropriate detail about the type and location of controls |
Identify hazard |
Record the hazard that could cause harm or injury – add appropriate detail about the type and location of hazards |
Emotional distress of the children |
Control measures |
List your control measures required to reduce risk – add appropriate detail about the type and location of controls |
Identify hazard |
Record the hazard that could cause harm or injury – add appropriate detail about the type and location of hazards |
Emotional distress of the staff – including anxiety |
Control measures |
List your control measures required to reduce risk – add appropriate detail about the type and location of controls |
Identify hazard |
Record the hazard that could cause harm or injury – add appropriate detail about the type and location of hazards |
Risk of spreading virus due to close contact with children – 1:1 and physical intervention resulting in direct transmission of the virus |
Control measures |
List your control measures required to reduce risk – add appropriate detail about the type and location of controls |
Identify hazard |
Record the hazard that could cause harm or injury – add appropriate detail about the type and location of hazards |
Risk of spreading virus due to poor hygiene resulting in indirect transmission of the virus |
Control measures |
List your control measures required to reduce risk – add appropriate detail about the type and location of controls |
Identify hazard |
Record the hazard that could cause harm or injury – add appropriate detail about the type and location of hazards |
Risk of infection due to lack of cleaning resulting in indirect transmission of the virus |
Control measures |
List your control measures required to reduce risk – add appropriate detail about the type and location of controls |
Identify hazard |
Record the hazard that could cause harm or injury – add appropriate detail about the type and location of hazards |
Risk of illness of vulnerable staff and family members through direct and indirect transmission of the virus |
Control measures |
List your control measures required to reduce risk – add appropriate detail about the type and location of controls |
Identify hazard |
Record the hazard that could cause harm or injury – add appropriate detail about the type and location of hazards |
Risk of illness of vulnerable children and family members through direct and indirect transmission of the virus |
Control measures |
List your control measures required to reduce risk – add appropriate detail about the type and location of controls |
Identify hazard |
Record the hazard that could cause harm or injury – add appropriate detail about the type and location of hazards |
Risk of contact with individuals who are unwell with COVID-19 symptoms |
Control measures |
List your control measures required to reduce risk – add appropriate detail about the type and location of controls |
Identify hazard |
Record the hazard that could cause harm or injury – add appropriate detail about the type and location of hazards |
Minimising contact between staff |
Control measures |
List your control measures required to reduce risk – add appropriate detail about the type and location of controls |
Identify hazard |
Record the hazard that could cause harm or injury – add appropriate detail about the type and location of hazards |
Safeguarding concerns of those learning remotely |
Control measures |
List your control measures required to reduce risk – add appropriate detail about the type and location of controls |
Identify hazard |
Record the hazard that could cause harm or injury – add appropriate detail about the type and location of hazards |
Risk of infection from parents / contractors coming onto site |
Control measures |
List your control measures required to reduce risk – add appropriate detail about the type and location of controls |
OVERALL level of risk |
Consider level of risk following use of control measures HIGHLIGHT the appropriate assessment of risk |
Assessor’s comments |
Even with these controls in place the risk of young children not social distancing remains high. Parents have been made aware that we cannot guarantee social distancing for the children via newsletters, Facebook, text messages and the school website. While there are control measures in place, we cannot eliminate the risks but have aimed to reduce the risks. |
Name of assessor
Signature of assessor
Date |
Larissa James - Headteacher
L.J.James |
11.1.2021 |
Health & Safety Governor comments |
I agree with the assessor’s comments. We need to review this risk assessment weekly to ensure the safety of staff, children and parents. |
Name of Health & Safety Governor |
Signature of Health & Safety Governor |
Date |
Emily Mean
E.Mean |
11.1.2021 |
Risk assessment review 1 |
Date 18.1.2021 |
Weekly |
Remote Learning team have completed the Display Screen Equipment e-Learning and certificates have been handed in to SBM |
New foot pump hand sanitiser has been ordered for entry into staffroom |
Attended Primary Staff testing webinar and devised procedures and register. Planned staff meetings with all teams to share guidance this week ready for administering from 25th January 2021. |
Lunchtime staff and DHT trained in using epi-pens |
Who was involved in the Review: Larissa James / Paula Bennett |
Signature of those involved in the Review: L.J.James / P.Bennett |
Risk assessment review 2 |
Date 25.1.2021 |
Weekly |
Number of children attending has increased in each year group |
Staff testing started on 25th January following all necessary training during the previous week. Testing RA has also been devised and shared with staff and Governors. |
Who was involved in the Review: Larissa James / Paula Bennett |
Signature of those involved in the Review: L.J.James / P.Bennett |
Risk assessment review 3 |
Date 1.2.2021 |
Weekly |
3 more children in YR attended today and 2 more children in Y1 |
Who was involved in the Review: Larissa James / Paula Bennett |
Signature of those involved in the Review: L.J.James / P.Bennett |
Risk assessment review 4 |
Date 8.2.2021 |
Weekly |
Who was involved in the Review: Larissa James / Paula Bennett |
Signature of those involved in the Review: L.J.James / P.Bennett |
Risk assessment review 5 |
Date 8.2.2021 |
Weekly |
Who was involved in the Review: Larissa James / Paula Bennett |
Signature of those involved in the Review: L.J.James / P.Bennett |
Newsletter 9 - 28th January 2021
Dear Parent/Carer,
Last night’s news from the Prime Minister about schools fully re-opening was not what many of us wanted to hear. The Department for Education (DfE) wrote the following message to schools:
Today, the Prime Minist