A huge welcome from Tawny Owls and Barn Owls!
We are Year 1...
We are so looking forward to an exciting year ahead.
Information for parents
P.E days: Tuesday and Thursday
Please make sure earrings are taken out or covered and long hair is tied up.
All items of P.E kit should be clearly named.
Daily Tasks
Reading and Keywords
Spelling practise
Counting forwards and backwards to 20
Purple Mash remote learning
Rocket Phonics Reading
Children also have Merton Missions set every half term. These can be found on our topic newsletters.
Spring 1 - We're on the move!
This term the children will be learning all about Transport and Amelia Earhart while we take a dive into the past to research the beginnings of transport and how it has grown over the years. We will go as far back as the use of the sedan chair which was used in China 4000 years ago!
Our key text of the term is "The Naughty Bus" and the children will be learning all about nouns, verbs and adjectives and how they can be used in a text, whereas, in maths we will be using out number bonds knowledge when solving one step problems and we will also take our first look into time so be prepared for a lot of time related questions at home.
We will also have a fantastic trip to Brooklands museum of transport on the 12th February 2025.
Autumn 2 - Once upon a time
This half term we will be exploring traditional tales such as Little Red Riding Hood, The Three Little Pigs and Goldilocks and the Three Bears. Our chosen story for literature this term is Jack and the Beanstalk. For the launch of our topic the children will be watching the Disney classic Shrek which introduces many fairy tale characters. We have plenty of D&T this term as children will be creating their story box settings, if you have any spare shoeboxes we would appreciate them here in school. Our Artist of the term is the queen of patterns Orla Kiely before we begin our countdown to Christmas!
A visit from an Artist
On the 15th November we were lucky enough to have an Artist called Holly Parkhouse come to work with the children at our school. Holly is a surface pattern designer and illustrator who creates colourful illustrations using different mediums such as gouache paint, marker pens and lino printing.
Holly works with Hobbycraft and provides many of their workshops and Holly a number of Holly's pieces of art in the form of patterned fabrics alongside other pieces are sold in the Hobbycraft stores.
Holly worked with each class on a personalised art workshop with a focus on patterns. The children were able to create their own Christmas wrapping paper using their pattern making skills learnt both in class this term as well as with Holly.
Autumn 1 - Out and About
In this first half term we will be exploring our local area and using our geography skills to look at the human and physical features in Popley. We will also be exploring the history of our school comparing the school now to when it was opened in 1969.