

Infant School

Aiming High, Achieving Together

Parent Guide to Mental Health Support

At Merton Infant School, we are committed to supporting the Mental Health and Wellbeing of all our children, staff, governors, parents and community.


We have a dedicated Mental Health and Wellbeing Team, for more details please the link below:

We provide a range of support programmes to develop the skills for children's mental health and wellbeing. As part of our Personal Development Learning (PDL) curriculum we follow the Jigsaw scheme which integrates personal, social, health and economic education with an emphasis on emotional literacy, mental health and Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural, especially spiritual development. 


Jigsaw aims to help children know and value who they really are and how they relate to other people in this ever-changing world.


In addition to Jigsaw we also utilise a programme called Trick Box to help children develop emotionally as well as academically. It helps build positive and happy life habits by giving children strategies for developing resilience and effective communication. For further information about the programme please click the link below: 

The Incredible Years is a series of interlocking, evidence-based programs for parents, children and teachers supported by over 30 years research.  The goal is to prevent and treat young children's behaviour problems and promote their social, emotional and academic competence.  The programs are used worldwide in schools and mental health centres and have been shown to work across cultures and socio-economic groups.


If you wish to explore their website please click on the link below.
