

Infant School

Aiming High, Achieving Together

Year R

Welcome to Year R

Home Learning


Please find links to websites and documents for children to use in their home learning. (Mr T's Phonic's videos)



Please log into EdShed to Read daily.


For extra resources please visit and set up an account using the code: UKTWINKLHELPS


Keeping Active

Cosmic Kids Yoga/Mindfulness

Go Noodle


Premier League Primary Stars


Wiggle Time Exercises: 5 basic shapes

Reception Baseline Assessment - Information for parents

 Autumn 1


We are so pleased to welcome your children to our classrooms. Our topic is Healthy Me and the children will be learning about the importance of a healthy lifestyle and how this includes a balanced diet, regular exercise, and plenty of sleep.

The children will be practising writing skills through dough gym and hand control activities.  They will begin to write their names and learn to say and write letter sounds.  The children will also be given the opportunity to learn key words.

The children are excited new skills in maths lessons.  They will be counting, recognising, ordering and writing numbers to 5 and beyond!  They will be learning lots of new number rhymes and songs.

The children will also be spending time in our outdoor area.  We will be busy practising our skills on the bikes, being creative with paint, climbing on the apparatus and much more!


Owlets PE day is Tuesday. and Snowy Owls PE day is Wednesday..


Please remember to write in the pink reading diaries every time you read at home and tick any keywords that your child can read by sight.

There is a login for Purple Mash in the front of the pink reading diaries.
