

Infant School

Aiming High, Achieving Together


Intent - What are we trying to achieve?

  • For our children to become confident, competent and independent mathematicians
  • To build a deep, conceptual understanding of maths so that children can apply their learning in different contexts
  • For our children to develop their ability to articulate, discuss and explain their thinking using appropriate mathematical vocabulary
  • To deliver an inspiring and engaging curriculum which sparks curiosity and problem solving skills
  • To deliver a high quality maths curriculum that is both challenging and enjoyable
  • To ensure that our children understand that maths is essential  to everyday life and that they are confident and resilient mathematicians who are not afraid to take risks


Implementation - How is our vision translated into practice?

  • In Reception, we use the White Rose scheme of work for the EYFS. This is complimented by the resource 'number blocks.'
  • In KS1, we use the Hampshire scheme of learning and follow a spiral approach curriculum. This provides many opportunities to overlearn key concepts so they can be retained in long term memory
  • Developing pupils conceptual understanding of mathematics by using concrete objects, pictorial representations and abstract thinking (CPA approach)
  • Addressing common misconceptions, vocabulary and commands, and prompt children to think critically about problems in daily lessons and weekly Fix-it times
  • Making a coherent learning journey through the national curriculum and each year group following a medium-term plan where small, cumulative steps build a solid foundation of deep mathematical understanding
  • Using strategies such as My Turn, Your Turn, modelling and scaffolding
  • Using formative assessment to inform teaching, as well as intervention, to support and enable the success of each child
  • Adaptive teaching through concrete materials and the reliance on the representations within a lesson
  • Carefully designing varied tasks to build fluency and understanding of mathematical concepts
  • Discussing the children's attainment and progress in Pupil Progress meetings.  Where progress is not as rapid as we would expect support is immediate e.g. 5 minute box and small group work
  • Questioning precisely in class to check conceptual and procedural knowledge
  • Giving feedback in the moment in line with our marking policy
  • Providing opportunities to develop fluency skills and reasoning in every lesson
  • Explicitly teaching mathematical vocabulary and using stem sentences to support and encourage all children to communicate their ideas
  • We have explicit weekly and medium-term planning that is responsive to children's needs.  It is sequential, ensuring that knowledge and skills are embedded in the children's long-term memory.  Repetition and modelling are key elements to planning.  Key vocabulary is reinforced to enable children to build up the appropriate responses in discussion work and practical activities
  • Providing home learning opportunities on Purple Mash to embed learning in a fun and engaging way. 
  • Learning outside of the classroom with weekly active Maths PE sessions in the hall


Impact - What is the impact of our curriculum?

  • Our children are happy and enthusiastic mathematicians
  • The impact of mastery and the emphasis on accurate use of mathematical language is evident during class discussions
  • Our children show a high level of pride in presentation and understanding of their work
  • Our children demonstrate increasing recall of facts and procedures
  • Our children confidently use concrete resources and pictorial representations to take on mathematical challenges
  • Our children have developed confidence and mental fluency with numbers, counting and place value including working with numerals, words and the four operations
  • Our children apply mathematical skills across different areas of the curriculum
  • Our children understand the importance of maths in the real world and how it can be used to support their full potential
  • Children are supported immediately and make progress from their starting points
  • Children are not afraid of maths and learning new concepts




We pride ourselves on being Mathematicians. 


We teach mathematics every day and use a wide range of concrete resources, pictorial representations, and abstract methods to consolidate a concept.  


Learning is most effective when it is fun, stimulating and used in a real life context.  


Below are links to support your child at home.  

Addition Maths Strategies

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Subtraction Maths Strategies

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Multiplication and Division Strategies

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