3rd October 2024
Dear Parents/carers
Christmas Art Pack 2024
Following the success of previous years’ Christmas Art Gift packs, we have decided to resume these this year. These Art Gift Packs will be available for parents to purchase at a cost of £5.00.
The pack will include items the children have made, and a Christmas calendar for 2025 with a picture of your child in their Christmas play costume.
If you would like to purchase your child’s pack please complete and return the slip below no later than Monday 4th November 2024. Payment can be made by cash or via scopay, and all slips/money should be handed to your child’s class teacher. Forms received after this date will, unfortunately, not be accepted.
Yours sincerely,
Larissa James
Christmas Art Gift Pack 2024
I would like to purchase my child’s Christmas Art Gift Pack and enclose £5.00.
Child’s Name …………………………………………………. Class…………………………….
I enclose £5.00 YES/NO I have paid online YES/NO Scopay Ref: ……………………..
Parent’s name …………………………………………… Signature …………………………………...
23rd September 2024
Dear Parents/carers
Halloween Disco – Wednesday 23rd October 2024
We will be holding a Halloween Disco on Wednesday 23rd October 2024. The children are invited to dress up for the disco and prizes will be awarded for the best Halloween costume. Winners from each year group will be picked at the end of the disco. The disco will be held in two parts (however, depending on numbers we may be able toaccommodatethewholeschool in one event). WE WILL NOTIFY PARENTS NEARER THE TIME.
Year R - 3.30pm - 4.15pm (children to bring their party clothes into school to change in to and should be collected from their classroom doors after the disco).
Year 1 & 2 - 4.15pm - 5.00pm (children to be dropped off and collected from their classroom doors).
The cost for the disco is £4.00 per child and includes a drink, lollipop and cake.
If your child would like to attend please complete and return the form below also indicating if your child has any allergies. Please post all replies in the GREY POST BOX in reception. You can enclose money with the reply slip and post in the grey box or pay online. DO NOT hand to your child’s class teacher, as it will be returned. The deadline for this event is Friday 18th October 2024. Forms received after this date will, unfortunately, not be accepted.
Yours sincerely,
Larissa James
Halloween Disco – Wednesday 23rd October 2024
I give permission for my child to attend the Halloween Disco
Child’s name …………………………………………………… Class ………………………………………….
I enclose £4.00 - YES/NO I have paid online - YES/NO Scopay ref:……………………………
Signed ……………………………………………….. Name……………………………………………………..
27th February 2024
Dear Parents/Carers
Easter Raffle 2024
Our annual Easter raffle will take place on Thursday 28th March 2024 during assembly. To help raise funds raffle tickets will go on sale from today, at a cost of £1.00 per strip.
Please ask your family and friends if they would like to buy some raffle tickets too. Please indicate on the slip below how many strips of raffle tickets you would like and send in with the correct payment in a named, sealed envelope and place in the grey post box in the main reception. Please DO NOT hand in to your child’s class teacher. Alternatively raffle tickets will be available to purchase online via your Scopay account in which case you do not need to return the slip below.
We would be very grateful if you are able to donate an Easter Egg or an Easter related item for the raffle. Any donations can be handed in at the school office.
Many thanks for your continuing support!
Yours sincerely
Larissa James
Easter Raffle
Please can I have ……… strips of raffle tickets. I enclose £…………to cover the cost (£1.00 per strip).
Name ……………………………………………………………(for raffle ticket)
Contact number ………………………………………………..
Child’s Name ……………………………………………………
Class ……………………………………………………............
(Please write child’s full name and class)
18th September 2023
Dear Parents/Carers
Movie Night
We are holding a movie night for children in Year 1 and 2 on Monday 2nd October to raise money for equipment to use in the outside learning environments around the school.
For £3.00 the children will have a full cinema experience in the school hall with popcorn and drinks. The evening will begin at 3.15pm (the children will be taken straight to the hall from their class) and must be collected at 5.00pm from their classroom doors. The film will be Marmaduke (PG rating).
The number of children who can attend is limited and places will be given on a first come first served basis upon replies received with the money. Please post your slips/money in the grey post box in the main reception area. This event will not be available online due to the restricted numbers.
Any replies handed in via the classroom will not be accepted.
Thank you for your continued support.
Yours sincerely
Mrs L James
Movie Night
I give permission for my child ……………………………………….. Class ………………………………………
To attend the Movie Night on Monday 2nd October 3.15pm - 5.00pm.
I enclose £3.00
My child can have:
Squash Any dietary requirements ………………………………………………………………..
Signed ………………………………………………………………………….. Date ………………………………
27th June 2022
Dear Parents / Carers,
We have planned our sports day on Tuesday 19th July at 9.30am – 11.30am on the top school field. The children will participate in a carousel of athletic activities followed by competitive races on the running track on the bottom field.
Due to Local Authority Health & Safety advice and guidelines your child will not be able to participate in sports day if they are wearing earrings. Please ensure earrings are removed and long hair is tied back.
Each class has been assigned a colour to wear so you can identify your child easily. Please can you provide your child with the correct colour t-shirt for their class. Please ensure your child arrives at school already dressed in their PE kit (coloured t-shirt, shorts and suitable trainers or plimsolls) and a named water bottle in order to participate in the activities. Named sun hats and the application of suncream before school is also essential.
Listed below are the colours of the teams:
Year R: Owlets - Green Snowy Owls - Red
Year 1: Barn Owls - Purple Tawny Owls - Blue Speckled Owls - Yellow
Year 2: Wise Owls - Pink Eagle Owls - White
Thank you for your continuing support and we look forward to seeing you all soon.
Yours sincerely,
Larissa James
Sports Event – Tuesday 19th July 2022
We will be holding an adults race for parents at the end of the morning. If you wish to take part, please return this form in your child’s zipped wallet by the morning of Wednesday 13th July 2022.
Child’s Name……………………………………………… Class…………………………………
I, ………………………………………………….. wish to take part in the adults race.
3rd May 2022
Dear Parents/Carers
Merton Movie Night
We are holding a Merton Movie Night for children on Wednesday 11th May to raise money for equipment to use in the outside learning environments around the school.
For £3.00 the children will have a full cinema experience in the school hall with popcorn and drinks. The evening will begin at 3.15pm and children must be collected at 5.00pm from their classroom doors.
The number of children who can attend is being limited to the first 150 replies and money received. Please post your slips/money in the grey post box in the main reception area. Any replies handed in via the classroom will not be accepted. This event will not be available online due to the restricted numbers.
Thank you for your continued support.
Yours sincerely
Mrs L James
Merton Movie Night
I give permission for my child ……………………………………….. Class ………………………………………
To attend the Movie Night on Wednesday 11th May 3.15 - 5.00pm.
I enclose £3.00 for the event.
My child can have:
Popcorn Yes/No
Squash Yes/No
Signed ………………………………………………………………………….. Date ………………………………
3rd May 2022
Dear Parents/Carers
Year 2 Trip - Windsor Castle
We will be taking the Y2 children to visit Windsor Castle on Friday 24th June 2022. This trip will be the perfect landing to our ‘Once upon a time’ topic. We will be asking parents/carers for a voluntary contribution of £20.15 per child to cover the cost of the outing, which includes entrance fee and coach hire.
The children will need to wear their school uniform which includes their white logo polo shirt, a waterproof coat and suitable shoes. The school can provide a packed lunch for all children; however if you prefer, you are welcome to provide your own (no glass bottles, fizzy drinks, chocolate etc). If you want the school to provide lunch please indicate below what your child’s preference is.
Please send your contribution in via your child’s zipped wallet or you may send your contribution via our on-line payment service. Alternatively you may wish to register for a pre-payment card as detailed in our letter of the 8th March in which case you should contact the school office. Unfortunately if we do not receive sufficient contributions the trip may have to be cancelled.
Please sign the slip below and return it in your child’s zipped wallet no later than Thursday 16th June 2022.
Yours sincerely
Larissa James
Windsor Castle Trip - Friday 24th June 2022
Child’s Name: …………………………………………………… Class: ……………………………………………
I enclose a voluntary contribution of £20.15 to cover the cost of the trip.
(Please make cheques payable to Merton Infant School).
i have paid on-line
I would like my child to have:
Ham roll Cheese roll Bring their own packed lunch (please tick)
Signed……………………………………………… Print name ………………………………………………...
9th February 2022
Dear Parent/Carer,
Year 1 Trip – Marwell Zoo
We are planning to take the Y1 children to Marwell Zoo on Monday 4th April 2022. This trip will be an important stimulus for our science topic. During their visit the children will be able to study the physical features and habitats of a variety of animals.
The children will need to wear their school uniform which includes their white logo polo shirt, a waterproof coat and suitable shoes. They will also require a named water bottle. The school can provide a packed lunch for all children; however if you prefer, you are welcome to provide your own (no glass bottles, fizzy drinks or chocolate etc) in a named plastic bag which can be disposed of after lunch. If you want the school to provide lunch please indicate below what your child’s preference is.
In order for the trip to go ahead we are asking parents/carers to make a voluntary contribution of £13.10 per child to cover the cost of the trip. Please send your contribution in via your child’s zipped wallet or you may send your contribution via our on-line payment service. Unfortunately if we do not receive sufficient contributions the trip may have to be cancelled.
Please sign the slip below and return it, with your donation, in your child’s zipped wallet no later than Monday 28th March 2022.
Yours sincerely,
Larissa James
Marwell Zoo – Monday 4th April 2022
Child’s Name: …………………………………………………… Class: ……………………………………
I enclose a voluntary contribution of £13.10 to cover the cost of the trip. (Please make cheques payable to Merton Infant School).
I have paid on-line
I would like my child to have:
Ham Roll Cheese Roll Bring their own packed lunch (please tick)
Signed……………………………………………. Print name ……………………………………………
o o O o o
17th January 2022
Dear Parent/ Carer,
Year R Trip to Wellington Country Park
We are planning to take the YR children to Wellington Country Park on Friday 4th March 2022.
The children will need to wear their school uniform which includes their white logo polo shirt, a waterproof coat and suitable shoes or, if the weather is hot, sunhats and sunscreen applied before school. They will also require a named water bottle. The school can provide a packed lunch for all children; however if you prefer, you are welcome to provide your own (no glass bottles, fizzy drinks or chocolate etc) in a named plastic bag which can be disposed of after lunch. If you want the school to provide lunch please indicate below what your child’s preference is.
In order for the trip to go ahead we are asking parents/carers to make a voluntary contribution of £12.10 per child to cover the cost. Please send your contribution in via your child’s zipped wallet or you may send your contribution via our on-line payment service. Unfortunately if we do not receive sufficient contributions the trip may have to be cancelled. Please sign the slip below and return it, with your voluntary contribution, in your child’s zipped wallet no later than Tuesday 15th February 2022.
Yours sincerely,
Larissa James
Wellington Country Park - Friday 4th March 2022
Child’s Name: ………………………………………………Class: ……………………………………
I enclose a voluntary contribution of £12.10 to cover the cost of the trip.
(Please make cheques payable to Merton Infant School).
I have paid on-line
I would like my child to have:
Cheese Roll Ham Roll Bring their own packed lunch (please tick)
Signed……………………………………………... Print name ……………………………………………