Vision for Children with EAL
• Ensure that Children with EAL receive the highest standard of care including High Quality Inclusive Teaching
• Plan an ambitious and achievable curriculum to enable children with EAL to function independently in their next phase of education and adult life
• Adopt inclusive practices for children with EAL so that barriers to learning and engagement are reduced
• Ensure all staff have relevant knowledge, skills and understanding to support Children with EAL
• Ensure that the School Vision and Values champion children with EAL
• Ensure all relevant stakeholders are involved in supporting the needs of children with EAL
• Children with EAL are a focus in a number of school policies e.g. EAL Policy, Equalities & Inclusion Policy, Assessment, Curriculum and Behaviour Management
• Ensure that EAL has an equal status in line with all curriculum areas
• Regularly review provision for children with EAL
• All staff are accountable to support children with EAL
• For children and families of all cultures and ethnic minorities to feel welcomed, valued and part of the Merton family and community
• Plan effective transition to school with parents and previous setting to gain a full ‘picture’ of strengths and needs
• Planning indicates adaptive teaching and/or reasonable adjustments across all year groups and subjects including the use of bilingual books, talking tins etc.
• Referring to an external agency e.g. EMTAS for translation or expert advice and implementing their recommendations
• Half-termly SENCO surgeries take place between the Deputy Headteacher/SENCo and teachers to problem solve children who are at risk of underachieving
• Termly Pupil Progress Meetings review the progress of children with EAL with the Senior Leadership Team (SLT)
• A concise CPD plan is devised and delivered to all teachers and LSAs (Learning Support Assistants) who will have a good understanding of how to support children with EAL
• Use school’s assessment data to inform practice, including the Bell Foundation where appropriate
• Use relevant visual aids to support learning across the curriculum
• Use of a WAGOLL to support delivery of learning
• Use strategies such as My turn/Your turn and revisit, teach, practise apply (RTPA) across the curriculum
• Evidence-based interventions are delivered in line with best practice principles
• Provide effective feedback and addressing mis-conceptions swiftly to enable children with EAL to continually learn and make progress
• Sharing children’s progress with their parents and suggesting ways they can support at home
• Children with EAL are included in all classroom learning to ensure they are exposed to a language-rich environment and all aspects of learning within the curriculum
• Celebration of a different language each half term including visual displays
• A Young Interpreter team dedicated to supporting children with EAL in all aspects of school life
• Encouraging children with EAL to write in their home language
• Cultural theme days enrich children’s understanding and celebrate diversity within the school
• Parent workshops and coffee events to develop strong parent partnerships
• A welcome sign, multicultural display, rug positioned at the entrance to the main part of the school and flags in the hall celebrate the cultures of the children and families at school
• Delivery of a rich and diverse learning environment (physical, materials, resources, instructional strategies and learning outcomes) which positively impacts children with EAL
• Use of resources in a range of languages to enrich and develop knowledge and understanding
• All communication to parents is adapted to maximise parental engagement e.g. Google Translate
• An EAL story telling club provides opportunities to children with EAL to further develop their language skills in school
• Children with EAL have equal opportunity to attend extra-curricular clubs
• Children with EAL make progress at their level across the curriculum from their starting point to enable them to access life skills
• Parents are better placed to support their children’s needs outside of school
• The independence and confidence of children with EAL improves and they engage in all school activities
• Children with EAL are better able to communicate their needs and can talk about their strengths, development points and worries
• Children with EAL feel happy, safe and respected
• Children with EAL feel confident celebrating their first language in school and are encouraged to use key phrases in the classroom
• There are minimal or no racial incidents recorded by school