

Infant School

Aiming High, Achieving Together

Hampshire SENDIASS

Hampshire SENDIASS has produced a new information video for parents and professionals to showcase what the service offers and what those accessing the service can expect. The video can be viewed below, or on their social media:


SENDIASS stands for Special Educational Needs & Disabilities Information Advice & Support Service. Hampshire SENDIASS offers accurate, up to date and impartial resources and information about the law on special educational needs and disability. This covers:

  • Education, health and social care
  • National and local policy
  • The Local Offer
  • Rights and choices
  • Opportunities to participate
  • Finding help and advice
  • Accessing support 


They provide information in many ways, including on their website, through publications or at training events and conferences.


Sometimes information is not enough. Parents may want help to gather information, make sense of it and apply it to their own situation. In these cases advice may be offered this service by email, on the telephone and through work with groups. 


If parents have checked the information and had advice but are unable to advocate for themselves without further support e.g. if your case is very complex or if they find it hard to communicate, Hampshire SENDIASS may be able to provide one-to-one support until they reach a stage where they feel able to proceed without help.
