

Infant School

Aiming High, Achieving Together

Art / DT



Intent: "Every child is an artist" - Pablo Picasso 1976.

We believe that art is an integral part of children’s learning which has a positive impact on children’s wellbeing and happiness. We are passionate about providing experiences that all children can access which develop skills, knowledge, appreciation and enjoyment of art while also giving opportunities to express and share their ideas and feelings. We encourage children to understand that there is no right or wrong in Art. Creativity is in the eye of the beholder.


Implementation: Our own scheme of work encompasses the aims within the EYFS framework and the Key Stage 1 National Curriculum. Throughout the school our art curriculum is sequential and progressive ensuring that skills achieved in Year R are used again and built upon throughout Year 1 and Year 2 through repetition and relearning. 


Art is experienced by investigating and evaluating artists from different cultures and different periods in history and from the present to develop a greater understanding of the many techniques used to help them create their own pieces of art. They begin to understand how art contributes to culture and how it can be used to capture a moment in time. We believe that this approach captivates children’s creativity as the pieces they produce are related to something familiar that they have been learning about and inspires them.

Artistic language is scaffolded in each lesson with key vocabulary shared. Teachers model the use of this language in their teaching and model the skills and methods being taught to ensure pupil understanding.


An annual themed art week is hosted within the school which enriches and links to other subjects to enhance children’s learning to further develop their cultural capital.

We enhance our appreciation of Art by inviting Artists into school, engaging in competitions or local exhibitions, visiting art galleries/ and museums including planning weekly Art club sessions.


Impact: Across the school we are proud to celebrate and display all of the children’s artwork. As well as creating a beautiful environment this also provides a platform for children to share different techniques and give each other feedback. We also invite families in for exhibitions of work allowing children to experience the element of being an artist. It is lovely to see the children’s confidence flourish and their sense of accomplishment. The children are engaged and motivated during their lessons and show willingness to improve and acquire new skills, deepening their knowledge in Art and Design. Formative assessments are made by our class teachers regularly during lessons and discussions and feedback from children are positive with more children taking it upon themselves to produce independent pieces of Art pieces in their own time.

Design Technology (DT)


Intent: We believe that DT gives children the opportunity to develop skills, knowledge and understanding of designing and making functional products. We feel it is vital to nurture creativity and innovation through design and by exploring the designed world in which we live and work. We aim to encourage children to become problem solvers, both independently and as a team.


Implementation: Our own scheme of work encompasses the aims within the EYFS framework and the Key Stage 1 National Curriculum and provides many cross curricular opportunities. Throughout the school the skills achieved in our DT lessons are sequential and progressive ensuring that skills achieved in Year R are used again and built upon throughout Year 1 and Year 2. We develop the children's skills and knowledge in design, structures, mechanisms and food. We provide opportunities to explore a range of materials, resources and technology including ingredients and baking implements used within a safe environment. We encourage children to investigate and understand the world around them, how it works and deepen their knowledge and understanding of the technology available by linking their learning to well-known designers from different periods of time in history providing opportunities to compare technology from the past to today. This leads the children to reflect on and evaluate their experiences.

In Year R, a wide variety of DT skills are taught through each term's project. Children are encouraged to be creative and innovative using construction toys and develop joining skills and fine motor skills. They are encouraged to use these skills to solve problems. Children demonstrate progression of knowledge and skills which they continuously build on and embed in Years 1 and 2 where the children learn about becoming a designer and the process of research, design, plan, make and evaluate.


We use a range of pedagogical practices to ensure that we emphasise the main phases of designing, making and evaluating. Clear modelling and expert questioning enable children to overlearn, refine and transfer skills and knowledge to their long-term memory.


Impact: Children enjoy DT lessons and show that they are eager to develop their skills. When asked children give positive feedback about lessons and are proud of the products that they have produced which are often displayed around school.

